Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2013
North Staffs
You save even more, since you don't have to put aside so much for a pension! :D
That's an evil looking emoji you used.
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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Massive inflation? Probably not. The weaker Pound costs us about £90 billion more in imports a year compared to pre-referendum, that is about 3% this year and 3% next year when brexit happens.
Mr G Soros reckons we will have some kind of a deal to avoid the cliff edge (that is we are out but without much change). So it's a case of suck it and see.
Yes but price rises are not solely due to the weak pound,there are many UK companies and EU companies that are taking the smokescreen of Brexit to further increase prices.
Typhoo Tea has gone up 50% since June,butter has gone up 80% since June....not sure why but these rises are not solely due to currency,makes a mockery of 3% inflation.
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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Recent pole suggests that young people do not prioritise immigration control in fact 70% want freedom of movement. Yet that is the exact opposite for old people.
Theresa May is considering the views of the old but as young people grow up the motives for Brexit become less a priority.
She should be looking at the future not the past,we are being very selfish to our kids.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
A lttle good news
Trident fiasco 'covered up by No10': Downing Street 'imposed news blackout' over botched missle test just weeks before MPs voted on future of nuclear deterrent
  • Missile was fired from HMS Vengeance during test in June near coast of Florida
  • Reported malfunction took place just before vote on renewing Trident
  • Theresa May was accused of omitting any reference to the failed test
A major malfunction in the UK's Trident nuclear missile deterrent was covered up by Downing Street, it was claimed last night.

Reports allege that No 10 imposed a 'news blackout' after a Trident II D5 missile veered off course during a test last June near the coast of Florida, just weeks before a crucial Commons vote on the future of the defence system.

But Theresa May was accused of omitting any reference to the failed test when MPs voted in July to renew Trident and spend £31 billion on four new submarines to deliver the deterrent.

The missile, fired from HMS Vengeance, was reportedly aimed at a sea target off the west coast of Africa but may have gone in the wrong direction, towards the US.

It was the only firing test of a British nuclear missile in four years. A senior naval source told The Sunday Times: 'There was a major panic at the highest level of Government and the military after the first test of our nuclear deterrent in four years ended in disastrous failure.
How is that good news?
At least the damn things won't hurt anyone if any fool uses them
Knowing this with luck we will no longer be a Nuclear Target

And what wonderful security we have, Putin must be hysterical with laughter when he reads his Daily Mail this morning.
Thanks must go the the Daily Mail for revealing they are willing to tell the world we are in fact defenceless against a Nuclear Agressor.
And this paper is quite prepared to commit this Treasonable Act of disclosure for the sake of increasing it's circulation.
There is of course the point that this might actually have saved all our lives!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I must confess to being a little confused over this "America First" policy of Trump's

A free trade deal with America? Bank passporting for London to America?
Has the man lost his senses? what will the American Banking sector make of him giving away their cosy homeland business to London?
How is this putting America First?

And why would the Japanese Car makers stay here rather than use their American production sites?
Worst of all is the big question mark of having to comply with far worse rules and regulations than we ever did under the EU

Since he is dropping pretty much all environmental legislation the same will apply to us as did to Canada and Mexico under the NAFTA agreements

This from Wikipedia
"According to the Sierra Club, NAFTA contributed to large-scale, export-oriented farming, which led to the increased use of fossil fuels, pesticides and GMO. NAFTA also contributed to environmentally destructive mining practices in Mexico.
It prevented Canada from effectively regulating its tar sands industry, and created new legal avenues for transnational corporations to fight environmental legislation.[48] In some cases, environmental policy was neglected in the wake of trade liberalization; in other cases, NAFTA's measures for investment protection, such as Chapter 11, and measures against non-tariff trade barriers threatened to discourage more vigorous environmental policy. The most serious overall increases in pollution due to NAFTA were found in the base metals sector, the Mexican petroleum sector, and the transportation equipment sector in the United States and Mexico, but not in Canada

