Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
And so unnecessary.. They have glass bottles and packaging facilities in the USA, they don't need to transfer the finished product, just tanks of the active soup.

Putting it into packaging that is suitable for delivery to small locations makes far more sense on a global scale. Otherwise you would need soup-to-vial repackaging facilities down to quite small locations. Imagine some relatively isolated place like Tasmania.

One aircraft could deliver all the vaccine they need. (Assuming they can store half of it for 21 days.) But is it sensible to develop a repackaging facility there? I'd say it is pretty obvious, it would be over the top. Just where does it make sense to have repackaging? Sure - the whole USA. But if you have set everything up to deliver vials to most of the world, there is less sense in doing otherwise for one country - however large. And even within the USA, you need vial delivery to many places. So delivering in bulk to a tiny number of repackaging facilities, then forwarding in vials, is quite possibly not worth doing.

Delivering the same form everywhere helps ensure that deliveries can be re-allocated fairly easily.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
I do wonder how much farm produce we get from the EU that we need so desperately anyway. I drink organic milk that comes from the west country, I can get eggs from a local farm so fresh they're still warm to the touch. Fish ,meat it's all here and in my case in Southern England there's plenty to go round. So much in fact Supermarkets buy it up cheap and sell it fairly cheap too as do Lidl & Aldi.
I can see some stuff we get from Europe becoming scarce and expensive but somehow I don't see eggs suddenly shooting up in price.
If you are wealthy so that food is only a minor cost item, then yes very little problem. The eggs will be a little more expensive, the imported grain to feed them has tariffs, . The organic milk is still grass and silage fed, but the 10:10:20 used to revitalise the meadow , goes up in price as the potash from Poland becomes scarce. Now don't say ..ahh we don't use fertilizer in "organic farming " .. well you do, it has just passed through the guts of chickens and pigs first,and they then get sold in the Sainsbury's essential range. The UK is not self sufficient in food. We country has been feeding yours for 400 years, You can get all the mutton you want in Wales ..and very good quality it is, but is the lower wages in Sunderland capable of forking out for it?. But particularly in beef, butter and cheeses . We in Ireland did it when your population was 1/3 of current levels and we still do it today.
Now if you think this is an argument for an Irlexit.. nope. Our exports to the UK are very valuable, but are a minor fraction of our EU Fraction.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
I assume if you take this seriously there must be some form of guarantee of the provenance of this data; that the origin is where it is claimed to be and that there has not been any tampering on the way?
There's no question that it's genuine. Some of the emails have been corroborated by other recipients. All the meeting dates shown match with the movements of the people involved. Hunter Biden himslf, nor his lawyers have denied any of it. Only the pro-Biden media are trying to divert you from the truth. Why did Fakebook, Twatter and Theirtube block the story when it didn't break any of their rules? Any time they block something, you can be sure there's some truth being hidden.

Do you notice anything about the stories below?

A few weeks later:

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Sep 25, 2020

We will have plenty of beef farmed salmon, ducks ,milk cheese available

We country has been feeding yours for 400 years,

Please stay off that cloudy poteen in the evening :D
Your 26 counties/statelet produces NOTHING!
It has no industry of note, no produce that can`t be replicated elsewhere in the U.K., it`s a banana republic.
Just be thankful for the british taxpayers handouts that has kept your country afloat.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 4, 2016
Common Travel Area
Irish and British citizens move freely and reside in either jurisdiction - NOT the movement of goods intended for another jurisdiction.!!
You didn't mention movement of goods, perhaps you should have been more specific. Anyway, it's probably a good thing that you had to look up information on the CTA.

"Brexit and Irish Security and Defence
Ben Tonra
Brexit poses fundamental challenges to the Irish state across the public policy spectrum but critically in the area of security and defence. Traditionally, Irish security and defence policy was driven by three interconnected policy goals; territorial defence, aid to the civil power and international security operations. The prospect of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union has placed each of these three security and defence roles into a new context and poses a substantial existential challenge to the Irish state.
This is about Irish defence policy and is irrelevant when considering UK policy regarding the provision of air defence.
The RAF will not cease air defence in the Irish sector anytime soon, and certainly not as a result of the UK's failure to agree a deal with the EU.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
Someone close to Biden is being investigated.

Someone close to Trump, indeed several people, has already been found wanting:
Last year, as part of a settlement in a case that had led to the closing of President Trump’s sham charity, Ivanka and her brothers, who were board members of the organization, were ordered to receive “mandatory training” on the “duties of officers and directors of charities so that they cannot allow the illegal activity they oversaw at the Trump Foundation to take place again.” As a reminder, that illegal activity involved basically using the charity as a slush fund for Donald Trump’s personal, business, and political interests, which included spending $20,000 of the foundation’s money on a six-foot-tall oil painting of the real estate developer.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016

Please stay off that cloudy poteen in the evening :D
Your 26 counties/statelet produces NOTHING!
It has no industry of note, no produce that can`t be replicated elsewhere in the U.K., it`s a banana republic.
Just be thankful for the british taxpayers handouts that has kept your country afloat.
And what handouts would those be?. It is true that the UK can replicate everything we provide..not surprising since the climate is similar ..but not in sufficient quantity to feed 66 millions., We on the other hand,have nearly the same area of arable land and 6 million mouths to feed.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
From N Sturgeon ... The tragedy for the UK is that she is only the PM in Holyrood and not Westminster...
"think the chances of a deal now are almost vanishingly small. They’re not non-existent, and I remain hopeful I guess, because no deal would be catastrophic.
But I’m starting to worry not just that no deal is now the overwhelming likelihood, but that Boris Johnson is actually now almost planning for that.
Exactly a year ago right now, the UK general election took place, and he fought that election to be elected as prime minister, basically saying that his deal with the European Union was oven ready.
He later said that no deal would be a failure of statecraft, and it was a million-to-one chance against that happening. Now, today, he’s saying it is very highly probable.
It seems to me that all of that is because Boris Johnson is failing to grasp or accept that responsible, independent countries in the modern world have to collaborate and work with others, and at times pool sovereignty for the greater good, for the greater well-being and prosperity of their populations."


