Battery Rattles and Clangs


Sep 9, 2012
hey guys

whenever i go down even the slightest hole or curb or similar, the battery makes a load clang in the pannier rack.

i have added rubber hose to the sides and top as best i can without making it too difficult to still push the battery inbetween them but it doesnt seem to help much.

the odd thing is that i cant fully put my finger on what is happening ie is it the back or front moving excessively, is it hitting the top of the rack or is it when the battery goes back down hitting the bottom?

i am limited a little also as the battery slides onto a guide to hold it in place so i cant obstruct that.

anyone had this problem?

Deleted member 4366

If you want your battery to slide out of a rack, it's always going to rattle and bang when you go over bumps because it can't be a tight fit. If you don't need it to slide out and you can charge it whilst it's still on the bike, then you can wedge it so tight that it can't move.


Oct 25, 2006
The rattle could be inside the battery but not sure.

It is the ezee kit lithium polymer battery fitted to a mountain bike.
I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that one. The earlier eZee in-frame batteries had a spacer block that rattled. From my website:


"Number (7) points to a plastic spacer block that limits the upward float of the cell packs within their suspension. If you've ever wondered what it is that rattles loose inside the battery, it's this block, left floating so that it doesn't cause damage to the upper cell pack as that shifts in the casing."

This is only a light rattling though, yours sounds more like the whole battery moving.


Jul 28, 2011
If you want your battery to slide out of a rack, it's always going to rattle and bang when you go over bumps because it can't be a tight fit. If you don't need it to slide out and you can charge it whilst it's still on the bike, then you can wedge it so tight that it can't move.
Yes my one rattles but as I don't have to take it out too much I use a couple of bungee straps and that seems to stop it. Carefull with your eyes though using a bungee I think someone of this forum injured his eye when they suddenly spring back.
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Sep 9, 2012
cheers guys.

i would be a bit worried about going inside the battery to do anything but i guess it could be coming from inside.

although i dont like the sound of the clank as it makes me think i am damaging it, if it is going down a kerb for example at slower than walking speed, surely i cant be doing any damage??