Security, How to do it?


Apr 14, 2014
Hello Lads,
My bike is about to come and I am quite worry about get it stolen.
At home I don't think will be a problem, as I live in a very quiet area in Dublin(most of people leaves many thinks like bikes outside with no locks or whatsoever) and I can bring inside home. I could leave in the kitchen, where no one could see it, or in the living room, where the window is besides but my car is on the front so hard to be seen.
I will use mostly for commuting but maybe sometimes I will use for other things.
At work I think should be ok too, I work in a college with security and cameras. Besides the car park is a bike park, where you have to use a card to open the gate and then is the bike park.
If I use for other thing would be to go where I play football, In one pitch I can bring Inside where are all the pitches so I could look at the bike as it would be close to me. The other pitch I think I am not aloud to do it, but there is a police station just in front.
I've been looking at some things and my idea is this:
- I have a chain well made, hard and very heavy, which I would use for the front wheel and maybe the frame( I think I can't because is too short)
- I will buy a kryptonite New york Fahgettaboudit Mini Lock for the frame which I found it for 70 euros( Any other better for that price?)
Should I do anything else, like some of the cheaps alarms or an insurance?
Thanks Lads :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 22, 2012
You seem well-sorted for the house and at work.

The Fahgettaboudit lock is reckoned to be just about the best, so you can't do a lot more.

Best not to leave the bike anywhere for any longer than you have to, and don't leave it in public in the same place regularly.

I like to do supermarket shopping on mine, but I vary the time and supermarket.

I also nip around the aisles smarthish.

Pity, because I'd like to stop for a coffee inside, but I would be really hacked off if the bike was nicked while I was doing that.
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Apr 14, 2014
That's the thing, I would get mad if when I come back my bike is not there..
As I said I don't think is a problem at work or home but just want to be sure and have some extra safety information.
Another thing I would like to do is just going for some ridings, and maybe stop to drink something but it will be somewhere where I can see the bike from where I am.
Do you know if the kryptonite suits any bike?
I got the cube and I don't know if the mini fits in any bike or if I have to get a bigger one.
Thanks :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 22, 2012
D locks can be breached by putting a jack inside the D.

So you use the smallest one possible and bolt it to something as big as possible to leave no room for a jack.

If I am only stopping for a drink, I use a lot less secure cable lock.

But I only stop where I can keep an eye on the bike, and don't sit in, so it's only locked unattended for the time it takes me to buy the brew.

Mate of mine had his ordinary bike nicked from the doorway of a public toilet while he was having a pee.

He took the bike into the lobby of the toilet, but the urinal was a few metres away the other side of a wall.

Needless to say, my bike comes all the way into the toilet with me.


Apr 14, 2014
Ok so that's means the smaller the better. I will get that for that price I find quite good.
I hope it will fit my bike with no prob.
Thanks buddy :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 19, 2012
My mate owns a shop in selby north yorks that sells bikes and he tells me that when the local ballbags are unable to steal the bike they kick the spokes in.


Esteemed Pedelecer
I was originally using a pretty good Abus lock, and added to that a Kryptonite lock too. The Kryptonite goes through the frame, the Abus through the (quick-release) front wheel - and I'm happy to leave the bike now for several hours in central Birmingham.

It's a pain carrying the extra weight, but it's worth it for the peace of mind. One lock can be broken, of course, but thieves seeing two locks will generally think it not worth the trouble, even on an £2K bike. Of course, park under cameras and in busy areas where you can.


Jun 2, 2012
I've got a kryptonite D lock, a massive kryptonite chain that weighs an absolute tonne and the bike came with an axa lock fitted on it. Hopefully that lot should put anyone off!

Other than at work I try not to leave the bike too long if I can't see it.


Apr 14, 2014
Hello lads!
I got my bike yesterdayand brought back home(20km trip) and today I did 40km to see how is working.
I brought with me the kryptonite lock that I bough at amazon because it looks too small, so I wanted to check outside how it works.
My idea was lock the frame and the back wheel with the u lock and with a big chain the front wheel.
The only way to lock the back wheel and the frame was like in the picture.
Just one side of the frame and wheel. OtherwiseI should lock just the frame.
What do you think could be better?
A) lock the bike like this.
B) change the lock for a bigger one
C) lock the frame with this lock and get a cable for the back wheel.
Thanks lads :)



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2011
I think it's good enough like it is.
Do tell us what you think of your bike.


Apr 14, 2014
I think it's good enough like it is.
Do tell us what you think of your bike.
I could say I am very happy after 60km.
I wanted to dischargethe battery however I still having 2 lines for another 40 or so. I will have to go out tomorrow too haha.
I mainly use the tour mode(2ndof 4th modes, as the fifth is off)
And I didn't feel a big differencecomparing with a normal bike, however I went in one way where is a hill I use to go up with my other bike and was quite hard for me, this time? I was surprise tour mode 25km per hour and without hard pedalling.
Sometimes I feel 25km/h is not too much but when I look to people with normal bikes then I realised that I should do some kind of big effort to go at this speed most of the time(I wouldn't be able to be always at this speed with a normal bike)
So after see this I was like.. Maybe in the future I could add the badass but when I go down the hill I was something like 52km/h and the assistance stop at 25(40-45 with the badass) so.. If I had assistance up to 40 and then my power.. I would kill my self( I don't want that) haha.
So after going around and everything( my only problem is I don't like going slower than some others hahaha) I saw a huge hill. And I said why not?
I tried with tour mode and wrong gear so in the middle I had to stop. I went down and came back better gear and sport mode. No problem at all, of course I had to pedal but I wasn't tired or whatsoever.
TomorrowI will go again and I will write a new treat about the bike :)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
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Finding my (electric) wheels
Jan 13, 2014
About locking the front wheel...cables are of course not strong enough, chains are but being heavy and bulky - IMO the most elegant way is to use pitlock skewer - so you only have to worry about the frame and the rear wheel (and the seatpost if there is a knickable saddle).
Does any of you use some kind of "advanced" types of gadgets like trackers (Bikespike and such), or vibration/PIR/GSM alarms? I have an idea about something, but in my current locking setup so far it wasn't very successful.
@Frankie that Cubie looks cool, just like it was supposed to. Going for badass myself these days so I could write something when I install it...
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Apr 14, 2014
Hello paws.
I saw 2 of this gadgets. One of then is from kryptoniteand is some kind of sticker with a code that you register online and if is stolen and they try to sell it people can check the status of the bike with the code. I didn't go for it as is just an sticker so I think they could easy remove it.
I saw as well the data tag but the police need some kind of special thing to check the bikes, it can't be done by anyone and in Ireland the police doesn't have too many of this machines.
About the-pit-lock for the front wheel I read on the internet that if is not a good one is very very easy to remove by anyone and the good ones are about 50-60€ and I've already have that big chain.
So for now I will use the u lock for the frame and maybe back wheel and the chain for front wheel and maybe even frame too.
Today I will get maybe a cheap but thick cable just in case for the back wheel.


Apr 14, 2014
I did today Another 20km and is already 80km. I feel like if I did 5 hahaha.
I still having 2 lines and 26km in tour mode or 16 in turbo.
Tomorrowwill be my first day to work with the bike and is about 10km each way.
Should I charge the battery today or is better to wait until is fully empty tomorrow?
Is already 3 days with the bike and never charged. In the manual doesn't say anything about fully empty the first few times.
I read people say with this new batteries this is not need it but maybe is better.
What is your opinion?
Thanks ladies and gentlemen ;)