Brexit, for once some facts.


Oct 25, 2006
Like Italy and Spain, the London area was infected heavily early on; more antibodies per square mile - a test-bed for the rest of the UK to now emulate, to the sound of families weeping.
Yes, I forecast exactly this outcome last year, but not tears, since being hit so hard very early has turned out to be a great benefit. The early Covid-19 was much less harmful than today's variants, despite no vaccines then.
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Oct 25, 2006
But back on 23 july Croydon had 9444 per 100k infections compared to 8682 per 100k average for england (guardian). Sage said today most effective way to curb spread is to work from home. Not what boris' sponsors want to hear. as far as I can tell it's the only good advice - social distancing as an inexpensive way to prevent a catastrophe from becoming a clusterfuck (again). But I can understand the conservative logic of it being cheaper to kill citizens to keep donors in the money and "learn lessons" afterwards.
Hopelessly inaccurate.

You've picked up a ONE DAY point when the whole borough had very slightly over the national figure which isn't even relevant anyway. Croydon is a huge borough, London's largest, stretching vertically well into inner London, and as stated I've consistently quoted my South Croydon area figures, always far lower exactly as reported.

I've explained all this before, even the detail of why Croydon is two separate communities who almost never mix, not even on transport, but it seems you've ignored that.

Our position remains that we are at half of the national figures (currently a third of Pembrokeshire's) and have been like that for most of this year as I've precisely reported from time to time in here.

Have a look for yourself on this link , it's similar in the other South Croydon areas.

and while there check how our vaccination percentages are so low, 21 below the national figures on both first and second jabs, emphasising how little vaccination matters for success in infection and death avoidance, despite all the hype about the vaccines.


"Covid case rates in London are among the lowest in the country in part due to a level of herd immunity in the capital, it has emerged.

Infections in the city have been consistently low for several weeks as the rest of the UK has seen a surge due to the autumn wave."

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Well we had an Irish actor on about this today ..and he was lucky to survive being shot with a blank at a stage rehearsal some years ago. .. the card board wadding fired at close range perforated his chest and entered his lung. , Extremely difficult to diagnose at A&E as the effect was not noticed for some time, and the wadding stopped any external blood l
Daniel Day Lewis?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Hopelessly inaccurate.

You've picked up a ONE DAY point when the whole borough had very slightly over the national figure which isn't even relevant anyway. Croydon is a huge borough, London's largest, stretching vertically well into inner London, and as stated I've consistently quote my South Croydon area figures, always far lower exactly as reported.

I've explained all this before, even the detail of why Croydon is two separate communities who almost never mix, not even on transport, but it seems you've ignored that.

Our position remains that we are at half of the national figures (currently a third of Pembrokeshire's) and have been like that for most of this year as I've precisely reported from time to time in here.

Have a look for yourself on this link , it's similar in the other South Croydon areas.

and while there check how our vaccination percentages are so low, 21 below the national figures on both first and second jabs, emphasising how little vaccination matters for success in infection and death avoidance, despite all the hype about the vaccines.


"Covid case rates in London are among the lowest in the country in part due to a level of herd immunity in the capital, it has emerged.

Infections in the city have been consistently low for several weeks as the rest of the UK has seen a surge due to the autumn wave."

