Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2017
Every country contributes! Some get more back than they contribute but never more than their share of the running costs of the EU. The surplus is the common agricultural policy payoffs, including to very rich English landowners, and investment in infrastructure in under developed regions. That is the money that seems to annoy bojo because the central UK government doesn't have control over which poor areas (Wales for example) gets money to improve the quality of life of the lower classes.

The agressive expansion was pushed forward by the UK.

Those are the well documented facts.
Yes not so long ago (although it feels a very parallel world) Cameron was adamant that turkey has to join(Google it if you don't believe me). If the EU were a spouse she'd have a divorce from the UK on grounds of insanity. Bizarrely, with all the Orwellian distortions floating around I fear we'll have to wait a year to see how low the £ goes before reality dawns
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Oct 25, 2006
Yes not so long ago (although it feels a very parallel world) Cameron was adamant that turkey has to join(Google it if you don't believe me).
Indeed, and the most forceful driver for expansion of the EU into the old Warsaw block countries was prime minister John Major, who vigorously promoted it.

There's always a reason, and in this case I'm sure it was a Trojan horse to aid US ambitions to expand NATO all around the Western Russian border.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
It is becoming more and more ridiculous by the day -

Brexit department head Oliver Robbins quits, throwing Government plans into chaos


Imho the UK national interest is being irreparably damaged by proceeding with Brexit. It does not matter who is rearranging the deckchairs . It must be pretty galling for the top civil servants who are bright and expert in their fields to be shillyshallying about like this.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Here's some good consumer advice from a tory propaganda peddler:

View attachment 21286

Is arrogance the right word?

No arrogance is not the correct word Catholic theology has a term" invincible ignorance. " A person living on oat porridge would need a damn sight more than a quids worth a week and would soon suffer from rickets scurvy iron deficiency etc etc . The U.K. attempted to do that with inner city populations in the 1880s . They found that they needed irish navvies who being brought up on a diet of milk potatoes bacon porridge and mutton were capable of doing at least 10 times the manual work.because their bones had been properly formed. ..... this has been documented

She seems to be a nasty ignorant piece of work.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
From the independent
Brexit: Boris Johnson labelled a ‘nationalist liar’ by European newspapers after reviving £350m claim
Feeling in continental press is Foreign Secretary will weaken Theresa May’s hand in Brussels"

The only sensible things TM can do are get rid of her two problems
Boris and Brexit.
In that order
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I did wonder if any challenge to the tory bribery of the DUP would arise. The Guardian reported yesterday that Gina Miller has got her teeth into the matter but I'm concerned that opposition backbenchers haven't grasped the nettle on this issue.


Remember the arch villain Grippipe Thynne in the goon show?
His favourite line was
"Here's a photograph of a shilling Neddy lad, and there's more where that came from!"

Sent from my XT1032 using Tapatalk
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Esteemed Pedelecer
In case any reader of these pages hasn't been following the story of Amber Rudd's blatant contempt of court, take a read at The Guardian's account of the matter.

The tories are repeatedly showing contempt for the law and parliamentary procedures, (remember the Gina Miller law suit?), and Rudd should be removed from office for her despicable decision to deport one young man to Afghanistan.

Unless these creatures are stopped, no-one outside of the monarchy, aristocracy and their elitist multi-millionaire friends and backers is safe in the UK. The tories are riding roughshod over rules and laws for their own ends within their stinking agenda of destroying every fragment of socialist-inspired institutions and the democratic process per se.

This is The Guardian's piece on Rudd's contempt:


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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Has anyone else noticed that the Daily Mail seems to have given up on using Brexit as Headline material?
Once again this morning only two front page article mid way down the page about Boris, whereas it is business as usual in the Express

What is going on that has caused the Mail to fall by the wayside like this?
Are the paymasters reconsidering their position on Brexit?
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