Rapid charge lithium-iron batteries - practicable?


Oct 25, 2006
Having re-read some of that, I suppose energy density is the priority for practical range & battery weight for bikes, but with research having been directed to cars as said, and bikes managing say 30-40 miles per charge even on the moderate/low energy-density batteries available to us, is fast charging at such intervals an acceptable compromise for longer range trips, or is there a more practical solution on the horizon?! (preferably without buying/carrying extra batteries... :))

I think of Toshiba's research as being accidentally against our interests Stuart. Basically they've been sacrificing cell content density in order to favour the ultra rapid charging. That might be ok for cars where space for cells is readily provided and their weight isn't quite as critical, but for e-bikes it's very bad news. We need space saving high density and very low weight, and charging stations at 100 miles intervals aren't much use for us if their bulky low content batteries when fitted on e-bikes keep our range short.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 9, 2007
Sorry Jeremy, it was unwise of me to post that link - now removed in the interest of fair play & trade. I agree that the negative sales pitch could use modifying, and that includes posting a reply without the original question, on a selling page, which could mislead others.

Oops, I made things a bit messy now -

Nick: would you mind editing your post to remove the link/quote from there, thanks then I'll amend my last post accordingly & Jeremy can change his if he wants, or will that make it more messy? Oh dear... some days...

Hi Stuart,

I was thinking about this, and unless Jeremy objects, I'd suggest leaving it in. My reasoning is:

It doesn't reflect badly on anyone here.

It makes it less confusing for anyone else reading the thread.

There is a much more detailed debate about this guy and his advert on endless-sphere so its all public anyway.

Hope that's OK.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 18, 2007
Manchester U.K.
Yes Nick of course, and apart from the fact I think you're right on all counts, its entirely your choice anyway :).

I've made enough of a mess in this thread already & should just learn when to stop 'fixing' things!

My main concern was that I might have inadvertently publicised a product whose sales pitch was 'not best practice' shall we say, but on reflection anyone reading this can plainly make their own decision based on what's been said :).



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 18, 2007
Manchester U.K.
I can see that I should probably be asking then 'how can we get higher energy density batteries?' - like many I'm sure I rather naively assume the batteries we get for the bikes are at least among the best for our purposes, and it wouldn't necessarily occur to me that it might be feasible for a much higher energy (longer range) & low weight & bulk battery to be developed, given the incentive for the makers...

To me, very fast charge & say at least 50% more capacity/range for about the same weight or less as NiMH or LiMn (e.g. ~4.5kg for 39.6V 12-13Ah) seemed not too bad a deal, if it were to be realised... [EDIT - though they seem to be more like 6kg?]

But now I feel kind've cheated by battery development directed away from bike's needs, however accidentally...

Any chance batteries aimed at electric motorbikes might be more suited to our bikes I wonder? They at least have rather more restriction on weight/space for cells... though they probably need less energy than cars too... Oh well, I can live in hope!

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Oct 25, 2006
Any chance batteries aimed at electric motorbikes might be more suited to our bikes I wonder? They at least have rather more restriction on weight/space for cells... though they probably need less energy than cars too... Oh well, I can live in hope!

Maybe, but we already have the Vectrix, and that carries considerable weight and bulk by general scooter standards. We really need e-bike specific research, and that was progressing ok for some while with the large Chinese market for these bikes, Ni-Cad, NiMh, Li-ion Cobalt/Manganese/hybrid cathode, Li-poly, LiFePO4. My concern is that their increasing affluence and car use might take their eye off the ball to some extent. Let's hope not.