Pro Connect Disc 8 - ticking noise


Mar 11, 2011
I've done about 500 miles on my PC Disc 8 and I've recently noticed a regular ticking noise which I can't find the reason for and its slowly driving me nuts!
It happens once each turn of the pedals regardless of gear so I guess its something to do with the crank mechanism.
I have also noticed a "crunchy" feeling through the pedals especially in higher gears, rather like a rough bearing or as if the chain was slightly out of alignment.
I've taken off the chain guard and cleaned everything, lubed up the chain and checked all cogs for wear but everything looks fine. Also checked the Alfine hub for adjustment and all is well.
My gearing is higher than standard - 41/11/16- and I've removed one link from the chain as advised.
Would appreciate any ideas of what to look for as I'm miles away from 50Cycles..


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Does it have (shhhhh, I won't say it loudly) 24 spoke wheels? It could be a spoke.


Apr 21, 2011
When I had a ticking on one pedal rotation it turned out to be the retaining spring on my prop stand had weakened and gravity was pulling it just close enough to the pedal to give it a light tap.
- Brian


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 22, 2007
Usually it is the pedals themselves that make the clicking/creaking noises (are they cheapies?). Can emulate all sorts of expensive crank problems but are a cheap fix.


Trade Member
Jan 26, 2009
This will be something your local bike shop will be able to easily diagnose - a tight bearing on the crank perhaps. You should not need to return to 50 Cycles and it could well be something that can be fixed locally.

It is actually quite surprising just how sensitive touch can be when locating gritty or tight bearings, so have a good feel around the bike. As Swiss Tony might say, fondle your bike like a gorgeous woman and...

I'd better say no more.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 22, 2007
This will be something your local bike shop will be able to easily diagnose - a tight bearing on the crank perhaps. You should not need to return to 50 Cycles and it could well be something that can be fixed locally.

It is actually quite surprising just how sensitive touch can be when locating gritty or tight bearings, so have a good feel around the bike. As Swiss Tony might say, fondle your bike like a gorgeous woman and...

I'd better say no more.
If it is a tight bearing on the crank it would have to go back to 50 Cycles! I think going to a good bike shop or one that supports the Raleigh Dover etc would be a good idea if you cannot find the problem yourself. It is VERY unlikely to be a problem with the crank and I would look at things like the tightness of the motor unit or as I said the pedals themselves (this was a problem I had that took weeks of diagnosing). The bolts holding the motor are a known weakness in that they can come undone leading to all sorts of noises. Another weakness is the chain guide/tensioner that wraps the chain around the drive sprocket, that can sometimes get sticky and needs a bit of oil - worth checking for tightness and free running (you may already have done this).
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Finding my (electric) wheels
Dec 16, 2010
Hi I have had a similar problem, thought it was a gear adjustment at first. I fixed it totally by lubricating the chain with a good oil.


Trade Member
Jan 26, 2009
Yep - certainly much more likely to be a cheap bearing in the pedal than at the crank.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
It might be worth checking the motor mounting bolts too. These have been known to slacken off causing the motor to move with each turn of the pedals.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2008
I've got the PC Disc and I had a ticking which I think was a rear light wire just touching the spokes.

If you have reflectors on the wheels take them off as one of mine flew off and damaged a spoke.

Don't worry about the 24 spoke situation that we had with the older PC's as these wheels have a different arrangement and none of the spokes touch each other which was the reason why I got noises from them on my older PC. A drop of oil at the intersection of the spokes solved that problem.

I would also check your tyres as I have found mine had a crack all round and on each side where the sidewall meets the tread. They have been returned to Continental via 50C.

I also find the gears/chain noisy and have been unable to figure it out. The chain guide arm did come loose and I tightened it up which did help a bit. The older PC was better. It didn't have the chain guide arm which might be the cause of the problem.

It is a good quality bike though and faster than my older PC. The brakes are very good and I have added a suspension seat post which has improved the ride.


Oct 25, 2006
And the cranks themselves can creak with each applied pressure if not thoroughly tight on their tapers.


Oct 22, 2010
had something v similar on my Alfine Pro. stripping and cleaning grit out of rear sprocket mounting sorted it - but probably only because i reset the alfine adjustment. it does appear to be VERY sensitive to alignment.


Mar 11, 2011
Thanks for all your suggestions guys, I'll work through them this weekend and report back in due course.
Scott, if I can't find the problem I'll take you up on your kind offer.


May 11, 2009
Had exactly the same noise with my Pro Connect. It was right handle pedal. I managed to ease back rubber seal and lubricated with 3in1 oil and hey presto! no more clicking.



Mar 11, 2011
Sods Law intervened on the day I posted when I picked up a puncture 6 miles from home. Fortunately I was able to call in the cavalry in the guise of the missus with our estate, so avoided an hours walk in the pi**ing rain! Didn't get a chance to work on the bike till yesterday when I fixed the puncture, "slimed" both wheels and worked my way through most of the suggestions to get rid of the annoying ticking noise.
Nothing was obviously wrong or loose but this morning when I set off all seemed quiet again so I thought I'd fixed it by nipping up bolts etc. No such luck. After about a mile the noise returned along with a tinkling from the front disc. I'm pretty sure its drive train related as it stops when I dont pedal. It also seems to be louder when I push hard on the right crank so maybe the suggestion re lubricating the right hand pedal is worth investigating further. I'll have a look tonight. Can't see what I've done wrong with the front wheel though. Had to take it off to get the bike into our Saab but when I refitted the wheel it makes a tinkling noise which stops when I touch the brake. Sounds as if the disc is just slightly touching the brake pad(s). Not sure if there is any adjustment on these?


Mar 11, 2011
I prised out the plastic end cap on both pedals and added some oil last night but today the click is back with a vengeance. Running out of ideas now so it looks like its off to the LBS for me.
The disc noise seems to have gone though, perhaps a little bit of grit got caught in the pad?


Mar 11, 2011
Ticking noise - problem solved!

I spoke to the guys at the 50 Cycles workshop and they suggested a change of pedal.
I was a bit sceptical but agreed to try. I swopped them with a pair from my wifes bike and set off this morning. Bliss-no more clicking!
50 Cycles are sending me a new set today under warranty - thanks guys.
The originals weren't loose in the crank and spin freely without obvious play in the bearings so I don't know why they made the noise - I'm just delighted to be cycling quietly again.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 22, 2007
Glad you got it sorted - a pedal failure seemed the most likely reason for the ticking.