Nobody got fined yet and sales of evs are increasing at the rate of knots. GM reckon they can beat Tesla may be as soon as next year.
No milkfloat can do 0 to 60 in under 6 seconds, especially for the price 20k to 30k. The fact that VW Group, GM , Ford, etc now make a good effort to make and sell EVs is proof that they are decided, sell EVs or die.if they cant meet the sales last year then they wont meet the 28% target for this year will they and its all ******* anyway.
told step dad to forget the Vauxhall and get a petrol one asap cos i can see disability going all electric only and been waiting over a year for it now so no mobility
i dont know anyone that wants a milk float let alone buy one out right and bin it when the batts dead.
Electric Milk Floats for Sale & Hire
needs more power,
View attachment 61690
5000bhp turn my bosch batt it to a light bulb filamentjust make all the milk bottles the batt
The best thing about the BBC was that you could add 12 x 8K EPROMS full of instantly accessible operating system commands in BBC Basic, like the voice one, so you'd type: *SAY, "Gurney is a weirdo . He rides a crank-drive ebike" into any program to loop as many times as you wanted, then the computer would say it whenever you wanted to confirm it's true, like my laptop does. The * tells the computer to scan through the EPROMs to find that command. *PRINT, *TYPE were other common ones, but each EPROM had its own list specific to what it did, like spreadsheet, word processor, etc.@saneagle @Ghost1951 - I can'tfind your posts about BASIC. Those were the good old days when every computer shipped with a programming language, and your BASIC savvy students were targeted by Microsft using Visual Basic, a runaway success for the company which morphed into .NET. These days a programming environment has to be downloaded and installed, and isn't nearly as immediate or fun for youngsters wanting to learn to create solutions to problems. That era when most computers weren't predominately consnumer devices, spawned so many programmers, and we may never again see the like.
Charles Moir at Computer Concepts would have had a field day if he knew what was going between the boys on at Marconi.Anybody, who go some software or firmware could bring it in, and they copied it to the main VAX computer. Anybody else could bring in blank EPROMs or discs, and they'd program them for you.
Charles Moir was the managing director of his company, Computer Concepts Ltd. Rumours had it that in 1981, he wrote WordWise over a weekend, the best selling software for the Beeb. It was reputed to earn him a cool £8 mil, an enormous sum of money back in those days. I visited their HQ in Hemel Hampstead in 1983. It was a very impressive estate. It is probably even more impressive now.Charles Moir blog
Charles Moir's blog about random stuff, the bad, the ugly, the absurd as well as interesting tech
Horrible, foul people - every one. They deserve long sentences.I think newspaper editors usually use the terminology "grooming gangs" when the offenders are a particular ethnicity (I'm not saying those cases aren't a problem - just pointing out the difficulty of analysing it properly without solid data ) - they call them paedophile rings or child sex rings in other cases
e.g. (using those google search terms)
21 evil faces behind 'biggest-ever' child sex abuse ring jailed for 145 years
West Midlands Police's largest ever child sex abuse case led to 21 sick criminals being prosecuted after they abused children aged 12 and younger for over a
'Horrific abuse' by Cornwall paedophile ring
Police say a paedophile ring inflicted "the most horrific abuse" on about 30 young girls in
Fury as women from child sex ring are jailed for as little as 7 years
The female predators were among a group of 21 paedophiles to be convicted yesterday after targeting children as young as 12 across Walsall and
Pair jailed for total of 28 years for school abuse
Matthew George and John Muldoon abused dozens of teenagers at Kerelaw School in
Detective describes ‘horrific and sadistic’ child abuse as ‘worst case I have ever worked on’
Two men from Norfolk and a woman from Whittlesey have been convicted of the ‘horrific’ and ‘sadistic’ abuse of children over several
Paedophile ring jailed for 'terrifying depravity'
Seven paedophiles who preyed on a baby and young children acted "beyond human instinct" and were guilty of "terrifying depravity", a judge
Trial of 11 accused of ‘satanic’ child abuse expected to last up to seven weeks
Seven men and four women are alleged to have taken part in a child sex ring between January 2010 and March 2020 at various addresses in
24 paedophiles every parent must know about
The sex offenders have been sentenced over the past few years across the
The paedophiles recently in court that parents should be aware of
Most of the defendants targeted children
So why are you upset that this has been "Trotted out"I am not in the least surprised at this cobblers about white men being the largest offender group. I KNEW it would be trotted out - I expected Flecc to be the one, but he only approved Andybike's remarks. Everything in the multi cultural garden is smelling or roses - in spite of the jails being filled with Pakistani men in vastly disproportionate numbers.
Utterly horrific. As is the transcript of every case of abuse trial.I have never in my life read anything so revolting as the words which the judge spoke in that paragraph.
Indeed, for centuries the Catholic Church routinely castrated young choirboys to retain their falsetto singing voice. One might think they would today wish the young to have the maximum protection, yet the Vatican has the lowest age of consent for sex in the EU, at 12 years old.But why not read the personal testimony of those who reported their experiences to the IICSA, where the abuse of minors by members of the catholic church went on for decades, if not a century or two.
THIS is the current focus of attention. The trials have been going on for many years and they just keep on coming. The Catholic Church and the Anglican church have been completely undermined by the deviance of some clerics, and the feeble response by the hierarchy. The most recent example being the toppling of the career of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and hard questions about his possible successor, the current Archbishop of York for his own feeble response to known deviant priests. The Bishop of Newcastle Helen Hartley has spoken out repeatedly as to the loss of credibility of senior leaders.Utterly horrific. As is the transcript of every case of abuse trial.
But why not read the personal testimony of those who reported their experiences to the IICSA, where the abuse of minors by members of the catholic church went on for decades, if not a century or two.
By singling one group out you fail to apply justice to other groups. Sex abuse of children has been happening in the UK long LONG before anyone of the Muslim faith came along.
Yes - he did good work. He changed the charging criteria to take account of teh fact that some witnesses who would earlier have been said to lack credibility, should be taken seriously. Many of the victims were troubled, had poor skills and some had special needs. They were previously dismissed and their complaints went nowhere.The number of convictions for child sex abuse is staggering. After Nazir Afzal became chief prosecutor the number of convictions hit record levels (these are all children figures)
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