battery help needed


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 16, 2007
hi a bit undecided on what to do.
have had my single speed sakura cruiser for 15 months now, and the SLA battery is on its way, out when new i could get 20miles on pedal ass now probaly about 12.
i was thinking about a change, looking at the new izip because it had gears, i thought it would probaly give more range, but acording to the spec it wont.

i was allso looking at the powabyke 6 speed euro because of the claimed 30+miles on one charge (can it realy do this)the fact that its a tractor isnt a problem to me so long as they are now reliable.

now the main part of the question i can have my battery rebuilt for £70 a complete new one for £100.

your opinions on the following wolud be welcome
a/ buy the izip and spare battery would that give me the 30+miles like the euro

b/ buy the powabyke because although its a tractor it will plod on for 30 miles
per charge

c/if i buy a complete new battery for the sakura and keep the old one to take with me can i expect it to continuue to be some use for a while yet.

taking a spare battery with me for a day out is no problem because i use a trailer.
i know no one can give an exact answer but some other input would help me
many thanks


Oct 25, 2006
Hello Mike

The old battery will be of use for a while, but it will lose performance as well as range, so although it's the cheap option, it's the least satisfactory. You'll probably notice that battery's shortcomings even more when you swap to it from a new one.

The other two choices are certainly more expensive, but having a new bike is always a pleasure. The Powabykes are powerful and do have a reputation for the long range, and many report 30 miles with them, but they're not known for build quality. These things are always very personal, but I'd choose the Currie Izip since it would probably be a bit lighter and it's a very well established design. One reservation though, if you use a side trailer hitch, make sure the hitch and the Currie mounting alongside the wheel are compatible.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 16, 2007
flecc thanks for the quick reply
the idea of a new bike is pleasing my wife is keeping her sakura so mine would make a good stock of spares.
the powabyke does concern me is it reliable?
the izip i like and if a spare battery can be bought for about a £100 at £490 ish its 30miles + for a lot less money.
i did have a quick look through a dealers window regards the trailer mount and it looked a possiilty.
next step is to check it and have a test ride.


Oct 25, 2006
I've never owned a Powabyke, but have heard reports of broken battery mountings and the like. Those huge batteries do give their mountings a bit of a hammering. It seems to be that sort of thing rather than electrics that give trouble. They've been around for quite a while now so should have achieved some reliability and many owners do like them. I prefer something lighter and more bike like, but for towing that means little choice and rather more expensive bikes.

Here's my towing setup.
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