Another cyclist seriously injured


Sep 13, 2009
Herts & Spain
I have had much dealing and a fair bit of travel with the Armed Forces
Missed this as I was scribing my thoughts but I detect a little bit of a man seeking some kind of reflected glory here Lemmy. Kate Adie was probably closer to the action than you ever were but she never lost her compassion and has never been contemptuous of the British serviceman or woman.

I rest my case.



Oct 25, 2006
We probably didn't need to get personally involved in 1914 and 1939 in disagreements between other individual countries. We did so because we thought it was right!
If we hadn't got involved on my birthday in 1939, we'd have ended up with a single currency European Union trying to dictate to us and Britain on the outside looking in.

Oh! Wait a minute, isn't that what we've got now?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 22, 2007
I have come onto the forum to find lots of offended posters! Peasjam I am sorry (but a bit surprised) that you feel so offended. Actually I thought your response was quite rude but I am not offended by you as it is all part of being in a forum where nobody sees anybody face to face and stamps out three line answers (sometimes there is no time to do anything else like do a bit of research). I thought Mussels was rude too and his comments seemed like point scoring to me.

This thread seems to be divided into those who think deaths are inevitable, not much can be done and those who are outraged by them. I think there should be public outrage at the diverging of the accident rates between different groups. I think there are many factors that are causing death rates to go down in other groups but possibly causing more deaths in cyclists. Two things come to mind. The wholesale adoption of passive safety measures in cars - ABS, safety cells etc, (the improved comfort as well) isolates drivers from the real dangers on the road. Also road engineering does the same. Great for the pedestrian to have an island to cross to but not great to be overtaken by a truck at the same point. Some islands have no purpose other than to force the traffic to weave to slow down but take no account of what happens to cyclists.

I was talking to a non cyclist who was also outraged by the number of deaths (here in London at the beginning of the year, they were being reported at a rate of one or two a week). He wanted cycling discouraged rather than encouraged, especially here in London. Personally I would want more cycling as the more we have on the roads the more accepted we would be (if only the cyclist would be better behaved).


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 22, 2007
If we hadn't got involved on my birthday in 1939, we'd have ended up with a single currency European Union trying to dictate to us and Britain on the outside looking in.

Oh! Wait a minute, isn't that what we've got now?
Flecc - I thought we were heading towards Godwin's law but you diverted us, well done - gives the possibility of the thread remaining open for another 3 or 4 pages.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 19, 2009
Andover, Hants.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Indalo, if the best you can do is resort to petty insults, best I leave this thread. This forum is notable for the thoughtfulness of it's contributors and I do not see that in your reactions.

I regret cyclist deaths but no more than I regret the deaths currently occurring in the horn of Africa or to motorcycle or car drivers. Feel good sentimentality is not the same as 'caring'.

By the way, I take it you have met Kate Adie given you know her emotions so well. As it happens I have met her in the course of my work but I could not lay claim to any great insight into her feelings.

This thread is going nowhere but I can't find a good video to bow out on like eTim. I'm looking for something entertaining about chainsawing kittens or eating puppies. Anyway, enough.