Conversion costs


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2022
Just a small point to clarify things.

If you are riding an unregistered, unlicensed motorcycle (which is what your conversion is), there is no possibility of you being insured. If you cause an accident and get sued, there is no payout and the solicitor/insurers will come after you.

Fine if you're a Deliveroo driver with bugger all, but if you own a house? Good luck with that.
Well I appreciate your concern for me :cool: however I still believe that the lycra mob are way more dangerous than your average ebiker when out and many of them have insurance?

As I said I potter about mainly, if there is any possibility of hitting anyone then I'm going at walking pace so I can stop. The bike only ever goes 20+mph on busy main roads to keep up with traffic where the only person at risk is me...

How many cars get scratched/dented every day in UK with idiots in delivery mopeds trying to sneak through traffic, I saw a young idiot in moped with Ls rear-end a BMW the other day right in front of me, he cut me up to pull in, BMW braked and he couldn't stop and hit bumper at probably 4/5mph and nearly went over handlbars on to boot. BMW driver got out fuming and moped guy immediately drove off at speed with a slightly wonky looking front wheel. Dunno if he got the license plate or all happened to quick for me to take a pic of moped. I would not put myself in that position on ebike, my biggest worries are potholes.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
How many cars get scratched/dented every day in UK with idiots in delivery mopeds trying to sneak through traffic, I saw a young idiot in moped with Ls rear-end a BMW the other day right in front of me, he cut me up to pull in, BMW braked and he couldn't stop and hit bumper at probably 4/5mph and nearly went over handlbars on to boot. BMW driver got out fuming and moped guy immediately drove off at speed with a slightly wonky looking front wheel. Dunno if he got the license plate or all happened to quick for me to take a pic of moped. I would not put myself in that position on ebike, my biggest worries are potholes.

My helmet mounted GoPro recorded a car crash some months ago: car indicated right between traffic lights in a four way, moved forward... right into a car going fast in the opposite direction. For some reason the lady in the turning car didn't see the car going straight ahead, in time to avoid the collision, but thankfully there were no injuries because she managed to slow down once she did, as did the other driver. Smashed lights and dented bodywork, some shouting. The other car also screeched to a halt, but not fast enough. Once the lights changed, the driver of the car which failed to stop drove away, and I said I'd send the video to the occupants of the damaged car, which I found parked up a little beyond the traffic lights after I turned left. Emailed that shocked and somewhat glassy eyed family of five the vid, helped someone out, maybe. Well worth wearing a camera for that and all the other reasons. Sadly, they didn't reply so I have no idea what happened after that. I hope my video didn't end up in their Sky email account's junkmail folder...
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Apr 7, 2009
how many of them have insurance?
Third party insurance is a requirement for pretty much all cycling clubs these days. I know it is included with a CTC membership, and by extension any affiliated club..

Your vehicle is a liability on cycle paths, and too slow to mix with motorised traffic. I reckon it's the worst of both worlds.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2022
Third party insurance is a requirement for pretty much all cycling clubs these days. I know it is included with a CTC membership, and by extension any affiliated club..
'for pretty much all'....
Hmm, so not all then, you're basing this on what? Sounds made up to me...I imagine most Lycras aren't in cycling clubs...else running in to bunches of them cycling like fannies and blocking traffic for miles on 'fun runs' would happen more often...

Your vehicle is a liability on cycle paths, and too slow to mix with motorised traffic. I reckon it's the worst of both worlds.
What rubbish, did you bother to read my comments above?

Please inform me why having a 1500W vs 250W is less safe when cycling at walking pace or keeping up with traffic on 30mph main roads?

Another Lycra moron who's broken cover.....


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
just ignore them i can nuke every Lycra twat for the last ten years, they gang up on me they do one pulls in front to slow me down and 2 come left and right fkn good luck with that on a fkn twig with wheels. :p

plus no one will insure my bike with what is on it cos its 10k plus and last quote was 45 quid a month and as i ride round pissed and stoned as a crack dealer im not road legal even b4 i get on it anyway and got mini jumps on the pavement and jump off in to the middle of the road and straight over the middle off the round about try that racing twig bikes ;)

and i got clips so locked in to me paddles :cool:


Apr 7, 2009
Sounds made up to me...I imagine most Lycras aren't in cycling clubs...else running in to bunches of them cycling like fannies and blocking traffic for miles on 'fun runs' would happen more often...

Certainly, all my local cycling clubs are CTC affilliates and you can't ride without joining.