Not disagreeing with your assessment but I do wonder what figures would be if vaccination rate was higher... Even if it had little effect surely it would still be a positive one.
Ideal situation would be 100% vaccine take up and sensible behaviour.
I, ve noticed here in Rotherham mask wearing has virtually as stopped. Thought it might be our Yorkshire anti rules ethos but on trip to Dorset (Weymouth) noticed same lax attention to any precautions. Saw a crowded bus... not a soul masked.. Rather strange with growing infection rates but... there you go.
Apparently French figures are showing signs of deterioration.
I also wonder if high infection rate with low death might stand us in better stead this winter???
And on another issue. I have 4 friends refusing vaccine. 2 have caught covid. One quite ill. (both in 50s very fit)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Your figures make interesting reading.
17500 hours , major service interval: I take it that the heatpump works more or less all the time? that would equate to about 2-3 years.
That is a lot shorter than 4-5 years for gas boilers.
Well No.. I might switch the whole thing off during the summer months .. say 2 months..or I might not. Next the compressor hours are logged not the system on operational hours .. When it is on the warm water circulation pump and the electronics , thermostats etc are on, but not the compressor. So there might be a power consumption of 50 watts in the water circulation pump
. The Compressor is the bit which consumes the most power and it can go from about 1KW to close to 4KW depending on the load . Its on a separate 22 amp circuit. The load is set by an aperture of the throttle valve..also electronically modulated ,which in turn affects the pressure rise and the temperature of the working fluid. The machine is capable of getting water to 55degrees , when in hot water heating mode for the bath showers etc ..but of course the COP is pretty poor under that situation . Normal warm water going into the floor or radiators is at about 34 degrees in cold weather and the house temperature is at least 20 ... . At present that warm water is at 25 and house temperature is about 21 ... It has been a mild October.
There is a massive electrical operated fan pulling air through the evaporator coil radiator in the outside unit. .. It is thermostatic controlled and draws 180 watts at full power. The coil radiator would not look out of place on a large truck.
So the turn in cycle is like this .. turn on the system . Lights come on in the control panel and the countdown commences . If the heat loss as measured by the difference between the inlet and outlet water circulation pipes to the outside unit exceeds a limit... The compressor comes on .. this is a low pitched put put sound..but the compressor is valveless . Then the temperature in the evaporator coil drops and the fan comes on to compensate. . When the amount of heat delivered to the house exceeds an upper limit, the compressor switches off, and then when the evaporator coil temperature rises so does the fan.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Not anyone I really know , the name was Brendan Conway but he is apparently well known enough and was in Vikings and the Green Knight..
I assumed you were a fan of Daniel DL, Danidl. Hope you're keeping an autograph book, could be worth something on ebay.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Not anyone I really know , the name was Brendan Conway but he is apparently well known enough and was in Vikings and the Green Knight..
For people confused by the ending of The Green Knight (like I was) SPOILER ALERT!!! :



Oct 25, 2006
Not disagreeing with your assessment but I do wonder what figures would be if vaccination rate was higher... Even if it had little effect surely it would still be a positive one.
Possibly, but the bulk of our vaccine was the AZ which is at last being acknowledged as inferior in various ways. Our masking levels are still quite high which is obviously a factor in our success, but there are other factors which I'll post on separately when I have a chance.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
I was wondering the other day if the infection levels could be predicted using Fibonacci levels, as done by banks for the FX trading market (along with many other methods):

...but decided it'd take too long, and provide no monetary profit.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Once I started with levothyroxine, things improved, slowly. I have always taken mine at bed-time.
It's a synthetic version of thyroid hormone?

Does it make your thyroid gland less active? Do they measure how taking Levothyroxine, affects your thyroid gland? According to his ex-wife, one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's testicles shrivelled up and died because it was no longer needed, due to large doses of steroids he is alleged to have taken. Would my thyroid gland go the same way, if I take Levothyroxine? I've only got one of those.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
It's a synthetic version of thyroid hormone?

Does it make your thyroid gland less active? Do they measure how taking Levothyroxine, affects your thyroid gland? According to his ex-wife, one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's testicles shrivelled up and died because it was no longer needed, due to large doses of steroids he is alleged to have taken. Would my thyroid gland go the same way, if I take Levothyroxine? I've only got one of those.
If you take levothyroxine, it does mostly replace the thyroid hormone produced by your thyroid gland. However, things are much, much more complicated than that.

In someone like me, in whom the thyroid simply was not producing enough thyroid hormone, taking levothyroxine first made up the difference, then also replaced most of the output of my thyroid gland. But not all of it.

The thyroid also continues to make some of the other main thyroid hormone, usually called T3 (where levothyroxine is T4). And converts some T4 to T3.

If I were to stop taking levothyroine, I'd likely go through a bad period of being significantly hypothyroid but in time, probably end up only modestly hypothyroid. But if I ended up there, I'd want to do something about it because I had quite a number of symptoms.

Many people suffer from swollen thyroid - a goitre in many cases. This can occur in both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

Thyroid hormone treatment will often reduce the goitre in hypothyroidism. Ineed, the thyroid can reduce in size. But so too can it re-enlarge if needed. Though it takes time.

It is also a continuing linguistic oddity that sometimes you see reference to "thyroids", sometimes "thyroid". It is usually thought of as a single gland but actually consist of two lobes connected by an isthmus.

It would be great if there were a way of increasing thyroid hormone levels by getting our own thyroids to make more.

Theoretically, we could receive Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (e.g. as injections) as that is a major driver of thyroid function. It is a pituitary hormone which rises when we are hypothyroid, and falls when hyperthyroid. (Simplified, grossly.) But that too would have lots of implications.

At this moment, despite treatment having been avaialble for almost 120 years, understanding of the whole system is poor even among endocrinologists - all too many of whom are diabetes and sex hormone specialists. We are only just starting to see that many paitents need T3 as well as T4 being accepted. Though many patients having been saying so for decades.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
If you take levothyroxine, it does mostly replace the thyroid hormone produced by your thyroid gland. However, things are much, much more complicated than that.

