Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 2, 2019
I hope he gets the chance, proving just how wrong all the anti-Corbyn Tory propaganda has been.

it's just the privileged desperate to avoid another Attlee style socialist government. We saw the same in the USA with all the false anti-Obama propaganda by the Republicans, calling him a communist or Marxist just as Corbyn is dubbed likewise here now.

Corbyn is a left wing socialist just like some of Attlee's ministers were, neither a Marxist or communist.
They aren’t clever enough or have the necessary skills to go after those who should be paying more into society to finance the worthy cause of helping the working poor. They will just increase tax on the PAYE slaves and then squander the proceeds on committees to oversee committees and focus groups to focus on focussing. It’s the same with their re-nationalisation plan, you know it will result layer upon layer upon layer upon layer of non-jobs filled by people chosen entirely on the basis of their ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and anything else not relevant to the post. It happens now in public sector jobs and I’ve seen it before under Blair’s Labour government. Corbyn and his loons will be a colossal fcck-fest.

He can’t even make his mind up about Chris Williamson. In-out-in-Out shake it all about. Ffs.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
What about his plan on scrapping IHT and returning to a gift tax of 40% on everything over £125k,(its currently £475k) . That would decimate most peoples estates. (tax would be due on anything left by deceased)
Would mean folk couldnt even give kids help over 7 years before death. (at moment you can give upto £475k to anyone, no tax at all, as long as you live more than 7 years after gift)
Anybody thinking Corbyn is only aftet super rich is wrong. He, s after middle class investments. Wants us all back where we were in 50's. Super rich are generally untouchable. (take a trip to IoM and look at their tax system to see why)
Flecc, you are so wrong. He is nothing like Atlee. (for starters Atllee initiated our nuclear arms capability, Corbyn will make ours redundant)
The things you learn on here!
I didn't know we had a nuclear arms capability, we gave that up years ago, but there might be the odd one in a cupboard somewhere, marked with a Reject Label.
My understanding is that we operate as American Mercenaries with loaned hardware and software as and when they see fit.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
They aren’t clever enough or have the necessary skills to go after those who should be paying more into society to finance the worthy cause of helping the working poor. They will just increase tax on the PAYE slaves and then squander the proceeds on committees to oversee committees and focus groups to focus on focussing. It’s the same with their re-nationalisation plan, you know it will result layer upon layer upon layer upon layer of non-jobs filled by people chosen entirely on the basis of their ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and anything else not relevant to the post. It happens now in public sector jobs and I’ve seen it before under Blair’s Labour government. Corbyn and his loons will be a colossal fcck-fest.

He can’t even make his mind up about Chris Williamson. In-out-in-Out shake it all about. Ffs.
But they didn't foist the ultimate horror of Brexit on us did they? the party that regards itself as overburdened with brains, skill, statesmanship and lets face it only qualifies in the stupidity stakes did that, because their internal organisation is no better than that of a sack of starving rats.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
What about his plan on scrapping IHT and returning to a gift tax of 40% on everything over £125k,(its currently £475k) .
The average inheritance is £125k - hence the rumoured gift tax - I can't see it justified.
The rumours are spread by the right wing newspapers, not confirmed by Labour at all.

