sprint motor 50cycles


Finding my (electric) wheels
Nov 1, 2006
This i s addressed to 50 cycles have you tried to fit , or the manafacturer of the Torq, tried the Torq with the Sprint motor, do you think this would be a better option for long distance biking, even though there is a two inch difference in wheel size with the Sprint Sorry did not mean no one else to reply, please do so if you want to.Stuart


Oct 25, 2006
Hi Stuart

In the 28" wheel of the Torq it would tend to lack a bit of power as it's a 500 watt motor as against the 570 watt Torq hub. The maximum motor speed on the flat with the Sprint hub in the 28" wheel would then be almost 20 mph instead of the Torq's unrestricted absolute maximum of about 22 mph, and that gearing difference would slightly compensate for the small power shortfall. The odds are that the somewhat limited hill climbing would be then similar for both, with just the loss of speed, so nothing really gained.

For very hilly areas or towing, both would be best with 26" wheels or smaller.
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