Ec-bikes / Cyclone - no more


Staff member
Aug 17, 2006
My previous electric bike was purchased from ec-bikes (website no longer working) Unfortunately it doesn't look like they are trading anymore so anyone out there with one of these bikes may find it quite difficult to get spares now. I've tried contacting the seller but they haven't replied to any emails.

The bike was also sold by a few other companies under a different name. I think even PowaCycle branded it for a while so they may have spares.

It was (still is going strong) a pretty good electric bike and saw me through over 5,000 miles without a problem. Nowhere near as powerful as the current crop of electric bikes but was easily capable of 18-19mph assisted for around 11-14 miles.


Oct 25, 2006
There's similar bikes on the Taiwan site of Cyclone, but they now make a drive through the chain motor which is fitted instead of the hub motor.

I've had email communication with Savanah there, who communicates in English, so they may be able to help if this company is connected with that bike.

Scroll down on their site page to see the bikes and listen to some great electric guitar while doing that. Here's the link.

Here's the UK agent listed on their site:

l Erns Bikes
l CYCLONE UK & Ireland
l Erns Electric Bikes and Cycles
l E-mail:
l Phone: 01364 649040
l Address: 21 Crowder Park South Brent Devon ( TQ10 9DB ) U.K.
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Staff member
Aug 17, 2006
hmm, that 1KW 48v DC motor sounds interesting! 40mph and hill climbing to 21 degrees :D


Oct 25, 2006
But in that short wheelbase folder with 12" wheels it must be quite a hairy experience, probably terrifying wheelies on demand at any instant! :eek:

There's good videos on this UK site of the smaller motor's hill climbing abilities, the flash video of the Beast of Park Street is the best.
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