Kalkhoff Pro Connect Owner Reviews


Staff member
Aug 17, 2006
Reviewer: David Barraclough

Retailer: 50 Cycles

Purchase Price: 1495

Time Owned: 2 days

Terrain: Very Hilly

Build quality is very good.Good spec of Shimano gear etc. The bike is comfortable .The power delivery is perfect for cyclists who like to pedal. Steep hill climbs do require effort but I would say I could climb some serious slopes with this. My first 16 mile trip resulted in only one of the power lights going out.

The only thing I have found wrong was the wiring to the back light had bare wires showing.I injected some black mastic to prevent water ingress and shorting in the wet

I am very impressed with this bike it looks fantastic (which makes you want to ride it). i would recommend you try one if you are considering a lengthy commute with hills. I am giving this a ten because it met everyone of the criteria for getting me to cycle to work every day.

Overall Rating: 10


Aug 6, 2007
1st Review (12 miles)

Reviewer: c_elder

Purchased From: 50Cycles

Purchase Price: GBP 1,395

Time Owned: 3 days

Local Terrain: Moderate Hills


Build quality. Battery removal extremely easy. Comfortable riding position. Smooth gears. Low roll resistance. Brakes are awesome!


Bell is useless, err that's it!


First ride report: 12 mile ride around Richmond Park, Surrey (steepest hill is 1 in 8).

The bike feels very stable but rolls very smoothly. I have ridden around Richmond Park on a MTB before and even without the motor, it takes noticeably less effort to get the bike going. The bike however is under-geared (for me at least on this route) as I went up the steepest hill in 5th gear! I will be changing to 1 rear 16 tooth sprocket.

The bikes hill climbing ability turns a tiresome commute into a pleasurable journey.

More to come later...


Overall Rating (out of 10) : 10


Feb 19, 2008
S.W. Herts
Reviewer: Chris Winter

Purchased From: 50 Cycles

Purchase Price: £1395

Time Owned: 1 week 3 days

Local Terrain: Moderate Hills

Strengths: Quality - this truly is the BMW of electric bikes: every component is well engineered and functions properly and the design is very well integrated. Compared to other electric bikes, it pleasing to the eye. Lightweight, stable and easy to control in all conditions, from heavy traffic to speeding down steep hills at very high speeds. Phenomenal braking. Panasonic system is great for people, like me, who want to enjoy real cycling, but with the drudgery taken out. The range is good - I am achieving about 30 miles on one battery charge, using a mix of power modes: this includes using high power mode for at least two and a half miles of serious hill climbing (10% or worse) when the battery is really being hammered, plus some other long up hill gradients.
Weaknesses: Lack of a manual - allthough the Panasonic system is covered by a comprehensive pamphlet, it would be useful if other aspects of the bike, it's adjustment and maintenance were described. Undergeared - the bike does feel slow on the flat and I end up freewheeling a lot, simply because my legs would otherwise be going like a spin dryer in top gear.
Summary:This is an excellent bike - practical and fun. The only real weakness (undergearing) is a function of legislation not the design and can in any case be easily and cheaply overcome by changing the rear sprocket to one with less teeth.

Overall Rating (out of 10) : 9.5



Aug 6, 2007
250 Mile Review

Reviewer: c_elder

Purchased From: 50Cycles

Purchase Price: GBP 1,395

Time Owned: 3 months

Local Terrain: Moderate Hills


This builds and extends upon the 12 mile report (by me) above.

The route that I take (about 35 miles) is full of pot holes. You can definitely feel every bump but, so far, the bike (and wheels) have coped without any obvious damage.

I change between high-medium-low power depending on difficulty. In reality, this means:
5% high power
35% medium power
60% low power

At the end of each journey, I have always ended up with 2/5 lights on the battery. I suspect that I would be good for about 45-50 miles.


This builds and extends upon the 12 mile report (by me) above.

One thing has gone wrong with bike (more irritating than an outright fault) so far. The 3 light battery indicator on the handlebars skip frequently to a single light. After a while, it will go back to the correct reading.


250 miles report: used to commute within London.

Modifications & Additions:
16 teeth rear sprocket
Schwalbe Marathon Plus 700x38 tyres
Ortlieb Back Roller Plus panniers
Air Zound 3
Axa Basta Defender + Chain frame lock
Abus Granit XPlus 54 d-lock
Cateye HL-EL530 front light
Cateye TL-LD1100 rear light

I have now used the bike to ride between South West London, North London and East London. On each ride, I normally take an additional 12kg of personal stuff. Serious riders (those on low weight racers with no additional weight) frequently overtake me both on flats and uphill. However, including stopping at lights, my average speed in London is about 14 mph. I remember reading that the average car speed is about 12 mph.

There is no doubt that the electric assistance from the bike is superb from a standing start. However, even with a 16 teeth rear sprocket, I feel that I get to the cutoff speed all too quickly (I now only use gears 3 to 7).

After the change of tyres, it is noticeable that the bike is less twitchy but with a slight increase in rolling resistance. Overall, I prefer the the Marathon+.

More to come at 2000 miles.


