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Nov 28, 2006
Hi all
I dont understand why I dont have permission to post on the tech part of this forum? So, will post it here.
If anyone remembers me I have had problems for some time with my electric bike.
I have had offers, 400 - 450, but I put them off buy telling them all whats wrong with the bike, and they will get there moneys worth buying a new bike from 50cycles.
The problem, brakes, now you cant go to a normal bike shop, as they are not willing to work with an electric bike, i wondered if it was possible to travel to anywhere to someone that who IS familier with brake problems, I think the brakes are so bad because I do have to use them a lot, as the hills here in east sussex (Hastings) are very steep.
The left brake where the throttle is as been broken since last year, so I got the one brake, but this as also pinged off, leaving me with no brakes, I had two accidents, bumping into cars pretty hard, and still have the bruises and scars, I showed the drivers that the brakes didnt work, they then understood, I offered money, as I am not insured, but they (the car owners) have been very understanding, and seem to care more about my injurys than thier car, first acccident it was the wing mirrior that came off the car and i had hurt my knee and ankles and right hand, I could not stop the bike.
I am being told not to use it, but now I am aware that the one working brake (right) can go at anytime, like i said, where i have to use the brake frequently for steep hills this is wearing out the brake very quick, so I have to say no to IM's of people wanting to purchase my bike.
I was asked by an elderly man that he wanted to buy my bike, I told him what I paid, and he said No problem, I can imagine that man having a serious accident, so would not sell it.
I did ask my Dutch Bf to help with my bike last Febuary, but when he tried to fix the left brake (throttle side) then the power stopped working, this was worse than having no brake. I like to use my bike when I go shopping, I walk along side the bike and use the throttle to carry the weight of the shopping.
My battery is fine on the flat, its just those damn hills, worst area imo to buy an electric bike, unfortunatly, as I am on Incapacity, I can not get a lisence for a motorbike, which I had thought was the better option.
I have the Quando 2, so if any tips, or any helpers out there, please help
Thanks for listening


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007

The left brake where the throttle is as been broken since last year, so I got the one brake, but this as also pinged off, leaving me with no brakes, I had two accidents, bumping into cars pretty hard, and still have the bruises and scars, I showed the drivers that the brakes didnt work, they then understood, I offered money, as I am not insured, but they (the car owners) have been very understanding, and seem to care more about my injurys than thier car, first acccident it was the wing mirrior that came off the car and i had hurt my knee and ankles and right hand, I could not stop the bike.
I am being told not to use it, but now I am aware that the one working brake (right) can go at anytime, like i said, where i have to use the brake frequently for steep hills this is wearing out the brake very quick,I have the Quando 2, so if any tips, or any helpers out there, please help
Thanks for listening

i cant believe what im ride a bike with no brakes..hit cars and then "tell them" you have no brakes...:eek: ..they dont take your money and are sympathetic...very hilly and riding now with only one brake.....
you ask for tips..:eek: --------------------------------------------
well i cant imagine me hitting a car with a defective brake and the drivers more worried about me then the damage to their cars.........guess thats the advantage of being a woman.....
simple rule....NO BRAKES in full woring order....NO RIDING THE BIKE !!!!!!!!!!
apart from having an accident and being sued for thousands are you willing to injure someone and then have that on your conscience for ever ?...all well and good not selling to the old man as you didnt want him to ride and have an accident but you seem ok about you having another one and riding into him or some other unlucky person....if this sounds harsh then sorry but you have told us its not road worthy but you still ride it............ :confused:


Oct 25, 2006
Hello Gaynor. I'm surprised to hear that you are still having trouble with the brakes, my Quando's ones seem fine for me in my very hilly North Downs area, and Keith who has posted above also has a Quando 2 and has never mentioned the brakes. One of the most favourable Quando reports I saw was from someone who uses it in the Scottish Highlands where good brakes are essential.