I can't see that gift tax replacing inheritance tax any time soon.
There are some zealots among JC's advisers as much as the opposite zealots among BJ's advisers.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 2, 2019
But they didn't foist the ultimate horror of Brexit on us did they? the party that regards itself as overburdened with brains, skill, statesmanship and lets face it only qualifies in the stupidity stakes did that, because their internal organisation is no better than that of a sack of starving rats.
I agree, we need a party that rewards people who are prepared to make an effort. Persecution of the middle classes or the prudent investor isn’t the way to do it through, which is precisely what Corbyn’s communist plan amounts to.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I agree, we need a party that rewards people who are prepared to make an effort. Persecution of the middle classes or the prudent investor isn’t the way to do it through, which is precisely what Corbyn’s communist plan amounts to.
There you go again..."Communist Plan"?
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Persecution of the middle classes or the prudent investor isn’t the way to do it through, which is precisely what Corbyn’s communist plan amounts to.
under BJ's plan, public services go down, inflation and borrowing go up, our children will pay for it and the next government will have to reverse his plan to balance the book.
BJ's plan is just as bad as JC's albeit in a different arrangement.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
£125,000 is actually quite a large gift in the eyes of most people.
Not on value of entire Estate it isnt. How much is your house worth? Plus it would mean scrapping current IHT allowances. (currently circa £350k each and transferrable to spouse, each and every one. (Worked for a lady who accumuated 3 allowances but you can only have max of 2,can be made up of fractions of remainders though) Effectively circa £700k before hitting IHT. (think its actually more now but havent checked since I stopped being involved with IHT)
At moment a person would have to have around 1million to pay a significant amount. Under Corbyn that will be £125k. He, ll never get in with it.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
under BJ's plan, public services go down, inflation and borrowing go up, our children will pay for it and the next government will have to reverse his plan to balance the book.
BJ's plan is just as bad as JC's albeit in a different arrangement.
Sorry, thats rubbish.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Sorry, thats rubbish.
so you believe that old fib about cutting CT?
my son planted a 'money tree' (Pachira aquatica) in our garden when he was 5.
He tended to his plant beautifully until he was 11. No wonder he chooses a career in banking.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 2, 2019
under BJ's plan, public services go down, inflation and borrowing go up, our children will pay for it and the next government will have to reverse his plan to balance the book.
BJ's plan is just as bad as JC's albeit in a different arrangement.
Spending on public services could go down if somebody got stuck in and straighten them out. They have plenty of money, but waste it. Just throwing more money at them, or cutting back the amount of money is a waste of time. Nothing will change until there is a ruthless overhaul of our public services to make them more efficient.

Efficiency is the key. More, or less money is secondary. The trouble is, tackling efficiency is very difficult, and we don’t do difficult, we choose easy, and easy is to throw money at the services.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Spending on public services could go down if somebody got stuck in and straighten them out. They have plenty of money, but waste it. Just throwing more money at them, or cutting back the amount of money is a waste of time. Nothing will change until there is a ruthless overhaul of our public services to make them more efficient.

Efficiency is the key. More, or less money is secondary. The trouble is, tackling efficiency is very difficult, and we don’t do difficult, we choose easy, and easy is to throw money at the services.
Finally a full posting from you with which I can unequivocally like. The problem is in attracting the type of public service manager who is aware of problems,is prepared to get stuck in and solve them,and less concerned with public image. It has always struck me as heartening and peculiar (in a good way), that organisations like Air Sea Rescue, the RNLI, and to a much extent the Blood Transfusion Boards continue to operate. These do not exist on a profit model


Oct 25, 2006
They aren’t clever enough or have the necessary skills to go after those who should be paying more into society to finance the worthy cause of helping the working poor.
But nowhere near as bad as the Tories who are not only not clever enough to do it either, but manage to enrich those who are already wealthy and send hard working poor to food banks.

The answer is balance, giving each periods of government as we used to have, each restraining the other to avoid the extremes like the obscene differentials of income we have now. We've had too many decades of Tory and pseudo Tory governments and it's time for a change.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 9, 2016
That's phonetic.

It's actually spelt pomme de terre a la dauphinoise, but the last word in French is pronounced rather like dauphinwaz.

When you say phonetic do you mean auto correct on the phone? Because I’m sure it’s spelt dolphinwaugh? After the actor. Evelyn.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Efficiency is the key. More, or less money is secondary. The trouble is, tackling efficiency is very difficult, and we don’t do difficult, we choose easy, and easy is to throw money at the services.
you want efficiency? do it yourself.
If you delegate, you have to spend more money to improve the service.
Look at the NHS, care for the elderly and schools.
One after another, every politician ends up wasting money on reforms.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 2, 2019
you want efficiency? do it yourself.
If you delegate, you have to spend more money to improve the service.
Look at the NHS, care for the elderly and schools.
One after another, every politician ends up wasting money on reforms.
The NHS is a shambles and getting worse. I’m hate the idea of private healthcare, but it’s getting to the point where the NHS should be abandoned and you pay for the care you need.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 9, 2016
The NHS is a shambles and getting worse. I’m hate the idea of private healthcare, but it’s getting to the point where the NHS should be abandoned and you pay for the care you need.

That is probably the biggest ball shitt post Ive ever read on here.

Wow, that’s some going.

At least own your nonsense like Gerald does. You can’t say I hate something then say the opposite thing the next sentence.

It makes you look foolish and gives the game away.

You are better than that.
