Woosh starts shipping Tongsheng TSDZ8 with 250W label


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Woosh starts shipping Tongsheng TSDZ8 with 250W label
Can you get Bafang to factory label or engrave BBSHD "250W"? ;) That'd be a welcome coup for fatties.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Can you get Bafang to factory label or engrave BBSHD "250W"? ;) That'd be a welcome coup for fatties.
I doubt that Bafang would do that for me.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
However my desire to use a throttle is to use the motor less not more. I just want to cycle my bike as much as possible without assistance and then use the throttle only when I need power at exact times like pulling away from junctions and of course climbing hills. This massively extends the range of the battery well beyond the often stated range. I want the level of power at my finger tips.
You can do all that legally if you fit a KT controller to your bike. You can set it so that the throttle works independently to 4 mph (legal), then only when you're pedalling if you want an instant power burst (legal), and the rest of the time you can set the pedal assist to one of 5 levels of power. On level 1, there's about 60w, which is just enough to overcome the extra weight and resistance of the electrics. You can set the power to zero, but I think the throttle gets switched off too in that case, though I'm not certain.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 27, 2022
I don't need this motor... but I really want it... what should I do?
Decisions, decisions, decisions...

I have to measure (max power) so will answer in a few days when the weather gets better.
Is it possible to reserve one motor for me till you check power? It would be very disappointing to find out controller was restricted to 5A lol
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Email Andy at wooshbikes.co.uk. i am pretty sure he can arrange something for you.

I don't need this motor... but I really want it... what should I do?
Decisions, decisions, decisions...

Is it possible to reserve one motor for me till you check power? It would be very disappointing to find out controller was restricted to 5A lol


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
720W mid drive would make for exciting 20" wheeler riding, if my experience of 36V X 18A (out of a possible 20A) = 648W (up to a possible 720W at 20A) is anything to go by on my Dahon folder, and I sincerely hope someone does such a conversion; reports back. But not on a 20" wheeled folder because it'd probably snap, which would be even more likely at 20A and 960W. Mind you, my bike hasn't snapped (yet) so maybe not? Even more exciting on 16" wheels, something like a Presto SL. No disc brakes, unfortunately. Hub gears on the Presto Lite would die a swift death with that much power, I think.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Aaaarrggghhh @Woosh - you've deleted your post about a HEX file! That and the configurator will turn up on the net sometime, as they have for the TSDZ2, and at that point, I have no doubt this apparently legal 720W/960W motor will be of great interest to torque sensored powerful motor obsessed cyclists throughout the UK - the Bosch ebike market. I'd expect this larger motor to be more robust, more suitable for heavier cargo/trailer hauling than the TSDZ2.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Will the paper gasket be leaky, causing rain anxiety?



Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I don't know tbh. Probably rain won't be a problem.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 27, 2022
Will the paper gasket be leaky, causing rain anxiety?
Everything inside seams to be nicely sealed, so it should be fine unless you are planning on leaving motor soaking in bucket of water overnight. But if concerned it is an easy fix.

I am more concerned about cables sticking out of bottom of the motor without any protection. Disappointing.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
I used cable tidy webbing, as cables exit the bbs01b the same way. Adds a little impact protection. Haven't experienced any problems. Cable sheathing is pretty tough, the webbing is probably unnecessary.

Having had my motor completely submerged for 13 seconds after a storm left a pond in the road, I'd be inclined to cover most of the paper gasket with heat and shrink resistant silicone sealant, leaving some oncovered underneath to allow exit of expanding hot air and entry of contracting cold air, as the motor heats and cools - did that with my bbs01b, and it has a rubber gasket not paper. Too watertight would be too airtight, causing problems like the controller being blown clean off by hot air, severing a foot? :eek: Unlikely.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 27, 2022
I used cable tidy webbing, as cables exit the bbs01b the same way. Adds a little impact resistance. Haven't experienced any problems.
You use bike to commute mainly. TSDZ8 is marketed for mtb, so you can expect strong impact (rocks, roots, logs etc)

Too watertight would be too airtight, causing problems like the controller being blown clean off by hot air, severing a foot? Unlikely.
Controller is completely sealed as far as I understand. They will probably sell it with part of the housing.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
You use bike to commute mainly. TSDZ8 is marketed for mtb, so you can expect strong impact (rocks, roots, logs etc)
Perhaps some company will start offering bashguards sometime, like the ones for the BBSHD?