Many bike dealers do work on electric bikes, and certainly will in this case since these are perfectly normal bicycle V brakes. Powabyke dealers certainly do and don't in any way fear electric bikes, and you have one in Hastings:

Hastings Cycle & Hire & Sales

Waldegrave Street
East Sussex
Tel : 01424 444013 Web :

Give them a try and ask for the brakes to be overhauled. There are other Powabyke dealers in East Sussex and you'll find them on this web page. Two of them are approved service centres.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 11, 2006
Mere, Wilts
Defective Brakes


i cant believe what im ride a bike with no brakes..hit cars and then "tell them" you have no brakes...:eek: ..they dont take your money and are sympathetic...very hilly and riding now with only one brake.....
you ask for tips..:eek: --------------------------------------------
well i cant imagine me hitting a car with a defective brake and the drivers more worried about me then the damage to their cars.........guess thats the advantage of being a woman.....
simple rule....NO BRAKES in full woring order....NO RIDING THE BIKE !!!!!!!!!!
apart from having an accident and being sued for thousands are you willing to injure someone and then have that on your conscience for ever ?...all well and good not selling to the old man as you didnt want him to ride and have an accident but you seem ok about you having another one and riding into him or some other unlucky person....if this sounds harsh then sorry but you have told us its not road worthy but you still ride it............ :confused:
Hello Gaynor:
On a more positive note.................................;)
Can you tell me exactly what is wrong with the brakes - Firstly the front; secondly the rear?
Surely it can only be one of (probably):
The Handlebar Lever
The Cable
The Stirrup ("V" Arms around the wheel).
Oh! and of course the brake blocks.
I cannot believe that an ordinary bike shop cannot (would not) undertake the repair(s), but that's the way of the world today - they only want it easy. Cannot face a challenge.
Pity I don't live closer: I could fix it in a flash (well, maybe a few flashes).
Please reply before your next ride - or send the address to which I can send
Best wishes
PS. Do the brake levers have electrical connections that switch the motor off when pulled?


Oct 25, 2006
Back again Gaynor, just to give further reassurance that the Quando brakes are fundamentally ok.

On this afternoon's ride I went down White Lane, Titsey, a very steep descent which includes a section of 1 in 3.3, that's one and a half times steeper than the steepest Hastings hill that we discussed last year and amongst the steepest in Britain. Later I used Slines Oak Road, Warlingham, a very long descent into Halliloo Valley, and in both the brakes were more than able to cope with the bike, my weight and a spare 5.5 kilo battery in the panniers.

I remember you felt the front brake let you down when you first rode it and crashed, and now apparently the rear brake has a problem too. As Peter has posted above, these brakes are very easily correctly set up and any cycle dealer can do it, so I think that option is open to you, if not with your nearest shop, then with a Powabyke dealer.

I have to admit that Hastings seems a rather cycle unfriendly place, judging by the lack of cycle shops. Apart from the Powabyke outlet I've only found

Spin City
319 Old London Road
TN35 5BD
Tel: 01424-718285
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Nov 28, 2006
i cant believe what im ride a bike with no brakes..hit cars and then "tell them" you have no brakes...:eek: ..they dont take your money and are sympathetic...very hilly and riding now with only one brake.....
you ask for tips..:eek: --------------------------------------------
well i cant imagine me hitting a car with a defective brake and the drivers more worried about me then the damage to their cars.........guess thats the advantage of being a woman.....
simple rule....NO BRAKES in full woring order....NO RIDING THE BIKE !!!!!!!!!!

Hi keithhazel
I understand how my post sounds, but I did have the one working brake, the first accident wasnt my fault as an angry motorist (2 females) were driving dangerously closs to me, I turned around to see how close they were and bang, into a large people carrier as the brakes wouldnt stop the bike.
The second time I gave lots of room, like I do, but cars normally Imo hate cyclist, espesially bikes with power, but the second car accident, they said its only an hired car anyway, and wanted to take me for a drink! I was pretty shook up, as I simply had no control and could see what was about to happen, I use pavements when theres no people as often as possible, and as I stated I now constantly use the brake so if the 2nd one fails I can get of ASAP.
I need to get to appoinments, one day I had bad news and had to get somewhere pretty fast, but was unlucky when the brake failed that day, there was plenty of room if I had working brakes.

