Panasonic Motor - Wateroproof?


Feb 19, 2008
S.W. Herts
Thanks to information that Flecc has provided, I know that the Panasonic unit is waterproof when the bike is being used. But is it is still waterproof when the battery has been removed? The battery contacts are obviously exposed and I wasn't sure whether it was a good idea to allow these to get wet - also whether any other routes are opened up for water to get in. I have to leave my bike outside my workplace and remove the battery for charging. Today was the first day since I have had the bike that there has been signs of rain. I've wrapped a carrier bag round the hole to give some level of protection.



May 22, 2008
Battery out Water in

The new PowaCycle Windsor also uses blade connectors on bottom of battery carrier box with a clear view of the controller and connections, when the battery is removed, it's all open to water ingress.

I suppose the good news, if you can call it that, is the plastic controller box surround is not sealed underneath, so any water going in at the top, will drip out of the bottom.

I agree you will need to protect the battery receiver box if the battery is removed, and the bike is left outside, or if the bike is carried on the outside of a vehicle.

Regards Terry


Oct 25, 2006
The only thing that might occur with exposed contacts is corrosion on the metal, and a squirt of contact/switch cleaner from time to time will guard against that. You can get an aerosol of that from any electronics supplier and Maplin branches stock it.

There shouldn't be any problem beyond that. On the Earlier unit the contact block was remote from the rest anyway, and may well be on the latest. If not it will be well sealed anyway in their usual fashion.

You can see the remote black contact block at the end of the red/white cables in the photo below: