News from eBikeMaps - share your eBike outings


Just Joined
Sep 22, 2015
Hi everyone, here are some news about our project:

First of all, eBikeMaps reaches now 6000 members ! This number grows mostly by word of mouth, which means people like eBikeMaps and talk about it.

Second, you can now share your electric bike outings: upload a GPS track or trace your route on the map, then add a description of you trip and pictures and show the nice places where you went riding with your electric bike ! You can also look for partners near your place and why not organize a ride with them?

Our trip planning tool as changed a lot as well and is much clearer now since it tells you if:
1. you can do your trip without worrying about the battery (even with full assistance)
2. you need to manage your battery power in order to arrive at destination
3. you need more than one battery, or to recharge on the way, in order to do your trip as planned

If you have any questions or feedback to give, please don't hesitate. We're really developing this tool for all electric bike riders out there, so we're doing our best to make this tool useful for everyone.
