Project Q bike


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 18, 2007
Manchester U.K.
My brain's struggling with the maths at the moment, but I think I get your drift on the 1-2mph ;)

As for the radical bit, I guess I'll have to elicit information from Jeff's spy network ;) :D failing that, are we allowed to make guesses?!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 1, 2007
Leicester LE4, UK.
As for the radical bit, I guess I'll have to elicit information from Jeff's spy network ;) :D failing that, are we allowed to make guesses?!
Is he talking of a change to the motor gearing, perhaps by fitting a smaller rim. Or has he worked out a change to the internal motor gearing. Or is he talking of alchemy, probably involving protanium :rolleyes:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 18, 2006

I am
sure the first thing flecc will change would be wheel size maybe down to 26ins that might help on the hills also the gearing would be changed:confused: as for the rest well i dont have a clue:D


Oct 25, 2006
Yes to the rim Ian, and well done Nigel for spotting it dead on, 26" wheel size, which would drop the maximum from 22 mph to 20.4 mph.

It might even be 24", since although mathematically that means 18.9 mph, the fact that less energy is needed to maintain that than maintain 22 mph, and the air resistance is substantially reduced at a lower speed, more like 19.5 to 20 mph would be realised in practice.

The Quando verifies that, since on a freshly charged battery it drives to 18 mph or a touch over, but a Torq on a freshly charged battery is unable to drive to the equivalent 25.5 mph.

Either size change would radically improve the hill climbing with just those minute speed losses, and in mixed terrain the cross country speed of the 24" version would probably be the same as the standard torq, the better hill climbing cancelling the loss on the flat. Only in flat areas would the existing torq stay better.

The mystery and very radical element remains though, and is unguessable. :D


Oct 25, 2006
You're not even warm, definitely not physodynamic.

(provokes mutters of "where did I put that b----y dictionary?") :D


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 1, 2007
Leicester LE4, UK.
You're not even warm, definitely not physodynamic.

(provokes mutters of "where did I put that b----y dictionary?") :D
Google said

Did you mean: photodynamic

No standard web pages containing all your search terms were found.

Your search - physodynamic - did not match any documents.


* Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
* Try different keywords.
* Try more general keywords.


Oct 25, 2006
I knew that would be a stumper! :D

Physo, Greek, pertaining to air.

Hence the trailer sail being expressed as physodynamic.


Oct 25, 2006
..........:D ............

Nor with me, truth be told Ian, I just have the odd moment of fun with them from time to time.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 18, 2007
Manchester U.K.
flecc said:
definitely not physodynamic.
...and I thought that might be a clue, darn! Still, you seem very confident its unguessable flecc, and I think I know why :D is it because even if we were to guess correctly, you're not telling till you're ready, so we'd never actually know if we were right, till you tell us, at which point we've not guessed but been told?! :rolleyes:

One thing though: when you say "radical", is that in the sense of major "bike surgery" not for the faint-hearted, or very clever and far-reaching but simple, or very expensive? :eek: :rolleyes:


Oct 25, 2006
...and I thought that might be a clue, darn! Still, you seem very confident its unguessable flecc, and I think I know why :D is it because even if we were to guess correctly, you're not telling till you're ready, so we'd never actually know if we were right, till you tell us, at which point we've not guessed but been told?! :rolleyes:
No, if you guessed I would confirm, but I'm confident you won't.

One thing though: when you say "radical", is that in the sense of major "bike surgery" not for the faint-hearted, or very clever and far-reaching but simple, or very expensive?
Only the words in red. :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 18, 2007
Manchester U.K.
flecc said:
if you guessed I would confirm, but I'm confident you won't.
Ok, would have been very crafty if you had meant it the other way. Well, looks like we might have some time to think about it, anyway :)

flecc said:
Only the words in red. :)
I seem to recall now that you said the Torq project was "even more radical" than the Q: having seen the full "frame-bending" details of that, I dread to think what's in store :eek: will there be any of the Torq's frame left afterwards? :rolleyes:


Oct 25, 2006
Still in the air Stuart.

The design, not the frame!

Of course it may never happen since there's little likelihood of need, given that the Q bike does everything I need (or that virtually anyone could need) so competently and effortlessly.

The Torq exercise doesn't seem to have much point really, since it would still be much less useful to me. Still, if I find some time on my hands during next winter's poorer weather periods, it could perhaps occupy me. We'll just have to see, and there's always the possibility of some other idea occurring on what could be done to it.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 18, 2007
Manchester U.K.
flecc said:
The Torq exercise doesn't seem to have much point really, since it would still be much less useful to me.
Yes, that's clear from the terrain in your area, well now you have shaped a bike to it I hope you savour the fruits of your most recent labours on the Q bike for a good long while :D.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 11, 2006
Mere, Wilts
How to make friends and.........

Brilliant Jeff, I thought that might be your spies when I spotted the glint of sunlight on binocular lenses! :)

Thanks very much Pete. Re: the neighbours, there's an old saying about making your own luck. In the past over many years I've suffered difficult neighbours, but have developed a way of preventing that occurrence. Whenever a new neighbour moves in I immediately introduce myself and give them a very warm welcome and offer of any help required. I also seize any opportunity to be of some service to them, for example putting a chock in the sprung outer door jamb to help them when moving items in, and giving them a lift with heavy boxes and the like. When they've moved in they always have huge amounts of packing to dispose of, which I take to recycling for them.

Later I take any opportunity when they are passing in the hallway and another neighbour is around to introduce them by first name, so that everyone knows each other on first name only terms.

One going away for a few days? Feed their moggie etc, keep the letter box clear. Emergency, lost their doorkey, got a water leak, flat battery? Fix it or alleviate.

All makes for a happy and harmonious block.
There was one approach that I heard was guaranteed to make someone friendly towards one: Let them do you a favour.
I don't understand the psychology in this (not being a Uni Grad in Psy) but where it has happended to me it seems real enough. Conversely I feel more friendly towards someone who has allowed me to do them a favour (A case of wanting to feel wanted).

But if I go on talking this sort of rubbish, no one will like me! :D


Oct 25, 2006
We all like you regardless Peter, so go on with what you call the "rubbish" anytime! :)

I think it's primarily the feeling of obligation that I'm capitalising on, people don't like to feel obligated to someone and by subconciously being kind in return they release themselves from the perceived indebtedness.

And of course that will work in the other direction as you've suggested.

With some there's an element of dependency too, as with the lady who borrows the occasional tool, not something she'd own or even know what to ask for in a tool shop, but she knows she can come to me and ask without being belittled.