How sad this was .


May 14, 2011
Stoke on Trent
I went for a ride today on my trusty Tonaro Bighit ,full of the joys of life ,as always she performed beautifuly ,no reason to be sad ,as i headed to a place i had not been too very often,its only about 4 miles up the road from where i live ,the sun shone .no breeze ,i soon arrived ,
Then i glanced to my left ,joy turned to sadness ,as i began to remember ,this was Bathpool ,a beauty spot ,i dont think so ,more a place of cruelty and sadness ,and a question of where was my God ,when this happend ,

The Yorkshire Ripper enquiry was delayed by poor information and communication; and then diverted by an overflow of paperwork.

Chief Detective Superintendent Bob Booth was obstructed by the laxity of effort and lack of professional expertise of some other Officers.

Traffic Bob was bang on target when he asked his question regarding "why is this question being raised after all these years."

The answer being, "That today with history and knowledge so well docomented and filed on the net,a great many truthful answers can be belatedy revealed.

Just to type the names, Black Panther, and Yorkshire Ripper in a browser, reveals a lot of practical information; and had Bob Booth been given just a small portion of this information Lesley Whittle would never have died because at the crucial time of the initial police searching, Leslie was most probably still alive in the hell hole where she died.
,So sad ,best wishers Brian.