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
It seems to me that all of that is because Boris Johnson is failing to grasp or accept that responsible, independent countries in the modern world have to collaborate and work with others, and at times pool sovereignty for the greater good, for the greater well-being and prosperity of their populations."
More simply:

It seems to me that all of that is because Boris Johnson is failing to grasp or accept that HE IS responsible.

He appears to entirely fail to understand the concept as it applies to him.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
In at least one sense, spot on:
But as usual ..partial facts are misleading. This is a company I am familiar with. So if you want a fuller story.
The original Fyffes were Scottish fruit importers .
A small Irish fruit importers in Ireland, headed by the McCann family imported bananas and exotic fruits and took on the Fyffes brand, and eventually purchased the company, they then expanded and bought the concessions owned by Geest ,a Dutch company and kept expanding. But the family got older and sold the company to a Japanese venture conglomerate at 750 million in 2016 ... Not bad for a small food importer?. The money raised went into property and finance under the name Blackrock .. How do I know, the chief accountant ,now retired, lives 100 metres away. So the reason the company is Japanese and is headquartered in Ireland , is because they bought it as a worthwhile investment.
Now Japan was on a buying spree,at the time and bought up ARM holdings, the last global UK brand for 24 billion .. which in comparison to what is a regional fruit importer must be viewed as a bargain basement price.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
Someone close to Biden is being investigated.
It's his brother. Things are about to get very uncomfortable for Joe. The dems are still hoping that Biden will be president, so they're preparing the public support to get rid of him soon after inauguration, like I explained a month ago.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Our buffoon made quite an impression on at least one MEP

I would like to think this is fictional, but on the basis of his previous form it's more likely Johnson has done Putin proud again . :cool:
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Sep 25, 2020
Our buffoon made quite an impression on at least one MEP

I would like to think this is fictional, but on the basis of his previous form it's more likely Johnson has done Putin proud again . :cool:
A former MEP with contacts in the Brussels secretariat says....

Yep, right first time "fictional" !!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 12, 2019
It's his brother. Things are about to get very uncomfortable for Joe. The dems are still hoping that Biden will be president, so they're preparing the public support to get rid of him soon after inauguration, like I explained a month ago.
I don't get any of this vfr, what's it got to do with Joe Biden what his daft son got up to? I have a friend who murdered his mothers boyfriend, he served his time and is now out of the slammer and doing ok.
I don't feel uncomfortable about knowing him, I didn't commit the crime so why should I. JB appears to be in the clear and will become the next President whether Trump likes it or not.
What's more important is when will Trump be investigated for accusing Hilary Clinton of being "crooked" when she was not in fact guilty of anything and costing her the Presidency. Then there's the alleged tax frauds, then there's.......I won't go on.
Get after him!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
It's his brother. Things are about to get very uncomfortable for Joe. The dems are still hoping that Biden will be president, so they're preparing the public support to get rid of him soon after inauguration, like I explained a month ago.
I have no doubt but people in the GoP will go after anything and anyone. At the moment they are in a frenzy. None of the motions to the SC make sense, GoP Congressmen are being pressured by elements of their party to link themselves with the motion to the SC..with the WARNing that P.Trump will be supplied with the list of supporters .. you know the Christmas list of who is naughty and nice .
At the moment about 100 GoP congressmen have linked themselves , and there are some 14 States which have linked themselves to the motion, but 21 states ,in addition to the 4 "defendants " ,have linked themselves to the defence.
My expectation is that by Saturday evening, the SC will say ..Its none of our business, how a State conducts an election , provided it is consistent with their law. And we find no case to answer.
I further suspect that it will be early March when the shame hits those GoP Congressmen and Senators as in "how could I have been so blind?""


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Stupid comment of the day from vfr400
Three more weeks and Brexit will be over. Only a complete pillock would take that point of view.
That is when Brexit will actually begin and a long drawn out process that will eventually lead to us re-joining the EU
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 12, 2019
If you are wealthy so that food is only a minor cost item, then yes very little problem. The eggs will be a little more expensive, the imported grain to feed them has tariffs, . The organic milk is still grass and silage fed, but the 10:10:20 used to revitalise the meadow , goes up in price as the potash from Poland becomes scarce. Now don't say ..ahh we don't use fertilizer in "organic farming " .. well you do, it has just passed through the guts of chickens and pigs first,and they then get sold in the Sainsbury's essential range. The UK is not self sufficient in food. We country has been feeding yours for 400 years, You can get all the mutton you want in Wales ..and very good quality it is, but is the lower wages in Sunderland capable of forking out for it?. But particularly in beef, butter and cheeses . We in Ireland did it when your population was 1/3 of current levels and we still do it today.
Now if you think this is an argument for an Irlexit.. nope. Our exports to the UK are very valuable, but are a minor fraction of our EU Fraction.
If you look at it all in great detail it could be said all countries are insufficient in something, if the people of the UK didn't eat so much meat we would be self sufficient in food generally.
The places I buy Organic food are certified as Organic only, obviously you could work your way back through the food chain. I wonder sometimes when people talk of Organic food do they realise the nutrients that plants need to grow are exactly the same whether derived from composted organic matter or from a bag of's the same stuff. Growing Organically is time consuming, I did it for years on three gardens I had. I was so far into it I even developed my own organic pesticides. Yields are lower and growth takes longer as nutrients take longer to be extracted from organic matter v a quick boost from chemicals.
