Terry Scott Lives! :-)


Finding my (electric) wheels
Apr 1, 2016
Leeds, Yarkshire!
Well, after much advice, guidance, opinion and deliberation I plumped for the one I liked the look of most.

Last years model, found a good deal, plus I had the firmware upgraded to enable the Alfine Di2 autoshifting, same head unit. Dealer also threw me in a spare charger to leave at work. Panniers fitted for work and shopping duties. Just waiting on some bar ends and pedals to get the cruising position I like.

Had my driving license revoked after 25 years of incident free motoring when a random eye test discovered I'd lost a quarter of my vision in both eyes. All down to a stroke which may have occurred during my birth hence I've never known any different. Fascinating and immensely frustrating all at the same time!

Anyhow, I'll let you know how I get on, especially with the autoshifting. For the short term, have a butchers at Terry, he's a Scott. :)




mike killay

Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 17, 2011
So sorry to hear of your sight problems, I live in fear of this as I age and am so reliant on my campervan.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Apr 1, 2016
Leeds, Yarkshire!
Thanks Mike,
It's certainly been an interesting couple of months! Thankfully work are really supportive and I am able to work from home for most of what I do. Doesn't compensate for my sudden loss of mobility mind. I'm a fanatical mountain biker who would normally be driving up the Lakes, Dales, Peaks, Snowdonia, Tweed Valley, even the Alps in my free and holiday time. Not for the time being. I've a small chance of getting my license back but it's by no means a certainty. Just trying to look on the bright side and relying on my great friends to get me about.

Terry is here to help the short term a little easier and little less sweaty. ;-)



May 8, 2015
Looks great Wolfie, glass half full is the only way to go :). Who knows one day when I am heading north and you are heading south we may just meet, on that green machine I will certainly know it is you ;).

Would love to hear more about the auto shift, is it the Alfine 11 speed?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 30, 2013
Eh up tha looks te hay a nice bike thar lad. Ist it the steps motor?
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Finding my (electric) wheels
Apr 1, 2016
Leeds, Yarkshire!
Would love to hear more about the auto shift, is it the Alfine 11 speed?
Cheers! It's the 8 speed Alfine with the Steps power. Low maintenance and the just get on and ride attracted me. I'm forever meddling with gears on my other bikes so wanted this one to just work as it'll be used every day.

So far, couple of runs out, works pretty well. Love the noises on acceleration. Has a little indecision or two in auto mode at times but I think it's also a little bit of me learning how to ride it too! I'm cruising mainly outside the assistance zone so range isn't being hit at all it seems. Run out of gears at around 27mph. 7 and 8th almost feel like overdrives. It's a nice ride all in all. It did cross my mind what happens if I do run out of power... do I lose my gears too? Haha!

More miles will tell. I'll be trying the Badasse dongle too... purely out of curiosity you understand. ;-) But seriously, I'm thinking full power all the way to work, arrive fresh. Then drop the assistance on the return journey to build by fitness up for mtb'ing at the weekend. Got an Alps trip booked in for July. The extra legs will come in handy!