I am sure I sound like I am on a death wish, but thats not the case, I walk when I feel its too steep, the last week I have been walking, friends get very worried when I use my bike.
Obviously I want the problem fixed, but there doesnt seem anyone that can help with the problem...not when its a electric bike.



Nov 28, 2006
I remember you felt the front brake let you down when you first rode it and crashed, and now apparently the rear brake has a problem too. As Peter has posted above, these brakes are very easily correctly set up and any cycle dealer can do it, so I think that option is open to you, if not with your nearest shop, then with a Powabyke dealer.

I have to admit that Hastings seems a rather cycle unfriendly place, judging by the lack of cycle shops. Apart from the Powabyke outlet I've only found

Hi Flec
Yes, it was the second time I had used the bike, it was in a flat area in Tonbridge, but the brake 'pinged off' I flew over the handlebars, I put it down to the couriers, because the bike had been banged about, and the second time the bike was brought to me there was some pretty bad scraches on it, as if done by a shrap object, which was never there before I sent the bike back, on the 3rd occasion I had a problem (brakes) 50cycles sent me new brakes, I actually did go to the shop you mention above, as they are very near to me, but they said if they were me they would send the bike back, as it had so many faults in a short space of time.
Sometimes the power just cuts out even on the flat, there must be some loose connection.
I have had the brakes looked at, but if the handlebar (right) is messed with, it will most likely stop the power, which happened last time I got my bike 'fixed' as mentioned, I had no power anymore, but got this reversed resulting in no brake still.
Obviously I have been the unlucky one with this bike, if you say you handled steeper hills, but I used to handle steep hills on a daily basis, which understandably wears the wear and tear of the brake, but it should not of happened when the bike was sent brown spanking new.
Thanks Flec
regards Gaynor


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
Hi keithhazel
I understand how my post sounds, but I did have the one working brake, the first accident wasnt my fault as an angry motorist (2 females) were driving dangerously closs to me, I turned around to see how close they were and bang, into a large people carrier as the brakes wouldnt stop the bike.
The second time I gave lots of room, like I do, but cars normally Imo hate cyclist, espesially bikes with power, but the second car accident, they said its only an hired car anyway, and wanted to take me for a drink! I was pretty shook up, as I simply had no control and could see what was about to happen, I use pavements when theres no people as often as possible, and as I stated I now constantly use the brake so if the 2nd one fails I can get of ASAP.
I need to get to appoinments, one day I had bad news and had to get somewhere pretty fast, but was unlucky when the brake failed that day, there was plenty of room if I had working brakes.

I am sure I sound like I am on a death wish, but thats not the case, I walk when I feel its too steep, the last week I have been walking, friends get very worried when I use my bike.
Obviously I want the problem fixed, but there doesnt seem anyone that can help with the problem...not when its a electric bike.


hi Gaynor,
you are unlucky that no bike shops will touch your Quando due to it being electric as i would have expected them only to refuse if the work had anything to do with the electrical side of things as thats their worry if they are not specialists in that field.............if i was you at a last resort i would take the battery off and take it to them asking them to look at your brakes, that way there is nothing to with with an electrical bike as you just ride it like a normal bike...................even a garage mechanic would do something that simple for you if you ask nicely.:)
i hope you get it done befor your next ride as riding with only one brake is really a crash waiting to happen as there is soooooooo much pressure on just the one brake...
best wishes for a speedy repair


Nov 28, 2006
Hello Gaynor:
On a more positive note.................................;)
Can you tell me exactly what is wrong with the brakes - Firstly the front; secondly the rear?
Surely it can only be one of (probably):
The Handlebar Lever
The Cable
The Stirrup ("V" Arms around the wheel).
Oh! and of course the brake blocks.
I cannot believe that an ordinary bike shop cannot (would not) undertake the repair(s), but that's the way of the world today - they only want it easy. Cannot face a challenge.
Pity I don't live closer: I could fix it in a flash (well, maybe a few flashes).
Please reply before your next ride - or send the address to which I can send
Best wishes
PS. Do the brake levers have electrical connections that switch the motor off when pulled?

