Ummmm....banned ??

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Finding my (electric) wheels
Oct 15, 2012
It's a pity that the guilty parties couldn't be sinbinned for let's say a month, rather than be given the death penalty.

I, like many, thought Eddieo was out of order on numerous occasions, but equally valued many of his contributions.

As for Indalo, I will miss his humorous threads - off topic maybe, but some had me rofl.

R.I.P. :(


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 22, 2012
All fair points, but this forum does have a history of deleting or locking threads, some of which contain nothing more than a report about a customer's personal experience with a product or a retailer. No insults, just a report of their experience. Result > Thread removed or locked. Threads concerning Justebikes and 50 Cycles are two examples.
Forum owners - and contributors - are publishers, but few have any legal training in publishing.

Concepts such as fair dealing and the right of reply are not widely understood.

Also, there is no doubt that criticising goods and services has become more dangerous in recent years - some of the previously gung-ho national newspapers are more cautious than they were.

Ultimately, the forum owner is responsible for any bother stemming from content because the author, if they can be traced, may not have any money and will certainly be most unwilling to part with what they do have.

I can understand why an owner would not want to take a risk, however small.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 20, 2012
It's a pity that the guilty parties couldn't be sinbinned for let's say a month, rather than be given the death penalty.

I, like many, thought Eddieo was out of order on numerous occasions, but equally valued many of his contributions.

As for Indalo, I will miss his humorous threads - off topic maybe, but some had me rofl.

R.I.P. :(
I have no doubt they have already have new accounts in anticipation from past warnings. Their handles will possibly reflect some fire-breathing Dragon ?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
All fair points, but this forum does have a history of deleting or locking threads, some of which contain nothing more than a report about a customer's personal experience with a product or a retailer. No insults, just a report of their experience. Result > Thread removed or locked. Threads concerning Justebikes and 50 Cycles are two examples.
Hmmmm....50C......or 10cc as I like to call them.......probably better not to re open that can of worms....tempting as it is ;)

Thing is, we are never in full receipt of the facts and we dont know what is going on behind the scenes so I suppose we just have to accept that for the forum being a business, I realise it is, but just couldnt see your point that it is changing and becoming more business related......and even if it is, all I can say is I hope Russ starts earning good money from it and decides to sponsor

CycleCharge | Charge on the move

Sorry, but being in business myself....I cant let an opportunity slip by.......:D :D

Lynda :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
I have no doubt they have already have new accounts in anticipation from past warnings. Their handles will possibly reflect some fire-breathing Dragon ?
LOL....there is NO way they could ever rejoin and remain incognito......unless edd joined as a new Tonaro owner......which I am sure would stick in his craw way too much to ever contemplate..... but would be oh so amusing....... :D

Lynda :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Hmmmm....50C......or 10cc as I like to call them.......probably better not to re open that can of worms....tempting as it is ;)

Thing is, we are never in full receipt of the facts and we dont know what is going on behind the scenes so I suppose we just have to accept that.
I was personally involved in one such episode and I know exactly what goes on.

Deleted member 4366

I don't think any of us have anything to worry about as long as what we write is factual, fair and proportional. I myself wrote in the Storck thread that I thought that too much was being said, which amounted to hounding the supplier, and I personally didn't think it was fair and proportional. I was half-expecting repercussions, which is why I wrote that in an attempt to calm things down.

I feel very sorry for Eddieo and Indalo, but remember, they were both previously banned and then re-instated. Then there were further transgressions and final warnings before the ban. Unfortunately there are rules and we have to stick to them. I don't see it as sensorship.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 25, 2007
Forum owners - and contributors - are publishers, but few have any legal training in publishing.

Concepts such as fair dealing and the right of reply are not widely understood.

Also, there is no doubt that criticising goods and services has become more dangerous in recent years - some of the previously gung-ho national newspapers are more cautious than they were.

Ultimately, the forum owner is responsible for any bother stemming from content because the author, if they can be traced, may not have any money and will certainly be most unwilling to part with what they do have.

I can understand why an owner would not want to take a risk, however small.
Well said. As I mentioned previously, the law is frequently misunderstood when it comes to libel via the internet, or the more extreme criminal charges associated with incitement etc.

For a start, a published statement can only be libellous if it can be proved to be false. In this case the statement criticising a company was perfectly legal, as it was true.

The test for publishing something that is offensive is a pretty tough one. I doubt that a court would find publishing swear words offensive, for example, and personally I don't think I've ever seen things stoop that low here. It isn't offensive in law just to call someone a derogatory name, unless that name-calling can be proved to have caused actual (not imaginary) material damage. Even then it's extremely unlikely to result in a prosecution.

