KTM Macina 29 stolen last night


Feb 5, 2011
My apologies. I received this information second hand. The bike is in fact a Haibike. Still seems suspicious that the purchaser threw away the receipt (£2,500) because it was a present for his son. His story stinks.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 30, 2012
South Coast
Only just spotted this. I feel really gutted for you, not just because of having the bike stolen, but also for the way that is affected your family.

Sadly nothing else that I can add or do. :(
Thanks, modern times I guess.
My mother used to say, you don't monkey with other peoples stuff. Trouble is, I think she only said it to my brother and I.

Vectra, despite the information turning out to be incorrect I appreciate your posts.


Jan 29, 2014
what a sorry story, first the pain of your bike being nicked & then the inaction of the police & not seeing security video.
Out of interest, what did you replace bike with, same again?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 30, 2012
South Coast
what a sorry story, first the pain of your bike being nicked & then the inaction of the police & not seeing security video.
Out of interest, what did you replace bike with, same again?

Replaced with Haibike RC29. The main reason being the inverted motor, great for winter off road use.

The KTM was a brilliant bike but the motor swung the decision. Aside from the motor, the Haibike has derailleur and not hub gears. A such, more torque is programmed into the Bosch system.

The Haibike is great and suites me down to the ground. If it came in the KTM matt paint, it would be perfect.


Response to questions from eBay seller.
"Hi this bike was left outside are work shop we reported it to the police who told us to keep it for a month to see if it was claimed if not it is ares to keep this was around 5 month ago I can tell you what police station we reported it to if that helps to give you pease of mind"


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
SRS, I would be inclined to take the proof along to the seller and claim it back as it is still local insurance received or not as they only claim to have found it dumped at their place of work. On their side nothing lost as they found it, have you still the battery?


Just Joined
Jan 11, 2012
I got exactly the same response when I asked about the bike and posted on here yesterday. The moderator is waiting to 'approve' my listing. Good job someone else spotted it or you might not be aware!
I also asked for the number on the motor, to which they replied they would get it me tomorrow. I haven't heard back.
I'd be inclined to get in touch with the police and ask if there had been enquiries about this 5 months previous too. Then I might be inclined to take a few of 'the boy's with me.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2013
Why would a legitimately lost one have new tyres?

I would not be suprised if the police actually said give it a month... No checks done I bet you.

Alan Quay

Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 4, 2012
If it was me, I'd turn up, confirm the serial number, then take it away.
I'd remain polite yet forceful, but I'd be going home with the bike.

As far as I'm aware finder's keepers is not a UK law.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 12, 2014
Colchester, Essex
The ebay 'finder' will need to have his story confirmed by the police that he reported it found - if true the police have really mucked up (if like my local police they seem to write lost & found stuff in a book rather than use a searchable electronic database) and they might truly have told him it was his after a certain time - it should be 6 weeks.

If I was the owner I would be straight to the police with the ad and ebay and get his old case reopened, and get the bike recovered pronto.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 16, 2014
SRS so sorry to hear about your pride and joy stolen "KTM Macina 29" i was thinking of getting some more theft resistance things for my bike this is what i have found of the last couple of weeks and it would be more harder for your bike to be stolen from you this sort of system would sort thieves turning your wheels around and they would have to have special key to unlock the wheel or it won't be able to come off or move in anywhere.
I hope that it helps you and stop thieves from stealing your ride -


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 24, 2013
Those locknuts look good for stopping anyone from disassembling a bike in the street but helpless to stop anyone grinding off the lock securing the bike to a bike rack and riding the bike away.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 16, 2014
Those locknuts look good for stopping anyone from disassembling a bike in the street but helpless to stop anyone grinding off the lock securing the bike to a bike rack and riding the bike away.
if you did grinded off these sort of locks of which is possible i am sure you would need a set of skewers to keep the wheel straight and also for the back wheel to i don't think many thieves would have to two spare skewers to hand ready to fit and ready to ride away.I am also don't think a thief is going to start up a grinder when he is in your garage to wake you up to come down to him. i would also a grinder would destroy this sort of bike to because you can buy different kinds of locks e.g. crank locks how is a thieve going to get a crank lock off he isn't unless you destroy the motor


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 16, 2014
with this type of locking system you won't be able to turn the wheel around this is what this sort of locking system is designed to stop you haven your wheels and things stolen and also to stop the wheels from moving around.If a thief came a long and was unable to turn your wheel more then likely he wouldnt even bother to steal your bike he would have to carry it away and to be honest carrying a 20 kilo bike is not going to much fun anywhere i am sure most people wouldnt be able to carry it far so they would just leave it alone and not bother with it. i have been reading more about this locks and you cannot grind them off either so it would be pointless even trying to.