Hi Pete
(phew finally a person, unbiased, as I have always found your posts. you know when I bought my Quando 2, I bought it on the back of all the positive things said by a long time here member, I feel, I wish I knew more than I know now, as I get the feeling that anything you say that's negative about any bike bought from 50cycles makes you look bad for the company, as which was said to me via email, and was also said that the customer service wasn't that good, in my case, I waited for the return of my bike and there was so much confusion when it seemed no one knew where my bike was. I wish I had listened to members on the same level as me, as a normal customer whose not all matey matey with 50 cycles, as new people who are not happy always seem to be in the wrong, when they have purchased a new electric bike (Not cheap i might add) so this kinda pulls my chain, thinking back, when I thought this forum was for customers, as opposed to good friends with the owners. Its as if the company in some peoples eyes are never wrong.
That out the way.
I will get to your post.
I will take photos, plz excuse the dust as I have had a lot of work done in the house (the repair men didnt take the mess with them :eek: )
A once proud owner (not for very long, as that lasted a month before ta brake failed)

So, yes theres a problem with the right handlebar, the throttle side, which I cant get help with.
The front left brake, that sometimes just 'pings' off, this happened when I first bought the bike. So not a problem caused by over-use.
Yes, the the brake levers did stop the electrical connections, when I asked a friend that said he was experianced with bikes, but he was a non electric bike user.
As it is the actual brake level that needs attention this stops any easy fix.

Thanks Pete

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Nov 28, 2006
Things Do go wrong, and have gone wrong, I dont get much money, I invested in the Quando 2, and I am not the only one to have complained, and was told that the bike would last.

If goods do not conform to contract at the time of sale, purchasers can request their money back "within a reasonable time". (This is not defined and will depend on circumstances)

For up to six years after purchase (five years from discovery in Scotland) purchasers can demand damages (which a court would equate to the cost of a repair or replacement).

Sale of Goods Act Quick Facts - BERR
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 9, 2007

When you say it "pinged off", do you mean the cable went all slack?

Does it ping off at the brake end or the lever end?



Oct 25, 2006
Sorry, but, got to have my say here....

When people come to this site, a certian someone will usually recommend
'50cycles' 'excellent' bikes, I wonder how much commission is involved, and how many customers are deceived in thinking they are talking to just another bike buyer? ......they think Oh heres a standard customer, not someone that cant see NO wrong with these bikes, and knows the 50cycles company very well, so 'some' opinions are usually biassed. Which is WRONG.

Your accusation in this statement in a reply to my post is ridiculous and insulting Gaynor, clearly founded upon ignorance of the facts.

I am in no way connected with 50cycles, have never received any reward from them, and have steadfastly refused any favours from them.

50cycles have on many occasions attacked what I've said, one director doing so yet again only the other day in here, complete with some irritating sarcasm.

50cycles do not represent eZee bikes or the Quando any more, and haven't done so for almost all of this year, so I couldn't be defending them anyway.

Having an elephantine memory, I remember that you in fact posted at the time of the first incident that your brake "pinged off" when cycling in the park, leading to you crashing into the park gates, causing further damage to the bike, the lighting in particular which no longer worked. I subsequently ascertained that there was a fault with the brake in that the opening of the stirrup that secures the cable termination had appeared to widen, allowing the cable "noodle" to pull through. That wasn't defending 50cycles, it was clearly acknowledging a fault on the bike, and 50cycles responded to you by collecting the bike, repairing it and returning it. That's not praise for them, just an acknowledgment of what happened.

The photos of your bike indicate that the brakes are all connected correctly but need adjustments. Whoever fitted the front brake pads during one of your shop repair trips has mounted the collars incorrectly, wide one on the inside where it should have been the narrow one, splaying the brake arms, and that needs correcting.

In view of your accusation, this is the last help you will receive in this forum from me.


Nov 28, 2006
When you say it "pinged off", do you mean the cable went all slack?

Does it ping off at the brake end or the lever end?

