Thinking of buying a Wrangler, advice welcome.


Just Joined
Oct 13, 2007
Hi all, i'm new to the site and quite impressed.

has anyone heard of this company?

Has anyone had any experience of the wrangler ?

I did see a little posting about it on this forum.

mini-motos price seems remarkably cheap but no
indication if it includes VAT and delivery.

I'll try to call them to find out.

meanwhile any info and advice grateful.



Oct 25, 2006
Far from being one of the best electric bikes on the market as claimed, it's one of the worst from a design viewpoint.

It's a low to moderate power 24 volt bike, the mountain bike style with front and rear suspension is very inefficient, wasting rider input, the rear suspension especially undesirable. The tyre type will be quite high drag. The cycle equipment on it is bottom grade stuff.

It may or may not give good service, but if it's reliability is like that of the mini-motos that they sell, then it will be of little use. They say they stock all parts, but for how long? That hasn't been the experience of most buying cheap mini motos, spares usually being a real problem.

In summary, I think it's a risk purchase. At that price, if you get three years running or more without spending you will have done well, if you are prepared to put up with riding an inefficient bike and like that style, but there is a risk that it could be a bad buy if it proves unreliable.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 1, 2007
Leicester LE4, UK.
There are many bikes available in that price range from many sources, mostly here today - gone tomorow types. Some users are happy with purchases in that price range but many experience poor reliability with little or no back up.

As a bike it's a good example of fashion taking precedence over function, there are all the undesirable design features mentioned by Flecc plus the weight of the battery carried at crossbar height.

While quality is hard to find in the sub £500 market there are better bikes than this to be had.


Just Joined
Oct 13, 2007
Ah, good advice thanks.

I'll take my time looking over
the various options and carry on
using my current mountain bike
for now.
