Puncture problem


Jan 31, 2008
High in the Northern Pennines
So yesterday morning I go to get on my Gazelle and the front tyre is definitively, unmistakably FLAT! So much for guarantees etc. Anyway the good news was that it was the front wheel which is much easier to deal with. Also the hole in the tube is easy to find, it is quite big and near to the valve although there is no sign of any damage on the outside or inside of the tyre. Nor is there ant sign of a spoke head intruding. No matter. I apply a patch and test that it has solved the leak. Yes. So put tube back in tyre and set out to put some pressure back in (no brake blocks to worry about). I get to about 50 psi when there is a bang, the pump connector is blown straight off the valve and the tyre goes down again. Check that my patch is still in place and working. It is. The problem now is the valve, a Schrader, which is leaking copiously. Never had anything like this blow back before. Anybody got any ideas as to why it happened? I assume it is not possible to fix a faulty valve such as I now have?


Oct 25, 2006
It may be just slightly unscrewed, that's the most common cause, but you'll need the right type of dustcap or tool to tighten it. Otherwise it will be dirt on it's sealing ring

New valve inserts and the tool-end dustcaps or tools are available from car parts outlets or cycle dealers, so worth getting a spare insert and tightening cap or tool, they're very low cost.

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Finding my (electric) wheels
Feb 2, 2008
Baildon (BD17)
Hi David

Sorry to hear about your puncture. I got one in my rear wheel 2 weeks ago. A local bike shop wouldn't attempt it so I took it back to the shop in York. (only 4 hours late for work that day! ) They were very helpful and only charged £3.25 for a new inner tube.

A problem I had with the chain rattling in the chain box was also remidied at the same time.

Steve H.