Easiest type of panniers to fit and remove?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 17, 2008
On my commute I need to go through some of the pinch style gates designed to prevent PTWs getting through. Unfortunately these also prevent panniers getting though so I'm looking to buy some that I can remove and attach easily.
Do I need special quick release clip on panniers or can throwovers be sufficiently released and secured quickly?
I prefer the idea of throwovers because they are cheaper and it's only one bag to chuck over the top of the gate, but if I need to spend 3 minutes securing them afterwards then it's not great. Anyone got experience to share?
P.S. I'm on a budget so £40 is stretching it.


May 20, 2008
On my commute I need to go through some of the pinch style gates designed to prevent PTWs getting through. Unfortunately these also prevent panniers getting though so I'm looking to buy some that I can remove and attach easily.
Do I need special quick release clip on panniers or can throwovers be sufficiently released and secured quickly?
I prefer the idea of throwovers because they are cheaper and it's only one bag to chuck over the top of the gate, but if I need to spend 3 minutes securing them afterwards then it's not great. Anyone got experience to share?
P.S. I'm on a budget so £40 is stretching it.
Try googling Basil briefcase pannier. J E James do these at 20 quid each. They clip securely to the side rail of the rear carrier and are easy to get on and off. You might even decide you only need one.


Oct 25, 2006
I have a pair of 16 litre Altura panniers that are widely stocked by bike shops. They have a lightning fast and adjustable clip on and off system, just a push down or pull up to detach. There are also Velcro loops that can be used when extra security is wanted. Typically £24.99 a pair in shops and from here:

Wiggle Altura panniers

Smaller and larger ones are available too.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 1, 2007
but if I need to spend 3 minutes securing them afterwards then it's not great. Anyone got experience to share?
P.S. I'm on a budget so £40 is stretching it.
I don't think any panniers would take 3 minutes to secure. Most just hook on and secure with a clip.

I use these (you do get two):

Axiom Cartier

They are tough, light and about your budget. Not the most sophisticated clip, but strong and functional.


Dec 17, 2007

I feel your pain! My first panniers were a 'mare to get off. Then i got some nice Vaude ones that had the 'modern' pull up mechanism. Subsequently i got some ortliebs with the same mech, but a better clip.

The 'modern' design relies on using a pannier hand grip that opens the clips. So when you lift up the pannier eg from the ground , the clips open. You place it on the rack let go the handle and the clips close. When you want to remove them you lift the pannier up by the handle , the clips open, and hey presto its off yoru bike. < 1second to remove and approximatly 2 secs to put them on.

heres a link to the ortlieb system:

lots of other systems have a similar mechanism, but you'll never regret an ortlieb.

PS if you want to half the time it takes to remove yoru panniers, you may want to consider putting everything in just one pannier, despite the social stigma associated with Single panniers riders:)
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