Overall Rating (out of 10) : 9.5 (mainly because I am now harder to please)


Finding my (electric) wheels
Aug 2, 2009
One year review

Reviewer: Juliet Parkinson

Purchased From: 50 cycles

Purchase Price: £1495

Time Owned: 1 year

Local Terrain: Moderate Hills

I've commuted every day (save one when the snow was too thick) for a year, a short commute (5 mile journey so 10 miles per day). This bike has changed my life.
Great battery life (i've been getting about 40 miles out of it).
Solid construction - the potholes of Leeds have done their best but it all remains firmly together.
Overtaking 'normal' bikers up hill remains a great pleasure.
For about two weeks last summer the charge indicator played up (in similar manner to other reviewer) but it stopped doing it mysteriously and it hasn't re-occurred.


Concur on the gearing - i have spent most of the year above 6th gear. No matter.

Would heartily recommend this to anyone.

Overall Rating (out of 10) :10


Just Joined
Nov 9, 2009
Kalkhoff Tasman Pedelec

Have been commuting on my new bike for a week - first bike riding for many years. Getting more confident and actually taking it out for shorter trips around and about now I am getting used to lugging up the steps to my house without damaging my shins. My commute is only 5 miles each way but very hilly bits. I have one pannier for bike stuff / clothes and one for laptop and papers on the rear and a container on the handlebars for my handbag. I am doing about 12mph average speed - according to my trip computer but I am trying only to use extra boosts on the steeper hills and to move around with one light level.

Top speed so far 26 mph down hill though often managing 22 on the downward slopes. I am not particularly fit and over 50 but I am having great fun, come rain come shine. I certainly don't keep up with the faster fitter riders who have no pedelec, but am not trailing so far behind as to be an embarassment.

With my Pink Tweedy bike helmet and my high visibility jacket I am quite noticeable and do get stopped for a chat in the High Street and I get peered at quite a lot at traffic lights.

Legs ok, but rear a bit sore, but not too bad.

My complaints are that the gears do take a bit of time to change down and the gearing is a bit of a pain and I have never needed below 4 and spend most of my time in 8. Is it expensive to change the sprockets to 16 cogs?



Aug 6, 2007
Pro-Connect 8,000 Mile Review

This builds and extends upon the 250 mile report (by me) above.

Reviewer: c_elder

Purchased From: 50Cycles

Purchase Price: GBP 1,395

Time Owned: 2 years

Local Terrain: Moderate Hills

I only use the bike to commute the 35 miles round trip between South West and East London. The 8,000 miles estimate come from having done this journey about 250 times.


Reliability & Build Quality
For me, this is the final word.

Road Performance
I would not even consider using a normal bicycle for my commute.

After Sales Support
I am aware of the complaints against 50 Cycles but I have always found them to be very helpful. Also, if you live near Richmond, I would thoroughly recommend the guy at Richmond Park Cycle Hire for any maintenance work that you need to be carried out.


This is the list of things that has gone wrong with the bike...

500 miles
Three spokes broke in the back wheel. Simple replacements of the spokes proved unsuccessful. 50 Cycles sent a replacement 36 spoke wheel which has proven very reliable.

4,000 miles
Chain stretched and started to rub on the chain tensioner. Replaced all 3 cogs, cost about £30 (from memory so may be off). I also now run 3 chains; at any one time: one is in a bath of white spirit, one is drying and one in use.

6,000 miles
My rear Schwalbe Marathon Plus tyre was punctured by a piece of glass, absolutely reliable till then. Replaced both tyres, cost about £40. I will now pre-emptively replace the tyres annually.

Battery life
During the first 1,000 miles, I was able to do the entire 35 mile round trip on high power (power cuts out automatically at the limit speeds). Between 1,000 - 7,000 miles, a single charge would last the entire journey but mainly on low power and I needed to switch it off completely during down hill runs. From 7,000 miles I needed to charge each way going mainly on low power. During very windy days, I still need to turn it off completely during down hill runs. It looks very likely that I will need to replace the battery after about 500 charges.


8,000 miles says it all really!

Whilst I have had problems with the wheels of the bike, critically, it is much more reliable than public transport. Typically, the cycle journey takes 15 minutes longer than public transport - when public transport working! When public transport has problems then that commute time can be 3 or 4 times longer. The cycle commute time does have a dependency on traffic conditions but only with a spread of about 10 mins over 75 mins! Also, I take about 45 mins every weekend to carry out chain maintenance. Overall, averaged over a year, I guess that the time taken by both modes are about the same.

Cost Analysis
I only cycle between March and November since the winter months are too unpleasant and risky for me. My monthy travel pass is £180 so the bike saves about £1,400 annually (factor in holidays and the occasional need to buy expensive daily tickets). Compare this against the cost of running the bike:
bike - £1,395
locks - £150
lights - £100
tyres - £100
assessories - £400
battery depreciation - £150

From a pure cost perspective, the break even point is just under 2 years. However, this does not include incidental benefits. The main one is gym membership and the time saved for not going!

Acid Test
Knowing all the problems up-front, will I still have bought the Pro-Connect? Hell YES!


Overall Rating (out of 10) : 9.0 (battery life and range below expectation)
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