Wisper 905se City. 750 mile review.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 12, 2009
First I need to 'fess-up. This was supposed to be a 500 mile review but I kept forgetting. Then it was going to be a 700 mile review and I, erm, what was I? Ah, yes, forgot. Now it's become a 750 mile review.

So, how has my Wisper 905se City (aka SuperBikey) performed? I think a clue is in his nickname.

Other than one broken spoke on the back wheel (very quickly sorted and replaced) SB has performed faultlessly. I use it mostly on de-restrict (off-road) and spend 80% of my time pedalling and providing a bit of support to the motor. I still have a green led on the throttle when I get to work after 7.1 miles (with bike stopped). I find that the green led will still come on when stationary after getting half way back home. By the time I get home it shows half full. A very windy day will see that the green led goes out a lot sooner and the battery will still show half on getting home.

SB just punches through wind (bear in mind that this is in de-restrict so range is supposed to be reduced). I've yet to run out of range (though I've not run more than twenty miles.

SB is fast, frisky and still a bouncy critter over bumpy terrain. The frame is quite springy at the rear and leads to a reasonably comfy ride over good terrain.

The Wisper 905se City is a fabulous, effortless ride. It is light enough and spritely enough to maintain the excitement of a regular bike at speed.

I am so happy with my choice of bike.

So, do I still love SB? You betchya lil' cotton socks I do :D

There's really not more I can say. Faultless, absolutely faultless!

best regards.



Aug 21, 2007
Stapleford, Cambridge
And so it is likely to continue, Vikki, although as the thousands clock up you will probably experience the odd fault - as you would with a normal bike

Still very pleased with mine but I have forgotten how far i have now gone - probably three thousand ish. Definately a best buy when i got it and David of Wisper has much improved it since. Pays to have a British designer who reads about their customer experiences and then improves the bike further.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 12, 2006
Colchester, Essex

............SB just punches through wind (bear in mind that this is in de-restrict so range is supposed to be reduced). I've yet to run out of range (though I've not run more than twenty miles.

SB is fast, frisky and still a bouncy critter over bumpy terrain. The frame is quite springy at the rear and leads to a reasonably comfy ride over good terrain.

The Wisper 905se City is a fabulous, effortless ride. It is light enough and spritely enough to maintain the excitement of a regular bike at speed.

I am so happy with my choice of bike.

So, do I still love SB? You betchya lil' cotton socks I do :D

There's really not more I can say. Faultless, absolutely faultless!

best regards.

Hi Vikki,

thanks for that quick review....

you're obviously delighted with your decision and your bike, rarely do we have a summing up of a machine as 'faultless'.

may it give you many more miles of delight.



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 26, 2008
At the moment I seem to be getting 25 miles before the green light goes out (under no load).


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 12, 2009
Thanks for the comments :)

I only do light pedalling and often there's a beast of a wind that's against me on the way home and on the way to work (coastal winds are so fickle). Ah, and I'm always throttle wide open :D

Roll on summer when that wind eases right back.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 26, 2008
I have found I need to be disciplined like that, it is all too easy just to keep the throttle open all the while.:eek:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 31, 2009
I don't use the throttle untill the pedelec runs out (14/15mph), and after that pretty much only when pedalling, releasing it when I get to 19mph. This way, I can comfortably cruise at around 19 to 20mph, on the flat country lanes that make up most of my commute. I carry a fairly heavy pannier, and weigh about 13st, and can ride 25 miles before only the red light shows when idle. This obviously is using "off road" mode continuously.

I've found that momentum is key to getting the best from the bike, and so try to ride as fast as possible, to not put the motor under excessive load.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 12, 2009
If it wasn't for power-on-demand I wouldn't be riding :eek: I can;t go more than a few hundred yards under my own steam before my knee feels like it's been dipped in liquid lead :eek: Light pedalling is ok, it helps the bike maintain a better speed but doesn't have me howling. I have a little sprint now and then but I end up sucking air like a jet engine in a vacuum :D


Finding my (electric) wheels
Struggled to flatten the battery

I have recently just completed conditioning the battery on my 905SE, and I found it very difficult to flatten the battery- it just id not want to give up. I was using it to commute to work and back-24 miles using the 80%mode all he time and on he way into work using quite a lot of throtle, so arriving fresh and ready to go to work. I was able to do 2 days between each charge and still had plenty in the battery, so ended up riding it around locally on full throttle up any hills and even lifting the rear wheel of he ground and taping open the throttle to let it run while I got on with life - it ran for a further 3-4 hours each time.

I am very impressed with the range I was certainly getting around 55-60 miles on one charge:) . Now though I recharge each day as I undertand this is better for the life of the battery so not really testing its range.

My thoughts so far after a few weeks of riding the Wisper is hat it is very good, lots of fun and I feel meets my commuting needs really well. Congratulations to David and all at Wisper.:)