Hi Nick
When I am using the bike the brake will compleltly come off, the other brake stays on, but its related to the handlebar brake in some way? As when I got this temory fixed it worked, but then I had no power, so I told my Bf to undo what he did.
So one brake stays in place (the back one) but is useless, and the right brake is prone to coming off completly.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 9, 2007
Hi Gaynor,

It sounds like it could be a repeat of what flecc described:

"the opening of the stirrup that secures the cable termination had appeared to widen, allowing the cable "noodle" to pull through"

I guess that could happen if excessive force were applied, and some damage there might not be noticed by someone checking them over.

But it also sounds as if they are badly set up or adjusted.

You really need to get a competent local bike shop to look at them.



May 12, 2008
"When people come to this site, a certian someone will usually recommend
'50cycles' 'excellent' bikes, I wonder how much commission is involved, and how many customers are deceived in thinking they are talking to just another bike buyer? ......they think Oh heres a standard customer, not someone that cant see NO wrong with these bikes, and knows the 50cycles company very well, so 'some' opinions are usually biassed. Which is WRONG."

When people come to this site, most of them do so humbly, in the first instance, because they are looking for information, and some knowledge; NOT the same thing, judging from some past posts A girl? biker with no technical expertise at all, buys an e-bike.
If she had read the forum she should have realised they are not always the simplist machines, and they sometimes have issues..This forum resolves most of them. There is a serving member who has spent hundreds of hours,investigating various aspects of this new phenomea
FLECC .Not only has he shared his expert engineering skills with all of us...he has adry wit that enlivens many a thread.
ANY ONE WHO HAS SO LITTLE GRASP OF REALITY AS TO RIDE A BIKE WITH NO BRAKES THEN blame by inuenudo .Needs help of a different sort.
An apology would not be amiss..but If I was Flecc I would not accept one.

(Sorry Flecc, but it is stupid selfish people like this that could lead you post less, and boy would this forum be Less)
PLEASE I am not denigrating the work and posts of other members..I read them all..(wish some one could identify my Silverado Hint Hint)when I am not out on my AGGATU.:) :) :eek:


Sep 28, 2007
Ezee Forza from 50 cycles

I have tried to stay out of the previous discussions re: 50 cycles but I could not ignore the recent comments here aimed at Flecc and at 50cycles. I have read EVERY THREAD AND POST since I joined last year and like the majority of forum members who post here am 100% (at least!) certain that Flecc has maintained his independence from any supplier and never recommended anyone without hard cold facts! I have dealt with 50 cycles since my purchase, and have recently asked for help which they have not been able to give. Tim and others have always been polite and helpful both on the phone and by email. If I have been in hurry and not received a response immediately I ring them. I appreciate that they are busy and appreciate their valuable time.
My last comment is directed at all who critise Flecc and others on the forum. As has been stated before, they don't have to help anybody! FLECC PLEASE DO NOT GET FED UP WITH COMMENTS SUCH AS THIS. There are many of us who place great value on your postings and would not be members or even visit the site if you and the other members who give up their time for no reward other than our thanks decided that they do not have to take such nonsense as has been directed at you in these and other posts.


Apr 27, 2008
Just my 2d

I agree with Conal...the problem we always have on forums is they have to cater for ALL abilities and reading the post here you can tell we have a vast range of both technical and cycling ability.

However, that doesn't excuse rudeness and ill founded accusations of any kind...but if a person is desperate then I can see how not being able to solve something could force you to say something through outright frustration...


Oct 25, 2006
Thanks for the support guys, I'm not upset or disturbed, just very firmly putting down this ill founded accusation so that any new members or visitors are reassured of this forum's unquestionable independence and impartiality, and the integrity of all contributing members.


Apr 11, 2008
I've read plenty of posts on here regarding the 'lithium battery' fiasco amongst other things where flecc certainly has not been showing allegiance towards Ezee/50 cycles. Perhaps his appreciation for the panasonic range is misconstrued as allegiance for 50 cycles as they unfortuanelty have exclusivity on the product.

Hopefully some will pop up on ebay soon from an international seller.
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