

Oct 25, 2006
its interesting that my perspective is obviously wrong, most of my work is around the city, so maybe the % hasn't increased so much there, but i sit corrected :)
I think that probably explains the difference. For example, ten years ago I only rarely saw a bike in South London. Now when I visit a friend in the Tooting/Southfields area off Garratt Lane at the weekend, the railings and bike parking areas in that general area from Amen Corner through Tooting Broadway etc are smothered in thousands of bikes locked up, often two or more deep on the railings. But during a weekday they've nearly all gone, obviously being used to cycle to work, which could be anywhere in London of course, given how many work in service industries.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 20, 2007
Similar problems in MK where we are blessed with over 270 Km of Redways, I along with some other cyclists here sometimes carry a pair of secateurs to snip off particularly annoying bits of vegetation and wear a helmet to prevent being bonked by branches.

The worst problem though is the breaking up of the tarmac surface, this happens over a number of years as tree roots grow under the Redways. In some areas it is so rough that I take to the roads.

Of course, the cost of maintaining this is network is enormous and someone has to pay for it.
crikey, you mean you have roads fit to cycle on ?:eek:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 2, 2010
Sarfeast England
One could purchase a lot of paint to mark out cycle tracks for £94m., but I expect that to mark out one mile of new cycle track will cost just over that amount ...
Oh I don't know, they could probably stretch it to cover two miles. But having said that though, have you seen the rates these consultants charge nowadays? Then there's the cost of all the surveys to make sure that (a) none of God's creatures are threatened with having to get used to a change in their surroundings and (b) none of the local bigwigs are threatened with having the hoi polloi riding pushbikes past their premises, to say nothing of the number of person-hours taken up with all the meetings necessary to work out the best way of not actually doing anything ...


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 11, 2013
they should use the money to pay for tyres that deposit white paint on the roads - then they could badger path the cycle routes that people actually use the most....and we could make the world's biggest graffiti mural in the process (so i'll have a chunk of the arts budget, and also win the turner prize - bonus!)

see how little i'm prepared to deliver for less than 94 Million quid - i reckon i've got it in the bag :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
they should use the money to pay for tyres that deposit white paint on the roads - then they could badger path the cycle routes that people actually use the most....and we could make the world's biggest graffiti mural in the process (so i'll have a chunk of the arts budget, and also win the turner prize - bonus!)

see how little i'm prepared to deliver for less than 94 Million quid - i reckon i've got it in the bag :)
I am really impressed with your dedication....please can I help you, I can yarn bomb the paths at the same time to justify a share in your arts budget money......I mean, really, you couldnt possibly live long enough to spend all that, just look upon it as me doing you a favour ;)

Im very kind hearted like that :D

Lynda :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 11, 2013
I am really impressed with your dedication....please can I help you, I can yarn bomb the paths at the same time to justify a share in your arts budget money......I mean, really, you couldnt possibly live long enough to spend all that, just look upon it as me doing you a favour ;)

Im very kind hearted like that :D

Lynda :)
good point - why stop at paint - someone just needs to build a knitting machine into a bike (sure some artist will do it - there was one playing records iirc)

anyways i think id live for ages, if i put enough by for a couple of spare livers :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
Look...just cut to the chase...am I getting a share of the dosh or not.....women have livers to maintain too you know ;)

I dont need to build a machine into my bike I can hand knit as I go....Im a woman...I multi task :p

Lynda :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 11, 2013
absolutely you can have a share :) as if id want to wreck just my life ;)

and hate to break it to you, but no one can multitask well ... “a mythical activity in which people believe they can perform two or more tasks simultaneously as effectively as one.”

*dons tin hat/upside down jam pan* waits for fallout.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
absolutely you can have a share as if id want to wreck just my life ;)

and hate to break it to you, but no one can multitask well ... “a mythical activity in which people believe they can perform two or more tasks simultaneously as effectively as one.”

*dons tin hat/upside down jam pan* waits for fallout.
Well.....cheers for the share out :D

Your multi tasking comments only go to prove that you cant even multi task mentally enough to realise that of course us women can do 2 or more tasks simultaneously and effectively....I am making the assumption that you are a man, have you never experienced the thrill of watching a woman multi tasking successfully ?

If not....you have never lived ;)

Lynda :)


Oct 25, 2006
have you never experienced the thrill of watching a woman multi tasking successfully ?

Lynda :)
Nope! But I've seen them multi-task things badly.

However, maybe I'm wrong, perhaps you can cycle, knit, chat on the mobile and collide with a car all at the same time effectively! :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
Nope! But I've seen them multi-task things badly.

However, maybe I'm wrong, perhaps you can cycle, knit, chat on the mobile and collide with a car all at the same time effectively! :)
Luckily flecc I have always managed to avoid the car collision :D

I can multi task off bike too.......and I think we have had this discussion before ;)

Lynda :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 27, 2010
Don't know what the fuss is over multi-tasking. Everyday I see people who can phone, drink coffee,text smoke, catch up with the paperwork and run red lights at the same time.

Unfortunately, I'm not joking. Perhaps we could use the £94m to bribe them to take the bus.


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
hmmm, i'm not sure i'd class London as a cycling success story, especially not in comparison to our peers in europe.

sure they've made it hard(er) to drive in central london, but i don't see significantly more cyclists on the streets of london than i used to 20 years ago, yes i see a lot of parked up boris bikes......but not so many in use
Ghouluk.....the roads around Canary Wharf seem to be swarming with bikes....many very fast sports racer style....you do have to 'think bike' before crossing any road,they are often very fast these days,don't yet see many ebikes.