Ezee sprint user


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jan 7, 2007
Hi Everyone, don't know if this is the right place, but I'm sure you'll put me right! I bought an Ezee Sprint 3-speed in March 2006 for my 28mile round trip to work, so the total mileage so far is around 4,500. I've had no problems until last week, when the motor would not bear any load-as soon as I twisted the throttle the bike would travel about a metre and pack up! Can anyone offer a suggestionas to repairs, as I now have to do the journey on my MTB, and, although the terrain is fairly flat (Cambridgeshire/Essex) it takes it out of me!!
On a positive note the Sprint is my first electric, and I have few complaints. I have ridden in torrential rain and it gets me to my destination: a 3 hour charge will get me to work and about half-way back, and, yes i do have poblems with the juddering as I brake, but i know that's a headset problem.
So overall would recommend the bike with reservations!
Great to have found this site!!


Oct 25, 2006
Hi Harry

First a couple of possibilities. The Sprint problem could be due to poor connection between the battery clips and terminal posts, so worth cleaning those in the first instance with a solvent cleaner. Alternatively, damp in the controller might also be affecting things since you mentioned riding in wet weather, and a thorough drying out indoors can help there.

However, there might be a question mark on the Li-ion* voltage drop when you open the throttle. Try it out by pedalling off and opening the throttle very very gently to give just a touch of help. If that works, try increasing the throttle very slightly, and if you find a point where it eventually does start to cut out in the same way, it's likely to be a controller or battery problem.

If you go to my Torq website, much of the content applies to the Sprint as well. Look under Batteries for advice on the connections, then look under Wiring for the sub link, Fault Diagnosis. There you'll see the LED indications of faults and you might find that gives you a diagnosis of the problem. Let us know how you get on.

* I noted you had Li-ion on your other posting.
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Finding my (electric) wheels
Jan 7, 2007
Sprint Problem

Thank you Flecc for your suggestions, I have noted that the diagnostic Leds flicker 8 times which, according to the Manual indicates problem: "hall sensor in motor faulty" is this a common problem, and can I sort it myself, or is a trip to a repairers necessary?
Thanks again


Oct 25, 2006
You'll be pleased to hear that it's almost certainly not the Hall sensors, but I'm glad you've noted the diagnostic signal.

Each time I've known this 8 flash signal it's been damp in the controller that was to blame. The Hall sensor circuitry in there can interpret it's malfunction as the motor sending it false information, a sort of technological "It wasn't me guvnor!"

The technique I've found very effective to cure the damp is as follows. I bring the affected bike indoors to a small room and set up a fan heater on 1 kw only about two feet from the controller area on one side of the bike. Then a foot or two from the other side I place a small dehumidifier drawing the air away from the bike and then leave the room, closing the door on it. This sets up a cycle of continuously drying air which draws all the damp out. Usually an hour at most is sufficient. You may not have a dehumidifier, but it could be worth you hiring one from a hire shop for this purpose, or you could try just with the fan heater only, but the latter is nowhere near as effective.

I can't absolutely guarantee this is the fault, but it has been each time for me on two eZee bikes.