Brexit, for once some facts.

Mar 9, 2016
it's unfortunate that most un-informed people voted for brexit, but we won't have the luxury to reverse the result until the next general election. The best solution now is for May to negociate a package deal ready for 2020 general election. I have the feeling that die hard brexiters won't like any deal that Mrs May will propose.
Trex don't you think your first statement is at best confrontational. You are saying you by nature of voting stay are better informed than the 17kk or so people who voted leave ?? Why aren't some of you stayers saying hang on a miinute trex , that's out of order. Most seemed quick to find fault in any leavers ?? Its not fostering a good atmosphere on here..
Notice on here how ARM sale is some how result of brexit and reflects on our selling off assets cheap ?? Arm negotiations started months ago, their chief executive has stated throughout sale would go through irrelevant to brexit decision and infact.points to confidence in UK, so much so ftse has ridden on strength of it.
I think kudos and ktm havemsde most convincing argumenta to stay, and in a better manner than some srem capable of doing but I do think pair of you are searching for negatives.


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Trex don't you think your first statement is at best confrontational. You are saying you by nature of voting stay are better informed than the 17kk or so people who voted leave ?? Why aren't some of you stayers saying hang on a miinute trex , that's out of order. Most seemed quick to find fault in any leavers ?? Its not fostering a good atmosphere on here..
Notice on here how ARM sale is some how result of brexit and reflects on our selling off assets cheap ?? Arm negotiations started months ago, their chief executive has stated throughout sale would go through irrelevant to brexit decision and infact.points to confidence in UK, so much so ftse has ridden on strength of it.
I think kudos and ktm havemsde most convincing argumenta to stay, and in a better manner than some srem capable of doing but I do think pair of you are searching for negatives.
Bet the Japs are pleased with Brexit,the fall in the pound or more relevant the relative strength of the dollar,has saved them about 3 billion bucks on the ARM Holdings purchase.
Buy a nice pad in Kensington with the spare change.
Mar 9, 2016
Bet the Japs are pleased with Brexit,the fall in the pound or more relevant the relative strength of the dollar,has saved them about 3 billion bucks on the ARM Holdings purchase.
Buy a nice pad in Kensington with the spare change.
Agreed but blaming that intrinsically on brexit is wrong. . Cameron and Osbournes inability to plan for the worst, Gove and Johnsons inability to plan for winning combinedwith the scare campaign all fostered the panic.. There was not a single. Change I policy, tarif or anything. Sheer hysteria drove pound down.
Like you keep asking for one good reason to leave , tell me one thing that actuasly changed.
Folk bet on hysteria ( including German banks) which compounded problem.
You see eu as a lifeline, I see it as a tether. UK and eu have long been heading for economic problems.. ,we,ve had biggest deficit to gdp ratio for years.( for derf).
To be honest I don't think it will ever happen either, I said as much weeks ago but time will tell.

What is splitting country is offensive attitudes which I think we,ve witnessed far more from stayers. ( eg Trex above)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 4, 2014
Agreed but blaming that intrinsically on brexit is wrong. . Cameron and Osbournes inability to plan for the worst, Gove and Johnsons inability to plan for winning combinedwith the scare campaign all fostered the panic.. There was not a single. Change I policy, tarif or anything. Sheer hysteria drove pound down.
Like you keep asking for one good reason to leave , tell me one thing that actuasly changed.
Folk bet on hysteria ( including German banks) which compounded problem.
You see eu as a lifeline, I see it as a tether. UK and eu have long been heading for economic problems.. ,we,ve had biggest deficit to gdp ratio for years.( for derf).
To be honest I don't think it will ever happen either, I said as much weeks ago but time will tell.

What is splitting country is offensive attitudes which I think we,ve witnessed far more from stayers. ( eg Trex above)
Glad you're finally up to speed re deficit, now just need to get so re finance account. But my dear flud I'm not biting,I've done my own brexit,I'm back in France. Good luck to you. One thing I will say is that the xenophobia of the leave campaign has left a lasting impression on everyone I know re the UK,and not a nice one.


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Notice that Merkel has been quiet in all this.
She is the power behind the EU.
I suspect she has a plan to pull all this together but she needs Boris and Davis to make a mess of things,so that we are at a low point in the negotiations and vulnerable.
May will make Boris the scapegoat,when she has cracked a deal with Merkel.
Mar 9, 2016
Notice that Merkel has been quiet in all this.
She is the power behind the EU.
I suspect she has a plan to pull all this together but she needs Boris and Davis to make a mess of things,so that we are at a low point in the negotiations and vulnerable.
May will make Boris the scapegoat,when she has cracked a deal with Merkel.
You know what derf, all this derision and clever arse answers might show unity with such ad OG and Trex but its spliiting country and actually likely to cause far more damage than brexit ever could. Yep, we can be sarcastic and smart arse on keyboard but it will lead to gar worse if the reasonably intelligent amongst us cant discuss stuff reasonably. Are you in that group or not derf ?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 4, 2014
You know what derf, all this derision and clever arse answers might show unity with such ad OG and Trex but its spliiting country and actually likely to cause far more damage than brexit ever could. Yep, we can be sarcastic and smart arse on keyboard but it will lead to gar worse if the reasonably intelligent amongst us cant discuss stuff reasonably. Are you in that group or not derf ?
It was not my intention to try to be clever. Frankly, rightly or wrongly, brexit is one of the most stupid things I've ever witnessed an electorate do in my forty odd years on the planet. And the deficit and finance account is to my mind a simple way to illustrate why. You're the one who started making fun of that (and it,not me or lack of positivity is biting the UK in the butt)
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Mar 9, 2016
It was not my intention to try to be clever. Frankly, rightly or wrongly, brexit is one of the most stupid things I've ever witnessed an electorate do in my forty odd years on the planet. And the deficit and finance account is to my mind a simple way to illustrate why. You're the one who started making fun of that (and it,not me or lack of positivity is biting the UK in the butt)
Which post was making fun of deficit ????
Never mind, we,ll just have to agree to differ.. But in my 60 odd years on planet I,ve yet to witness an event dealt with so hysterically, and not funny hysterically...


