Call Me Paranoid, But would you


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 20, 2012
Call Me Paranoid, But would you trust a stranger to get on your bike and take it for a test ride, I expect it must be a quandary for those who wish to sell their bike. Should one hold something of equal value as security? It does concern me if I ever wish to sell my bike. What would be acceptable without demonstrating a Paranoid mistrust:confused:
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 15, 2012
Dumfries & Galloway
But would you trust a stranger to get on a your bike and take it for a test ride
About the same as I would give a stranger the keys to my car or house ....

I'd be inclined to say something on the lines of

'You have seen it, sat on it, poked and prodded it, kicked the tyres.. now pay for it and test ride your bike as much as you like.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
I think I would feel more confident if the potential buyer had arrived by car without a companion who could drive it away.
If, however, he had arrived on foot I think I would be extremely wary.

I have actually been in that situation when selling my Windsor and the person who cycled off on it was known to me and although I knew I could trust her, the feeling of seeing my bike zooming into the distance without ME on it was bizarre......but I recovered when I had the cash clutched in my eager palms ;)

Lynda :)


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Hi old Dave

It IS a bit delicate, I agree, but I think most people understand.
When we did our very first demo at the store here 3 years ago we happily let the guy wander off up the road and then realised....duh! what if he doesn't come back? (idiots or what?) Luckily he was a nice chap and of course he did - and he bought a bike too. Now we ask customers to park in our car park and ask for their car keys, or leave us a 'hostage' (eg wife or mate, although we have in the past been left grannies, a baby, also a dog and numerous suggestions about mothers in can imagine.) Nobody has taken offence to date. With personal demonstrations its a bit different though, because even if you have their car keys, they could still fall off and damage your bike and themselves! I suggest letting them sit on it, poke and prod all they like, then get on the bike yourself and ride up and down a few times in front of them so they get the idea.

Hatti, Woosh Bikes


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 15, 2012
Dumfries & Galloway
The problem with any unsecured test ride is what happens in the event of an accident / mishap

I'll tell you what happens... you get broken bike back with an allegation that the faulty bike caused the problem, now you have no bike and no money :rolleyes:

For peace of mind in a private sale.. Hold the dosh.
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Oct 25, 2006
I wouldn't allow an unsecured test ride for a stranger who was ostensibly looking to purchase, simply because there could be a premeditation of theft. I have however allowed completely unsecured test rides to some who have on the spur of the moment shown interest in my e-bikes, using my own judgement of the person concerned. That's never proved to be a problem, including with teenagers.

David Webley

Finding my (electric) wheels
Feb 14, 2013
I offered my car keys and photo ID before going for a test ride from a cycle shop and if I was ever offering a test ride I'd want the same or a large bundle of cash.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Oct 1, 2010
I have given lots of people test rides on my Wisper 905 , but usualy they have their wives with them or a Rucksac or some personal object that they leave with me , of course they are all pleasently surprised and want one.


Hi Hatti,

I will be round to see you with a stolen car, sombody else's wife, a random disorientated elderly person, an abandoned baby plus Pomeranian ( Pomeranian:confused:, that's somekind of wierd dog).

How many bikes can I nick, sorry test ride?


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Hi Hatti,

I will be round to see you with a stolen car, sombody else's wife, a random disorientated elderly person, an abandoned baby plus Pomeranian ( Pomeranian:confused:, that's somekind of wierd dog).

How many bikes can I nick, sorry test ride?
Ah could certainly try a pink lead acid Angel (our very first) in exchange for Tikka the Pomeranian and the baby would be OK...but I can see I'll have to be on my guard against suspicious looking men who come in from now on wearing sunglasses and wig.


Ah could certainly try a pink lead acid Angel (our very first) in exchange for Tikka the Pomeranian and the baby would be OK...but I can see I'll have to be on my guard against suspicious looking men who come in from now on wearing sunglasses and wig.
I will ask the wife, Angelina might just go for a pink bike and we have plenty of kids for you to take care of whilst we test ride.


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
I was at the National Kit Car show at Stoneleigh.....some guy came to the stand and asked if he could borrow a wheel to try on his car and left his dad as security.....40 mins later he returned,by then I wondered whether his dad was worth less to him that the race wheel!!!!
I think David Miall(Wisper) had a bike stolen from the test track at the NEC,2011 show. We concluded that the tester must have thrown it over the fence to someone outside the test track. But that is the only incident I know where any supplier has lost a bike-thank goodness that most people interested in the pedelec world are honest.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 31, 2010
Call Me Paranoid, But would you trust a stranger to get on your bike and take it for a test ride, I expect it must be a quandary for those who wish to sell their bike. Should one hold something of equal value as security? It does concern me if I ever wish to sell my bike. What would be acceptable without demonstrating a Paranoid mistrust:confused:
Cash in hand to the value of the bike and make sure it's not fake cash, either.
You have to stand firm with possible time-wasters and crooks. A genuine buyer won't balk at reasonable measures and it's a valuable way to gauge their integrity and intentions.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 25, 2011
East Sussex
I'm with Scimitar on this. Having sold a few motorcycles over the years, I encourage the incumbent to check all aspects of the bike and satisfy they want it. I then insist on cleared payment in full and complete all receipts and associated paperwork.

They can then test ride the bike, and If he brings it back within 10 minutes without damage but doesn't want it I will refund the cash and cancel the sale. The 10 minute time limit is important, a mate once did as above but agreed a half day test ride. The bike was returned later with a set of bald tyres on it and some other bits had been changed. He kept the cash and sent the geezer on his way.

Assume the worst, and be eternally vigilant. There's a lot of dishonesty about.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 8, 2010
Do what the Aircraft Industry has always done for the first Test Flight , send up a chase plane . Have a cycle available to ride with or alongside , if they make a break for it do what the Meteor jets did in the war to the doodlebugs (V1 and V2 ) ,put your wing , read foot, under them to lose control . If the test bike is a folder, any decent 26 in wheeled bike will outpace it .


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 20, 2012
I don't see a Meteor bothering a V2 much.
The only thing that stopped a V2 was anything that it may hit including a gloster meteor if it happened to be in the way.

I think they used spitfires and P51s to flip the doodlebugs, 1944 they only had one active squadron of gloster meteors and I don't think they would be risking them on such a risky mission
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 8, 2010
Meteors based at Manston downed 14 V1`s by the end of the war .They were restricted from flying over Germany and German held territory, as they did not want to risk them being captured by the Germans or Russians, should they be brought down .


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 6, 2012
Call Me Paranoid, But would you trust a stranger to get on your bike and take it for a test ride, I expect it must be a quandary for those who wish to sell their bike. Should one hold something of equal value as security? It does concern me if I ever wish to sell my bike. What would be acceptable without demonstrating a Paranoid mistrust:confused:
Hi Jazper53,

If this makes you feel less paranoid,i am proud to say that you are NOT! the father when it comes to two month old ................