Similarly, publishing information freely obtained or received isn't normally unlawful, unless it is covered by a specific agreement preventing such publication. Even then it is not easy to bring a prosecution (look at Wikileaks, the Spycatcher story etc, etc). Just because publishing something annoys someone doesn't make it unlawful. If it did, then Private Eye and most of the tabloid press would have been suppressed years ago.

The core value of this forum to members has to be the free and open exchange of information about available electric bikes. If that exchange of information is no longer free and open, but is edited or censored and therefore biased, either deliberately or accidentally, then the value decreases, both for forum members and for advertisers and sponsors.

Finally, although the host of a forum has a legal obligation to try and ensure that published content remains within the bounds of the law (tough here when the whole forum is based on a presently illegal activity) then they cannot be prosecuted for the content posted by members. We all carry the responsibility for the content of our posts as authors.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
I was personally involved in one such episode and I know exactly what goes on. to share ? lol.......after all I was personally threatened on that thread, so I do have a vested interest ;)

On second let sleeping dogs lie.....

( I must be in a conciliatory, lets all be friends mood this morning :eek: )

Lynda :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 25, 2007
Aiding and abetting ... haahahahahahahahah

It would be great if the law allowed us to choose which laws we will abide by and which we won't, but it doesn't, as we all know.

For a forum that is based on discussing and actively encouraging and promoting what is, at the moment, an illegal activity, and which compounds that by allowing open discussion about constructing illegal motor vehicles, to try and claim any legal moral high ground when it comes to publishing the content of emails or other correspondence is somewhat amusing.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 25, 2007
In case anyone is under any doubt about what's going on, unless I'm mistaken yet more posts about a certain manufacturer have now been deleted.

Clearly there is some sensitivity about this, and as nothing stated (AFAICS) was unlawful or libellous one can only conclude that there were other reasons for removing those posts. It doesn't take a genius to make a stab at the possible range of reasons for such action.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 20, 2007
I am sure both eddieo and indalo will be back,how can you ban such great posts from both. Great technical knowledge and jokes.
A few weeks in the cooler be it right or wrong will allow them to top up ready for some more interesting posts.
R.I.P eddieo and indalo......i think not.......just resting their typing fingers !

maybe we should all add o to our names until they return.....carpetbaggero.....i bit italian don't you think.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 18, 2012
In case anyone is under any doubt about what's going on, unless I'm mistaken yet more posts about a certain manufacturer have now been deleted.

Clearly there is some sensitivity about this, and as nothing stated (AFAICS) was unlawful or libellous one can only conclude that there were other reasons for removing those posts. It doesn't take a genius to make a stab at the possible range of reasons for such action.
Yea not exactly doing anything to disprove our conspiracy theorys :D


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 25, 2007
One problem is that it isn't always easy to see if a post has been edited. If the author edits it then it usually shows with the "last edited by" line at the bottom. If an administrator edits a post, or deletes it, then there doesn't seem to be an obvious indication that this has been done. I accept that there are one or two obvious moderator edits where the term "moderator" has been added in curly brackets, but this seems to have been manually inserted.

It is clear that threads have been deleted, as well as posts edited and members banned, all over a discussion that was at least based on fact, rather than scurrilous rumour. Seems a bit OTT to me, as on this occasion, at least, neither forum member concerned had posted anything untrue, unlawful or offensive.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2012
West London
Statistics show if your forum name ends with o, there is a 67.4% chance you will get banned.
And 82.7% of statistics are made up on the spot.............


Oct 25, 2006
Eddie is a nice guy who has no malice for others, he merely expresses himself in a manner which is intended to be humorous. Anyone who has spent a fair amount of time in the British Army, as I have, will be well aware of this form of abusive friendly communication that occurs between comrades. That is how Eddie regards all the forum members, as more than just friends but as comrades in e-biking.

It's unfortunate that some take this form of communication as serious and react with anger, which in turn has at times made Eddie respond with strongly expressed anger at the misunderstanding.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 15, 2012
Dumfries & Galloway
this form of abusive friendly communication that occurs between comrades
Also applys to any of the services .. its the only thing that keeps em sane :p also is a great method of giving a reality check when peeps start to take things / life wayyyyy to seriously

I mean... come on, its got to be a f***ing joke.. right

So laugh and enjoy the ride.
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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
I must say that I have been on the receiving end of some of Eddie's direct comments about my bikes,I have never felt a need to complain to Russell about any comments.
Something about 'if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen'!!!!
Forum members must appreciate that ebikes are not selling well at present,the bad weather seems to have lasted for ever and the austerity cuts by governments and the toll of employment on the high street is giving all businesses a bashing. Some ebike suppliers are having such a bad time that inevitably tensions start to surface and many will not survive-it is not by coincidence that even well established suppliers are making substantial price cuts just to try to keep the cash flow rolling.

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