BionX Airnimal on ebay


Oct 25, 2006
For anyone interested this could be a remarkable bargain.

The BionX is one of the best motors around and the Airnimal bikes are also very good quality, the Joey quite sporting and with good performance.

There was a test of this exact model on pages 14 and 15 of the Velovision magazine issue 26, June 2007 and the conclusions were favourable with no serious criticisms.

As Mark said, £1499 when it was new last year, and BionX batteries are usually very reliable.


Jul 7, 2008
Mmm...... it looks nice and light...suitable for the wife. what will its range & hill climbing be like? is it pedal assist only?


May 22, 2008
Not sure on range because it hasn't been used it in some time (apart from the odd battery top-up). My wife was very fond of it before I gave her the ladies Cytronex FX, but she never used it to the end. From memory it was somewhere between 20 and 30 miles.

It is pedal assist only, the BionX system has 4 levels of assistance which are proportionate to your pedal force. In practice I found you tend to use it on 4 unless you are running low on juice.


Oct 25, 2006
Range was 20 miles on the Velovision test which included some steep hill climbing, so could be more depending on power levels used.

It's the usual BionX system 4 switch selected power levels for varying circumstances and regeneration to recoup power on downhills to extend the range. Obviously that will only be useful in hilly areas, not on the flat.

The Velovision tester reported the hill climbing as average with rider effort needed. The climbing isn't as powerful as the US 350 watt version, but often when I've remarked this, furious owners contradict me, so it can't be too bad!
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Andrew harvey

Jun 13, 2008
Wyre Forest
How does E-bay work?
If I had known some one had a spare motorised Joey I'd have been very interested. I was looking to stick a Nano motor on one back in May. I've only put of the building of what would be my ideal e-bike, ( low cross bars and sporty handling for a short arsed Moulton Fan), because I ended up buying a whole bike shop.
The trick with the Bionx to get max range is to change down from maximum assist to level 3 ( one to one ), or lower on hills and let the gears and the low speed power requirements do the work, similarly to the way Cytronix advise. I know it sounds a bit cock-eyed but it seems to work well, I've tried the same technique on a few motors in the past were I was worried about current drain on batteries, throttling back on hills to find a comfortable medium and climbing slow(er) but sure, tortoise fashion.
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Oct 25, 2006
Just use the Sign In link on that page Andrew, giving your details, then use the Place Bid blue button to enter the auction with a higher bid.

Keep an eye on the page day by day and if your bid gets beaten, use brinkmanship to beat that last bid just before the close date and time.


Jun 16, 2008
It's easy to get excited in a bidding war and go too high which is why a lot of us use LotSniper. Work out what you really think it's worth and set LS to put a bid in for you 10 secs before bidding closes - it'll check the current level and then place your bid just 1 level higher so you get it at the best price - that's their free service.

If you want to pay a couple of quid for their paid service it'll do the same but at 3 secs from the bid finish so you get a better chance.

Either way you dont get into a bidding war and bet the wives savings away :)

This is the link: LotSnipe - FREE online auction site sniping software esniper ebay snipe site e snipe auctions ebay auction sniper site bid sniper free auction


Jul 7, 2008
Mmm....competition. Let battle commence! lol

But I have a cunning plan:cool: