Week 16 or not, that is the question ?


Aug 22, 2007
Llanberis LL55 4TD (Snowdonia)
To follow on from flecc's previous post, when I was a little lad in the late 1940's my father used deliver cars (Vauxhall, Luton) to a dealer in Brum, then people had to put their name down for a car up to 6 months before they had any chance of getting it.
The "instant" probably came in attached to coffee.

Derrick - Llanberis:rolleyes:


Jan 31, 2008
High in the Northern Pennines
In fact I'm right on the edge of deciding to leave this forum, such is the idiocy of these postings.


You can't do that!! 99% of what I have learnt about the new world of
e bikes since I discovered it in January has been directly down to your
amazing, seemingly infinite knowledge, on so many varied topics which
you are so happy to share with others like me.
And yes there are, I am sure, plenty of others who like me are patiently/impatiently awaiting the arrival of their new wonder bike - which
will happen as soon as 50 Cycles receive it - and all the public huffing and puffing, with which I, and I assume many others, do not wish to be associated, will not bring that date forward one jot nor tittle.
What I do notice is the good press for excellent service 50 Cycles consistently get from those lucky enough to have had their turn come up for delivery.


Jan 10, 2008
flecc surely an over reaction and a value judgement.
why does this forum set itself up for conflict over differing opinions of 5o cycles? I dont think referring to members post as idiocy is particularly fair.

"My advice to 50 Cycles would be, develop your customer service skills and product knowledge and keep the customer informed in a gracious manner."-urban puma

i think urban puma s summary hits the nail on the head. And the members that are blowing fuses should just get on with it. It will all die down when the bikes start arriving in numbers.

And, of course flecc you would be missed.


Extract 50 Cycles 4th March

All I can say is sorry, we understand exactly how those waiting are feeling, but really these bikes are worth waiting for and we will hold the discounted price until they are well in stock. The reports back from those lucky enough to have a step thru has been fantastic, so we are very confident, excited and still really cannot wait to see the Gents Agattu like everybody else.


Thats not the case any more is it. It would seem that people are no longer allowed to express their opinions on this forum on warranted issues surrounding the performance of ebike suppliers that affect them.

Does the forum not extend to the perfomance of suppliers.

No its not 50 Cycles fault that the motors or whatever part is not available and the productioon run is delayed but compare this to Wisper who are not selling the 905se in its english spec until they can give it to you.

50 C made a rod for their own back and now people are understandably beating them with it.

I make no apology to anyone for speaking out if I feel I have been let down by a supplier. £1400 is a lot of money to give someone based on what you've been told only for dates to come and go.

Personally I have cancelled my bike. Not because ive been waiting a huge amount of time for it but because I dont want my money sitting in someone elses bank account for an undesclosed period of time before I get my goods.

Flecc you are over reacting re leaving the forum. Too many people rely on you but its your choice. 'cutting your nose off springs to mind'

I will be leaving the forum as it is no longer a place where people can openly express their feelings without being told off.

Forum: a meeting for the open discussion of subjects of public interest.

well if crappy customer service from a supplier of products that we all own or have an interest in does not qualify under the dictionary definition, I dont no what does.

Thanks for the memories



Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 6, 2007
I’m getting very annoyed :mad: about these anti 50cycles threads. Most of the things that happened are out of control of 50cycles.
I'm a little loath to speak having got my Agattu almost as soon as I ordered it, but things have now come to such a pass that one feels bound to stand up and be counted.

This constant bitching at 50cycles is now not so much bathos as absurdity. There is nothing 50cycles can do; people have GOT to wait or cancel and have no other option; why keep endlessly on and on about it? It simply wears down everyone's nerves including the moaner's own.

We all feel for you. You have been unfortunate. Grin and bear it. There is nothing else you can do and acting up like silly kids helps neither you nor anyone else.


Oct 25, 2006
I will be leaving the forum as it is no longer a place where people can openly express their feelings without being told off.


Each time I protest about the unfairness of this witchhunt, it's me who's being criticised.

It's an atmosphere in the forum that I find unpleasant, but I'm told that's over reacting. No it's not, it's an expression of my feelings.
Sep 24, 2007
Steady chaps! As an ex-waitee for an Agattu and one of the original complainants re the attitude of 50Cycles, I do understand the increasing frustration of people who are still waiting with ever-changing deadlines. So, there they are, waiting for these quite expensive bikes, foaming at the mouth mainly because of the fact that the delivery dates keep changing all the time, as the weather gets better and better. So, they then post an irate thread about it and blow off steam. What's the problem with that? I thought people had said in the past that, if you don't like a thread, don't read it and don't contribute to it. It appears that people keep reading the threads, responding and now there's a mass hysteria about everyone leaving the forum.

I don't think it's a "witchhunt"... it's frustrated steam blowing by people who are getting fed up. I know.. I've been there and I had a terrible suspicion that this would happen, so I cancelled early on (comparatively) and got out of the whole thing.

As I think people keep saying.... most people waiting know it's not 50Cycles fault that no motors are available (or whatever). The cause of the irritation is 1. they keep selling bikes they don't have and don't know when they will have them 2. they don't deal with people properly.

Most people who comment adversely on the ire expressed by people who are waiting, already have a bike and aren't hanging on interminably themselves, getting one excuse after another.

May I offer a word of advice to those people who are getting more and more frustrated? Cancel your order, get your money back and get something else. Avoid all of this stuff completely. My own personal view.. and no, I really am not on a witch-hunt, is that no bike on earth is worth the hassle. It certainly wasn't for me. It's now 10 April and I bet most people haven't got their diamond frame Agattus. God help anyone waiting for a Pro-Connect. It would not surprise me one bit if people were still waiting (and steam blowing) in July or August.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 11, 2007

I welcome your contributions. You have been let down and it is valuable for us to hear about that. It is also perfectly legitimate for others to express their own opinions - including telling you off. If they were to be stopped from doing that the discussion would not be open and, under your definition, this would not be a forum.

The main objection seems to be that repeating the same complaint over and over again is not constructive. I agree with that, but those who criticise must appreciate that when 50cycles persist in writing on this forum things such as, 'we have had 2000+ (bikes) and kept every single one on the road satisfied', it is really difficult not to react to such ostrich-like nonsense negatively.

A second objection seems to be that people should take complaints up directly. Again, I agree with that. However, I found 50cycles almost impossible to get a response from on a number of very simple issues and I know others have a similar experience. Given that, this forum has provided . . . erm . . a forum where direct communication has failed.

I have said before that I wish 50cycles well and I repeat that here as I do believe they are honest, sincere and hard working, but I also firmly believe that this 'unpleasant atmosphere' is primarily their responsibility.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 6, 2007
So, they then post an irate thread about it and blow off steam. What's the problem with that?
None at all - the first time. It's when they blow off steam on here over and over again in exactly the same way that it gets irritating to say the least. And it does damage. It has already lost the forum one valued supplier.

If steam has to be let off every thirty seconds over a matter which is completely inevitable people should go into their gardens with a spade and dig. That will be useful as well as comforting.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
people should go into their gardens with a spade and dig. That will be useful as well as comforting.[/QUOTE]

or better still come to my garden..i will even supply you with spade, hedge cutter, lawnmower, and any other tools you need to vent your steam off :D


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 6, 2007
However, I found 50cycles almost impossible to get a response from on a number of very simple issues and I know others have a similar experience.
Possibly 50cycles too get fed up with exactly repeated moans and ignore them when nothing can be done. I have told of my own experience on here, which is one of fast efficient service, including the replacement of a faulty part without fuss on any sort. If people want smarmy salesmanship then it's true they probably won't get it from 50cycles and will need to go elsewhere. They should do so. They can get their money back immediately.

I know very little of 50cycles beyond my own satisfaction with them but I feel for them. They had a totally unforeseeable and fatal hitch with battery systems. They had a bad fire. They are trying to set up a good service as a Kalkhoff agency and run constantly into supply problems they are powerless to do anything about. They have apologised several times in a sincere and adult fashion. If they were to employ a telephone operator to croon sweet nothings into impatient ears would anyone be any better off? Of course not. There is nothing to be done. As you say those who must have instant satisfaction should cancel their orders and shop elsewhere.

I am speaking frankly and curtly in an intentional way. I believe this badly needs saying.

If a significant number tell me that my comments are unacceptable I will leave the forum but with much regret.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 7, 2007
Norwich Norfolk
There’s rarely a day that I don’t come to this forum to see what every buddy is talking about:) , and to get and give advice were I can, since joining this forum I have learnt a lot and purchased 6 eclectic bikes all different, front wheel drive, rear wheel drive, geared drive, cross bar, step though foldable and kits. all different fun and enjoyable to ride, I see the people on this forum as friends most more than willing to give advice and help when asked for, I don’t like to see them threatening to leave over differences of opinion:( , all my electric bikes were purchased second hand so I don’t comment on retailers like 50 cycles or whisper although I do own there bikes, I think they are trying hard in a relatively new market and are improving the types of electric bikes that are becoming available to us all, without them and companies like them we would all be stuck with cheap heavy bargain basement ebikes off EBay:) .


Finding my (electric) wheels
Mar 29, 2008
It seems a shame that this issue has caused so much distress and ill feeling. I'm very new to the world of e-bikes and this forum, only deciding to go the way of a pro-connect after realising that a knee problem, after a serious accident meant I would never be able to properly ride again. The information on this very forum and the geniune way in which people seemed prepared to help complete strangers filled me with a real sense of warmth.

I could bemoan 50 cycles, as obviously I am now going to have a longer wait then the promised end of April, and as customer relations is my buisness, I would ask them to reflect on the fact that I learnt the fate of my order on this forum, would not a personal message to your customers first, not have been more polite?

But, heh Ive been to a funeral this week of a 52 year old friend, and learnt of another one passing away today. My bike being a bit delayed? So what the sun will come up tommorow.

I do hope that those who have, quite rightly, been stressed by this feel a cathartic release by letting of steam. But can we move on?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 6, 2007
I don’t like to see them threatening to leave over differences of opinionEBay:) .
My offer was just that - not in any way a threat. I am of no importance but Flecc is vital.

I've now had my say and shall say no more.

Nobody has been hurt, nobody has lost money.

Small things like a fire at Panasonic or Derby cycles could see people still waiting this time next year, but not compelled to do so. On any sensible scale it's all a storm in a teacup.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 11, 2007
Possibly 50cycles too get fed up with exactly repeated moans and ignore them when nothing can be done.
With respect, and as just one example amongst many of an ignored communication, how can:



I have a few spokes out in the front wheel of my Torq and would be grateful if you could pop a few in the post. Fifteen would be good as that would leave me with plenty as spares.

If you are happy to enclose an invoice, I will send a cheque by return.

Many thanks,


be construed as anything other than a very polite request for essential back up to keep me as a satisfied customer on the road - something which I am now told I am?

I am glad your experience has been excellent and while I appreciate the 'possibly' at the start of your post, I am not happy with your negative implication regarding my own approach which has been considered and fair in all respects.

Cheers, (frankly but friendly)

Sep 24, 2007
None at all - the first time. It's when they blow off steam on here over and over again in exactly the same way that it gets irritating to say the least. And it does damage. It has already lost the forum one valued supplier.

If steam has to be let off every thirty seconds over a matter which is completely inevitable people should go into their gardens with a spade and dig. That will be useful as well as comforting.
But Tony, it only gets irritating if one reads the thread, doesn't it? What I'm saying is that people who are waiting post threads and blow off steam but people shouldn't read them if they find them irritating. There is one particular member of this forum whose posts used to have me gnashing my teeth with annoyance. I now never read this member's posts, or respond to them, or comment on them....easy solution....


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
people shouldn't read them if they find them irritating. There is one particular member of this forum whose posts used to have me gnashing my teeth with annoyance. I now never read this member's posts, or respond to them, or comment on them....easy solution....[/QUOTE].

what we need is some computer buff to make us a programme where we make a note of any such said person.....and the programme automatically deletes that posting on just our computer...no more gnashing,irritation or annoyance..........and then that computer buff could help me sort my p.c as its sticking..:eek:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 22, 2007
people shouldn't read them if they find them irritating. There is one particular member of this forum whose posts used to have me gnashing my teeth with annoyance. I now never read this member's posts, or respond to them, or comment on them....easy solution....

what we need is some computer buff to make us a programme where we make a note of any such said person.....and the programme automatically deletes that posting on just our computer...no more gnashing,irritation or annoyance..........and then that computer buff could help me sort my p.c as its sticking..:eek:[/QUOTE]

Keith, you can do this by using the ignore list. Go to UserCP and you will find it there. I have tried it with you and it does work but I have of course reinstated you now.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Mar 12, 2008
If you want the best, you're going to have to wait.

If you can't be patient, want something less.