Someone please explain how this Trade Deal will be to our benefit, when we make America great and ruin the Environment in pursuit of profit?
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Someone please explain how this Trade Deal will be to our benefit, when we make America great and ruin the Environment in pursuit of profit?
A trade deal with the USA will politically be beneficial but not comprehensive to start with.
Our environmental protection standard is higher. The US legal framework is somewhat stricter, before a trade deal can be reached, the two countries need to have their ways of working to converge sufficiently.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Yes but price rises are not solely due to the weak pound,there are many UK companies and EU companies that are taking the smokescreen of Brexit to further increase prices.
Typhoo Tea has gone up 50% since June,butter has gone up 80% since June....not sure why but these rises are not solely due to currency,makes a mockery of 3% inflation.
yes,some do. We import about £600 billions, 15% of that is £90 billions. Our GDP is £1,950 billions. That's 4.5%, add the base inflation, spread it out over two years for the whole import cost increase to take effect, you get to about 3% for 2017 and 2018. By the time brexit happens, the government will claim credit for putting inflation under control.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
Typhoo Tea has gone up 50% since June,butter has gone up 80% since June....not sure why but these rises are not solely due to currency,makes a mockery of 3% inflation.
There is a tea shortage caused by climate change - lower yield because of higher temperatures. And yes... coffee and cacao are in the same boat...

-France - Average price of Butter-.png
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Esteemed Pedelecer
The Pope has obviously been reading this thread as he has, somewhat belatedly it has to be said, finally pontificated about the rise of the far-right in various countries, something I drew to attention several thousand posts ago in this thread.

I bet most of you didn't realise he rides an EAPC around the corridors of the vatican! For a time, I though he might be using the nom de plume, 'oldgroaner' in this forum but it could be 'flecc'?



Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
The Pope has obviously been reading this thread as he has, somewhat belatedly it has to be said, finally pontificated about the rise of the far-right in various countries, something I drew to attention several thousand posts ago in this thread.

I bet most of you didn't realise he rides an EAPC around the corridors of the vatican! For a time, I though he might be using the nom de plume, 'oldgroaner' in this forum but it could be 'flecc'?

As the Queen might say
"We are not amused" well, I am really, as I am an Atheist , Thank God.:rolleyes:


Esteemed Pedelecer
In 2017, we have a tory government leading the country towards political and economic isolation against the wishes of at least 48% of the population - probably much more than that now, if truth be told.

In 2014, the Scots had a referendum over secession from the UK and becoming independent of Westminster government. Many observers since that poll have had great difficulty reconciling the result with all the pre-referendum forecasts and information at that time. Since then, a lot has emerged which explains how the voters were lied to by a tory government through its media wing, particularly the BBC.

Now, it would be perfectly understandable if the Scots felt rather upset by being misled as a result of the massive propaganda campaign waged by that tory government to convince them to remain part of the union. Unfortunately, those in the rest of the UK probably don't even give that referendum a second thought but they should! Exactly the same propaganda machinery has been used to persuade the nation that 'Brexit' is good for the country.

This move towards a 'bright, new tomorrow' is predicated on lies but with no free and unbiased mainstream media, most of the population continue to be brainwashed every single day into believing it is a good thing for the nation.

Thanks to 'The Canary' for this information:



Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Trump hasn't started well,he is incredibly thin skinned but with a giant ego,not a good combination as a President.
He and his spokesman seem besotted with the number of people who attended his inaugeration ,he has gone on the attack against his own in-house media and totally ignored the 2 million who marched in protest against him. I don't remember in the past any protest against a new president in the US.
It seems he cannot cope with criticism and ignores anyone who doesn't agree with him,the look on the face of the boss of the CIA said it all,he thought him an idiot,he should have praised the CIA not argued with the media.
Not a good start,Theresa May will be ok with him,she will ignore his attitudes because she needs a friend,she hasn't many elsewhere.


Esteemed Pedelecer
By now, I'm sure all readers of these pages will have learned that a Trident missile test went 'tits up' last June. Nonetheless, the tory government continues to buy these useless weapons of mass destruction instead of funding properly our health care system, education and infrastructure.

May lied to the nation in her silence about this information and when asked four times by a tory-sympahising BBC political presenter, Andrew Marr, she refused to answer about when she knew.

This is the same person who wants you to believe that 'Brexit' will be good for you. You can watch the interview here:

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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
May handled the missile incident badly,she hadn't done her refuse to answer Marr suggests she had something to hide,now she has given her defence minister a problem.
She should have admitted the fault,pointed out that Trident had 100's of successful launches and that is why you test them,I assume the missile was destroyed before it could do harm,she should have pointed out that all was in control.
May cannot interview 'on the hoof' everything has to be programmed in advance,so that she can defend by her practised rhetoric,she got caught out....damage limitation needed. This is what worries me about May and Brexit,she cannot be flexible,she is blinkered even if she is leading our country to disaster,there will be lots of missile incidents when her wish list underlying her speech doesn't evolve as she wishes.
