My wife rides a juicy bike classic and is generally very pleased with it, however she finds it a bit too low geared, finding that the pedal assist tends to take all the load even in top gear, unless she 'spins' like crazy.
When I compare it to my Wisper, it looks like a significantly smaller front chain ring, so I wondered if I could change the one on hers to a bit bigger one.
Would anyone be able to tell me if these are standard fittings or not and either way where would be the best place to buy one from.
Many thanks,
My wife rides a juicy bike classic and is generally very pleased with it, however she finds it a bit too low geared, finding that the pedal assist tends to take all the load even in top gear, unless she 'spins' like crazy.
When I compare it to my Wisper, it looks like a significantly smaller front chain ring, so I wondered if I could change the one on hers to a bit bigger one.
Would anyone be able to tell me if these are standard fittings or not and either way where would be the best place to buy one from.
Many thanks,