Another Lycra moron who's broken cover.....
If all you have left is name-calling, I'm out of this conversation.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015

Certainly, all my local cycling clubs are CTC affilliates and you can't ride without joining.

If all you have left is name-calling, I'm out of this conversation.
you should come to fod with us lot and try the black tracks going 15mph you will die 10-15meter table top jumps o well u wont make it ;)

when i first got my bike i asked a local club if i could do a ride with them and at first said no, but i turned up anyway and off we all went, i was at the back and over took them all in less than one mile and 30 miles later never seen them again lmfao ;)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2022
Certainly, all my local cycling clubs are CTC affilliates and you can't ride without joining.

Lol, you've made the SAME point multiple times above (I just re-read the thread), you don't like stuff that's 'not legal', fine, that's how you roll and I wish you no malice, however we all roll a little differently...

IMHO gangs of Lycras taking over roads are worth name calling, I was being polite saying morons, cnts is a way more accurate term especially if you dare to try and overtake them...I've got video somewhere of car being kicked by two of them....
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2022
What makes you think I would want to join a club where you're a member? ;)
I don't think he cares.....once you've been left at the start line with your pants down he'll be in the pub before you finish..

But hey-ho, maybe you don't drink either...


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
i cant ride for a club but i can ride with them on same gps track and road and nuke there ass and they dont sell tenants super at no pub ;)

and you could never join my club you are to slow or race me down hill and find out the hard way 6 months in traction is ok enit ;)

and my bosch cx motor is custom built buy peter at ebike motor centre and unlimited warranty beat that :p


Apr 19, 2023
The bike only ever goes 20+mph on busy main roads to keep up with traffic where the only person at risk is me...
Did you miss my quote about the two cyclists who were jailed? Why did they get jailed? People walked out in front of them while they were cycling on the road. Not on e-bikes either.

Unless you are riding on an empty road, with no other human or animal close enough to come into contact with you, thinking you are the only person "at risk" is a mistake. How will you stop yourself riding into a child that runs out into the road immediately in front of you. (Happens all the time.) Cars/vans/cyclists pulling out in front of you at junctions? Cars cutting you up as they turn across you, thinking you are riding at 8mph not 20mph? I'm happy to accept you are the best rider/driver on the planet. However, when you ride on the road, you are amongst people that aren't. In fact I would suggest most of them are barely aware of other traffic around them.

I'm not your mother, so you are free to ignore this advice. A 20mph powered vehicle in the eyes of the law, makes you a motorised vehicle. Without the same insurance cover, license, MOT that other motorised vehicles need to be on the road, you will be in deep do-do if you are in an accident where someone other than you gets injured. You think a court is going to be sympathetic when you say were riding an illegal motorised bicycle because it was cheaper than buying a motorbike for your journey? I can assure you, the courts (at the insistence of the Home Office) will give you the highest possible sentence the guidelines allow. If you own property, that will be used for compensation and legal costs for the person you rode into, even if they ran in front of you. It's hard to get or keep a good job with a criminal record. It's IMPOSSIBLE for you to be in the right, if your vehicle does not meet standards dictated by our laws.

While you may consider riding an illegal bike 'a bit of fun', people who play with fire, often get burned.
I don't know if it's any different where you are, but here in leafy Hertfordshire the police don't consider powered bicycles an issue big enough to spend time investigating. But after an accident that involves an ambulance being called to the scene, you can be sure an illegal bike will be considered the same as an illegal car/car driver, except your bike will not be seen by you again.

As to (cycling) club insurance, if the club members insurance doesn't include named club members, likely anyone riding under the club banner will need third party liability insurance to ensure the club doesn't itself become liable for any mishaps by its members.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2022
Did you miss my quote about the two cyclists who were jailed? Why did they get jailed? People walked out in front of them while they were cycling on the road. Not on e-bikes either.
? So why were they jailed, for dangerous driving, endangering life etc? Post a link so we can understand.

'Not on e-bikes either'
That comment implies you expect it should be ebikes 'dangerous driving, endangering life etc', when the reality is most is lycra fuds in town at speed are the dangers and deserve what they get if the drive like idiots.

