What are the connectors called on controllers etc?

The Maestro

Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2008

Does anyone know what the connectors (single wire not blocks) are called that are on motor controllers and other ebike related peripherals. They are male-female type connectors with a plastic sleeve around them? I have tried to find them in an electronics catalogue but can't find them.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 14, 2008
Hertfordshire and Bath

Does anyone know what the connectors (single wire not blocks) are called that are on motor controllers and other ebike related peripherals. They are male-female type connectors with a plastic sleeve around them? I have tried to find them in an electronics catalogue but can't find them.
Are they flattish? If so, probably spade connectors.


Oct 25, 2006
If flat they may be spade, sometimes called Faston (proprietary name).

If round and sometimes with a waistline recess they may be bullet connectors, a type much used in car wiring connections. If so try car part suppliers.

The Maestro

Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2008
If flat they may be spade, sometimes called Faston (proprietary name).

If round and sometimes with a waistline recess they may be bullet connectors, a type much used in car wiring connections. If so try car part suppliers.
Round thanks Flecc, I'll search for Bullet connectors.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 9, 2007
Hi Maestro,

A lot of the connectors I've seen on controllers I haven't been able to identify or source - they are possibly proprietary or controlled, similar to some of the things seen on cars and motorbikes.

Standard types you may come across from the auto world are:
1/4" wide spade terminals - also known as Faston, Lucar, etc
Slightly smaller spade terminals
Bullets - in 4 or 5 m diameter (possibly also 4.5 mm), according to the size of wire.

You may also come across JST (Japan Solderless Terminals) - these are used by eZee for some of their handlebar controls.

Homebuilders like to use Anderson Power Pole connectors but I haven't seen them on factory bikes.

Its a jungle. For instance, my Torq has bullets for the battery connections, but they have a different convention for the size of bullet vs the size of wire normally seen in this country so I haven't been able to find replacements.

The other thing is that you usually need specialist tools for each connector type. Its no wonder then that many people cut them off and then use their own favourites.


The Maestro

Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2008
Thanks for the info Tiberius. Yes, they seem to be a real mix, my Alien kit came with a controller that uses bullets for the two power wires and the 3 phase motor wires but different sized multiconnectors for everything else including the 5 hall effect motor wires. I bought another controller off e-crazyman and the power wires are in a multiconnector with 3 wires. I don't know what the 3rd is - earth maybe. I found a source for bullet connectors just up the road from me at CPC | CPC - Over 100, 000 products from one of the worlds leading distributors of electronic and related products. so I'm going to try and use some of them when I get around to swapping the controllers. They also sell a generic powerpole but they look a bit bulky going off the dimensions.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 9, 2007
I have a CPC account. I also have an ecrazyman controller - that really does have unidentifiable connectors and I cut most of them off. BTW, the 3rd wire on the power input is probably an enable - connect it to the +ve supply to make it turn on - Keywin (ecrazyman) should be able to confirm.

If you are interested, the Crystalyte controllers from ebikes.ca use Tamiji PRC05 connectors for the Hall sensors. (Am I getting sad or what?)

What I prefer, though, is Binder 712 for the Hall sensors and I've standardised on that. If CPC doesn't have them, their parent company Farnell does.


The Maestro

Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2008
I have a CPC account. I also have an ecrazyman controller - that really does have unidentifiable connectors and I cut most of them off. BTW, the 3rd wire on the power input is probably an enable - connect it to the +ve supply to make it turn on - Keywin (ecrazyman) should be able to confirm.

If you are interested, the Crystalyte controllers from ebikes.ca use Tamiji PRC05 connectors for the Hall sensors. (Am I getting sad or what?)

What I prefer, though, is Binder 712 for the Hall sensors and I've standardised on that. If CPC doesn't have them, their parent company Farnell does.

Hi Nick,

So the e-crazyman controller has a thick red and black wire and a thinner brown wire. Are you saying connect the red +ve and the brown together? I've tried to contact Keywin a number of times about various things such as ordering a suzhou bafang motor and combining postage on some items I bought on ebay and he never replies to ebay messages or to messages sent to his gmail address :(


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 9, 2007
He used to be quite good when I bought stuff recently. I have some data and instructions he sent me and I remember an enable line on the controller. Trouble is, its all in my laboratory and I won't be there until Friday. If you can wait until then I can dig it out and forward it - if not, you could try Knuckles on the endless-sphere forum; he imports Keywin's stuff to the US and is usually pretty talkative.


The Maestro

Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2008
He used to be quite good when I bought stuff recently. I have some data and instructions he sent me and I remember an enable line on the controller. Trouble is, its all in my laboratory and I won't be there until Friday. If you can wait until then I can dig it out and forward it - if not, you could try Knuckles on the endless-sphere forum; he imports Keywin's stuff to the US and is usually pretty talkative.

oO laboratory, very professional! I'm not in a rush for the information to be honest. I only bought the controller because I thought mine was broken but infact it was my battery. I'm planning to upgrade to a 48V battery at some point so I thought I'd swap controllers in readiness for that. Not that I'm sure it'll work as its just another 36 volt controller but rated for 25 amps rather than 15 on my current one. I'm sure the information you have would be useful though if you can dig it out. I'll pm you my email address.