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2011
What is splitting country is offensive attitudes which I think we,ve witnessed far more from stayers. ( eg Trex above)
flud, do you feel offended because you identify yourself among the un-informed?
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mike killay

Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 17, 2011
This post is liable to split the forum, never mind the country with all the arguments.
Better if we banned politics, always ends in tears.
Mar 9, 2016
flud, do you feel offended because you identify yourself among the un-informed?
You just cant help yourself can you. You are simply obsessed with making offensive commennts and then defending them. But seen ad you adj, no I don't. What I do see is a fool willing to stir up hate, which is what its becoming, on his keyboard, miles away from any real response with total disrespect for any other's views.
Perhaps you should find some town that voted out, stand on your soap box and tell all leavers they are misinformed, xenophobic racists.All of which have been levelled at leavers on here by either yourself or your two followers.
So brave and gobby on keyboard.

mike killay

Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 17, 2011
I think that the country is split,
I was at Rutland Water on the weekend and some people hearing my Welsh accent asked me about Brexit.
When I replied that I voted leave, all 3 of them agreed with me and were quite heated about the venom coming from remainers. (Remaniacs they called them)
The problem is that the Metropolitan people live in a selfish bubble, they voted for themselves and do not see the damage that the EU is doing to the majority of their fellow citizens.
In Wales, the farmers of the North West voted remain because of EU subsidies, Cardiff etc. voted remain for goodness knows what reasons. The rest of Wales knew that the EU had done nothing for them, so why expect them to vote remain?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
You know what derf, all this derision and clever arse answers might show unity with such ad OG and Trex but its spliiting country and actually likely to cause far more damage than brexit ever could. Yep, we can be sarcastic and smart arse on keyboard but it will lead to gar worse if the reasonably intelligent amongst us cant discuss stuff reasonably. Are you in that group or not derf ?
Morning Flud, still haven't realised that 48% of the population have a legitimate reason not to be impressed with the decision made in the non legal referendum?
That we have been dragged along against our will by a mere 4% difference in this non binding vote?
Time for you to convince us that there are good reasons to view this as something other than a disaster if you can.
Never mind trying to pretend somehow you occupy the "moral high ground"
the arguments for Brexit were all based on anything but that were they not?
And when it comes down to it were lies that have fallen apart already.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I think that the country is split,
I was at Rutland Water on the weekend and some people hearing my Welsh accent asked me about Brexit.
When I replied that I voted leave, all 3 of them agreed with me and were quite heated about the venom coming from remainers. (Remaniacs they called them)
The problem is that the Metropolitan people live in a selfish bubble, they voted for themselves and do not see the damage that the EU is doing to the majority of their fellow citizens.
In Wales, the farmers of the North West voted remain because of EU subsidies, Cardiff etc. voted remain for goodness knows what reasons. The rest of Wales knew that the EU had done nothing for them, so why expect them to vote remain?
And therein lies the fault with your argument
"do not see the damage that the EU is doing to the majority of their fellow citizens."
Just insert the words "British Government" in replacement of EU, and that will make the statement true.
Name just what the EU has done to damage the Welsh economy?
They are net beneficiaries of EU payouts, if they are being spent wrongly that is the Government's fault, and now they will stop, and will the Government replace them? not a chance, so your pals are rather badly informed, aren't they.
Another case where propaganda in the past diverted attention to target the wrong villain of the piece.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
You just cant help yourself can you. You are simply obsessed with making offensive commennts and then defending them. But seen ad you adj, no I don't. What I do see is a fool willing to stir up hate, which is what its becoming, on his keyboard, miles away from any real response with total disrespect for any other's views.
Perhaps you should find some town that voted out, stand on your soap box and tell all leavers they are misinformed, xenophobic racists.All of which have been levelled at leavers on here by either yourself or your two followers.
So brave and gobby on keyboard.
Flud old chap, I'm nobody's follower, just me and what I am trying to stir up is sensible thoughts on this serious subject, shorn of all propaganda, which somehow causes you to be "offended"
Pity that.
And by the way your post "
Perhaps you should find some town that voted out, stand on your soap box and tell all leavers they are misinformed, xenophobic racists.All of which have been levelled at leavers on here by either yourself or your two followers.
So brave and gobby on keyboard"
Makes me wonder if you shouldn't look up what insulting means (just for your own future reference) before writing trash like that. Somehow you manage to make yourself appear to be the very thing you criticise most.
By the way as I said earlier the experiment has to go ahead now to prove the case either way, so I don't really now since I have said that ,what you have to complain about.
Lets push the button on Article 50, or if you prefer just walk away and take our ball home.
Happy now?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2011
Mar 9, 2016
brexiters, where is your good news?
apparently, if there was a second referendum, Wales would vote to remain according to a recent ITV poll.

as long as brexiters avoid to acknowledge that 16 millions plus have voted to remain, they don't have a clue do they.
Blatantly proving you are not in group mentioned.
You know this process of polarisation is going on all over country.
Folk post on social media, find a group willing to say similar things in same vain and gradually descend into whhat ee are witnessing in here..
I,m not feeding flames by retaliating trex..