Unless you are riding on an empty road, with no other human or animal close enough to come into contact with you, thinking you are the only person "at risk" is a mistake. How will you stop yourself riding into a child that runs out into the road immediately in front of you. (Happens all the time.) Cars/vans/cyclists pulling out in front of you at junctions? Cars cutting you up as they turn across you, thinking you are riding at 8mph not 20mph? I'm happy to accept you are the best rider/driver on the planet. However, when you ride on the road, you are amongst people that aren't. In fact I would suggest most of them are barely aware of other traffic around them.
Well that's pretty much what I do, if a kid or bike/car etc. is anywhere near me I'm slow enough to react and stop, like I said read my posts above!!

Same cruising at say 22+mph on nice wide west end roads, no different from driving a car, read the road and drive accordingly.

I'm not your mother, so you are free to ignore this advice. A 20mph powered vehicle in the eyes of the law, makes you a motorised vehicle. Without the same insurance cover, license, MOT that other motorised vehicles need to be on the road, you will be in deep do-do if you are in an accident where someone other than you gets injured. You think a court is going to be sympathetic when you say were riding an illegal motorised bicycle because it was cheaper than buying a motorbike for your journey? I can assure you, the courts (at the insistence of the Home Office) will give you the highest possible sentence the guidelines allow. If you own property, that will be used for compensation and legal costs for the person you rode into, even if they ran in front of you. It's hard to get or keep a good job with a criminal record. It's IMPOSSIBLE for you to be in the right, if your vehicle does not meet standards dictated by our laws.
We've been over this above, if I give a kid a skinned knee or scrape a bumper I'll pay you work in insurance by chance?

If I ever manage to cause an apocalyptic crash on my bike then I'll take the patronising attitude you display and eat my words.

While you may consider riding an illegal bike 'a bit of fun', people who play with fire, often get burned.
I don't know if it's any different where you are, but here in leafy Hertfordshire the police don't consider powered bicycles an issue big enough to spend time investigating. But after an accident that involves an ambulance being called to the scene, you can be sure an illegal bike will be considered the same as an illegal car/car driver, except your bike will not be seen by you again.
Lol I consider it a 'lots of fun', it was fun from the start, talking myself out of buying a motorbike after seeing how far ebike tech has come past few yrs, doing my reading over many months, coming to a conclusion, purchasing, building then riding...all of it...loads and loads of fun!

As to (cycling) club insurance, if the club members insurance doesn't include named club members, likely anyone riding under the club banner will need third party liability insurance to ensure the club doesn't itself become liable for any mishaps by its members.
This is all getting a bit Brass Eye...


Apr 19, 2023
Don't let @FastFreddy2 see that, he'll have kittens and tell you cannot get insurance! :)
I'm guessing you're up late, 'cos it's school holidays?

You can be as abusive as you like. You think people reading this forum, especially non-members are going to be thinking I'm the dickhead in this conversation? So you've got a fast e-bike. You are thinking it makes you a god, someone who knows how the world works? Not the case. You're a criminal, a law breaker who doesn't care about anyone but yourself. No-one cares what you do, but all of us law-abiding folk do care about the damage your ignorance and arrogance might affect others. I don't need to provide you with links to cyclists getting jailed, those events are common historical facts known by just about anyone who can read news media.

You are the reason cyclists get bad press.

Talk to yourself. You're on my ignore list.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2022
For sure my bike can go 'fast' (if 30mph is fast to you), however show me one sentence in a post where I go on about being a speed merchant, or um being jesus,....I say pretty much the opposite, I ride with care as I cannot afford another bike crash at my age.

Anyway, school holidays are over, mind and dig out your name badge before back to work in morning....


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
i dont care ppl like him they are retards i just find it funny tbh ;)
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Apr 7, 2009
find out the hard way 6 months in traction is ok enit
Well, I can't find a picture of you with that knife outside of your bedroom, or one where you're man enough to show us your face, so I won't worry too much about you coming to beat me up or riding your bike faster than I can. So forgive me if I don't lose too much sleep.

Everyone knows you'd never come and see me or anyone else man to man. You wouldn't even race members of a cycling club unless you had your motor. You're far too pussy to do or say anything to anyone when you aren't hiding behind a keyboard, or able to ride off faster than them because you've got a bigger motor.

We'll never catch you in your bedroom, and you wouldn't be worth our attention if you did. But for your sake, I really hope your mum never finds that knife or the pictures of you in your cosplay outfits, she'd give you such a spanking. You wouldn't be able to sit down for a week!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 8, 2020
or one where you're man enough to show us your face,

I think I may have a pic of soundwave's face on the speedy bike. I'll see if I can find it.

Here we go...


My helmet mounted GoPro
Coupled with your light array, I reckon you probably have a passing resemblance to a spy satellite o_O
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