After months of speculation about all sorts of stuff too numerous and weird to mention on the To7OrNotTo7 "What was the question?" thread, I'm looking forward to reading a thread about your new motor and bike build, despite my not actually wanting to ever buy a torque sensored mid-drive - my interest has appeared by very gradual osmosis through multitudinous exposures to posts about this motor over many long months of postings by various entities. I really should hire an exorcist to rid myself of this interest. There will be pea soup.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 23, 2023
Would like ;) but would need a new bike to fit it too, already have 3 and can only ride 1 at a time.. this is the sort of problem i can live with ;)
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Aug 27, 2023
Power to you Woosh, a bit like deja vu again really, jerry has been onto this for years, rule only says 250watts continuous and sticker to say so. No mention of max output in rules and we now accept input watts not output. Bosch cleverly claim more torque in newton metres every upgrade whilst maintaining 250w sticker, no-one cares. Speed limit is their clever bit, ebay full on dongles to bypass but their hands are clean, like pontious pilate.
Ebikegate might be coming, watch the Bosch execs run !
It's possible to do this in firmware but I don't think it is necessary.
You pedal normally with a ts kit. If you want to respect the spirit of the law, you also pedal when climbing a hill, the throttle makes possible to pedal as much as you like.
That’s interesting, do they let you change high and low voltage cutouts ? As I’m sure you know tsz2 you had to reflash firmware, either theirs or osf before you could run 52v battery, it would be nice if they let us have access to these at last as well as current values for levels etc.
Also, my biggest gripe with Tongy orig firmware was the delay on hitting throttle, does z8 fix this with orig firmware?. Throttle overides pas immediately like with osf ? No power at all going up steep hills sucks.I learnt to hit throttle at the bottom of hills, regulate as needed to climb. Hitting max torque sensitive power fails badly, spin or wheelie in the loose uphill off camber stuff. Bafang with osf so much better.
Momentary 25amps at 52v would be nice for steep hills . Not continuous, obviously, that would be illegal. Rules are Dutch, for flatlands, in Wales or even Chingford, speed downhill is not regulated by watts or newton metres but gravity.
We also have uphill, mumbo is good
we can agree that laws are not perfect, but there are inexpensive solutions My wife had to pay £75 fine through no fault of her own. The car in front stopped suddenly, just for about 5 seconds. This happened at the Green Man roundabout in Leytonstone. She was trapped in the yellow box behind his car for 5 seconds.
I do hope they (or you) told her the crime. Junction box rules are simple, enter only when clear to exit. Car in front breaking down or falling asleep is exactly why. I’d nuke em. London often at a standstill cos of silly t*rts blocking the junctions. £75 way too cheap for the livelihoods at stake. I got fined more for very minor speeding, hurting or holding up no-one. Glad to hear they’re finally onto it.
Of course the Green Man roundabout worked well before they put lights there but that’s another story. Now the junction box is everything, maybe time for bigger roundabout ?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
That’s interesting, do they let you change high and low voltage cutouts ? As I’m sure you know tsz2 you had to reflash firmware, either theirs or osf before you could run 52v battery, it would be nice if they let us have access to these at last as well as current values for levels etc.
Also, my biggest gripe with Tongy orig firmware was the delay on hitting throttle, does z8 fix this with orig firmware?. Throttle overides pas immediately like with osf ? No power at all going up steep hills sucks.I learnt to hit throttle at the bottom of hills, regulate as needed to climb. Hitting max torque sensitive power fails badly, spin or wheelie in the loose uphill off camber stuff. Bafang with osf so much better.
Momentary 25amps at 52v would be nice for steep hills . Not continuous, obviously, that would be illegal. Rules are Dutch, for flatlands, in Wales or even Chingford, speed downhill is not regulated by watts or newton metres but gravity.
We also have uphill, mumbo is good
52v battery is not legal. It has to be 48v maximum.
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Aug 27, 2023
52v battery is not legal. It has to be 48v maximum.
House of parliament law or your opinion ?
Not in any legislation I’ve seen, certainly not EU law
If true, you might note 48v battery fully or even half charged breaks your rule
please elucidate facts not utter bs !