In someone like me, in whom the thyroid simply was not producing enough thyroid hormone, taking levothyroxine first made up the difference, then also replaced most of the output of my thyroid gland. But not all of it.

The thyroid also continues to make some of the other main thyroid hormone, usually called T3 (where levothyroxine is T4). And converts some T4 to T3.

If I were to stop taking levothyroine, I'd likely go through a bad period of being significantly hypothyroid but in time, probably end up only modestly hypothyroid. But if I ended up there, I'd want to do something about it because I had quite a number of symptoms.

Many people suffer from swollen thyroid - a goitre in many cases. This can occur in both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

Thyroid hormone treatment will often reduce the goitre in hypothyroidism. Ineed, the thyroid can reduce in size. But so too can it re-enlarge if needed. Though it takes time.

It is also a continuing linguistic oddity that sometimes you see reference to "thyroids", sometimes "thyroid". It is usually thought of as a single gland but actually consist of two lobes connected by an isthmus.

It would be great if there were a way of increasing thyroid hormone levels by getting our own thyroids to make more.

Theoretically, we could receive Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (e.g. as injections) as that is a major driver of thyroid function. It is a pituitary hormone which rises when we are hypothyroid, and falls when hyperthyroid. (Simplified, grossly.) But that too would have lots of implications.

At this moment, despite treatment having been avaialble for almost 120 years, understanding of the whole system is poor even among endocrinologists - all too many of whom are diabetes and sex hormone specialists. We are only just starting to see that many paitents need T3 as well as T4 being accepted. Though many patients having been saying so for decades.
Bloody hell, that's a good post! Thank you - I've squirrelled that away to enable a better firing of questions at my endocriminologist in a few weeks. Slow running and weight loss till then, to see if that helps.
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Oct 25, 2006
How come I haven't got one of them, is the NHS cheating me?

I've got a Doctor but he went into hiding when Covid started. He even obeyed the 2019 stricture to stop referrals to consultants, which is why I've never been able to see a cardiac specialist.

I've been told I have a nurse moving into the flat above me on Thursday, just hope she isn't working in our NHS hospital and importing the Delta variant here daily.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
How come I haven't got one of them, is the NHS cheating me?

I've got a Doctor but he went into hiding when Covid started. He even obeyed the 2019 stricture to stop referrals to consultants, which is why I've never been able to see a cardiac specialist.

I've been told I have a nurse moving into the flat above me on Thursday, just hope she isn't working in our NHS hospital and importing the Delta variant here daily.
I have never had an endocrinologist. :(

Plain hypothirodism is usually regard as a GP issue.

But I have seen two endos accompanying partner. Absolutely dire. Beyond awful.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Feel free to message me if you wish.
Thanks, that's very kind of you - I might message you about it, but I think it's better for people stumbling about the internet to find information on the open forum, unless it's very personal.

Both my eye consultant for Central Serous Retinopathy and the Endocriminologist accused me of taking steroids - I'm mostly fat (recently thinner) now, but many years ago I did a bit of weight training to get laid (it worked) - I did it naturally. At the time, I knew people who injected steroids. One lost all of his hair, others were more careful... growing to gigantic proportions while managing to hang onto their mullets. I thought they were idiots... but many decades later, they don't seem to have all died riddled with cancers or chronic diseases, in fact they seem quite healthy; I've only met one from that small bunch of steroid injectors in 2002, at a friend's wedding: Loose skin sagged over his shirt collar because by then, he'd stopped injecting and allowed his neck to shrink down from it's tree-trunk proportions. Stallone now seems to be using Jintropin as an anti-ageing drug - he's not dead yet. I wonder if Human Growth Hormone (HGH) supplementation is of any use to me, as I stagger further into time?

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
I've got a Doctor but he went into hiding when Covid started. He even obeyed the 2019 stricture to stop referrals to consultants, which is why I've never been able to see a cardiac specialist.
How is it that possible for you, with the problems you've described?!?!?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
Thanks, that's very kind of you - I might message you about it, but I think it's better for people stumbling about the internet to find information on the open forum, unless it's very personal.
I much prefer forums - if person A says something stupid, person B can point that out. I just wanted to make it possible to avoid dominating this thread with thyroid issues!

I do have a suggestion. I'd rather send by message but I cannot start a conversation with you.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
I much prefer forums - if person A says something stupid, person B can point that out. I just wanted to make it possible to avoid domijnating thios thread with thyroid issues!

I do have a suggestion. I'd rather send by message but I cannot start a conversation with you.
I think I've removed the setting in the "Privacy" tab - my mind's default is to set everything to "Disabled" lol.
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