Boris.....and this is a serious question.....


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
LOLOL........calm down Roger, just have a drink and chill......its ok.......shes not coming back......mores the pity :D :D

Lynda :)

Rab C Nesbitt

Aug 15, 2008
Up here in Scotland the old bat is loved and revered as you can imagine, although some subscribe to this -

Commenting on the £3 million it is estimated it would cost to provide Mrs. Thatcher with a state funeral, Frankie Boyle remarked that for the same money you could buy every person in Scotland a spade and they would dig a hole so deep they could deliver her to Satan personally.

Yup, can't see anything wrong with that


Apr 1, 2009
CW12 Congleton
What has this got to do with electric bikes?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 20, 2012
Up here in Scotland the old bat is loved and revered as you can imagine, although some subscribe to this -

Commenting on the £3 million it is estimated it would cost to provide Mrs. Thatcher with a state funeral, Frankie Boyle remarked that for the same money you could buy every person in Scotland a spade and they would dig a hole so deep they could deliver her to Satan personally.

Yup, can't see anything wrong with that
I understand that plans for a state funeral have been made, including a 21 gun salute which will be fired into the coffin just to make sure.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 31, 2010
What has this got to do with electric bikes?
Because, by multi-tasking, starting children at school at 2, voting for Boris and resurrecting The Evil Bitch, we could have a race of supermen ready to beat the world at the electric bike game.


Oct 25, 2006
Today on the TV news there was another example of the dishonesty of Boris Johnson. After the riots a year ago he promised £70 millions for the affected councils to regenerate the damaged businesses.

Today he was asked how much had been paid out to the affected councils and he replied, "Almost all of it". Then he was challenged with the information that councils say they've received nothing at all and he replied red-faced, "That is not my information".

In fact it turns out that not a penny has been paid, the first payment now being promised for the Autumn and that scheduled to be less than a quarter of the money.

We are used to political dishonesty, but this man is repeatedly one of the worst in this respect.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
So, (reading between the lines :) )....guess this reaffirms your decision not to want Boris as a future PM candidate then Flecc ? :(

Lynda :)


Oct 25, 2006
I'm just drawing attention to the real person rather than the manufactured persona Lynda.

I could have added his guest at the Olympics being Rupert Murdoch to underline the questionable company he keeps, something I remarked on above.

To have this man as a prime minister would be wholly undesirable. As I observed above, the present lot are bad enough, but this one is far worse.

mike killay

Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 17, 2011
In a way, it is sad. Boris is a likeable personality and hugely enjoyable company I suspect, but like so many politicians, spin is more evident than true sincerity.
After all, there must be a reason why this money has not been paid, why not explain why?
If he didn't know, just say so. I know that in the daft politics of this country there would be plenty of 'Havequote Willgabble' ratbag MPs who would try to capitalise on his apparent ignorance, but would the Mayor really know this? I imagine it would be left to the accountants and office staff.
Sorry, although I like him, his feet are of clay.
Fine as an entertainer, dreadful as a politician.


Oct 25, 2006
He does try to bluff frequently Mike. I'm quite sure he knew the money had not be paid since his face noticeably reddened when his bluff was called and he realised he had been caught out. Fortunately the media are getting increasingly wise to him and consequently are challenging in this way. Just as well, since the London Assembly members at question time have been too ready to let him get away with half answers or bluster.


Apr 1, 2009
CW12 Congleton
What have electric bikes got to do with this? :p
I thought this was the electric bicycle forum. I must have mistakenly thought it would have posts about electric bicycles. Maybe I should try the conservative party website for info on Ebikes :confused:


Oct 25, 2006
It is an e-bike forum flash, but it would be very boring if that was the only thing discussed.

Of course this thread should have been posted in The Charging Post section which is intended for other subjects, but why should we get hung up on such niceties? It's all in the Pedelecs forum after all, and if you don't want to read it you don't have to do you?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
@ Flash

The Conservative Party | Policy | Where we stand | TRANSPORT

Please note sub heading, "We will mandate a national recharging network for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles"..... there we go, back on Ebikes.
Thanks Jazper :)
Maybe Paul and I should go after them for funding for CycleCharge | Charge on the move

As for Boris/bike link....well, I just thought he does have that cycling scheme in London and Ive seen him wearing a helmet :p

I thought the 'bike link' was enough excuse to post here instead of the charging post as I seriously wanted peoples opinions on him......however, I should know better than to ever mention Mrs T on this forum, I will try to resist in future :D

Lynda :)


Oct 25, 2006
As for Boris/bike link....well, I just thought he does have that cycling scheme in London and Ive seen him wearing a helmet :p
Boris Johnson had been cycling on Bromptons without a helmet for years, but when running for London's mayor the press started to attack him for that and there was criticism online, so he started wearing one then. Clearly that was sensible expediency for him in the circumstances, not a personal choice to wear one.

mike killay

Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 17, 2011
With all his faults (Boris) and also Red Ken, I am afraid that no town or country will ever get a good politician to choose from.
Think what it means to be a politician, you are at everyone's beck and call, no time to yourself, phone always ringing, always on your guard as people try to stab you in the back.
Only persons with a well developed sense of their own self importance should apply.