eMTB owners photo and ride thread.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 7, 2013
Crowborough, East Sussex
I can't say that I overly enjoy riding in this dry weather, so popped out yesterday on the Rutland Cycling Scott 720 to try and find some mud. I ended up riding a few of the stream beds which are now not much than a trickle, and had brilliant fun doing so, although I did regret not fitting flat pedals as the sandstone stream bed was ice like slippery.




Before heading back home, I then ventured into another of my local riding haunts and found this little fella running around lost. Luckily he had a collar and tag, so I was able to eventually reunite him with his owner. I usually carry a slip lead with me for such occasions but changed to a different pack yesterday, but luckily still had a para cord wrist band attached to it.


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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
i bet the dog looked like this after the ride home:D


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
I can't say that I overly enjoy riding in this dry weather, so popped out yesterday on the Rutland Cycling Scott 720 to try and find some mud. I ended up riding a few of the stream beds which are now not much than a trickle, and had brilliant fun doing so, although I did regret not fitting flat pedals as the sandstone stream bed was ice like slippery.

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View attachment 26153

Before heading back home, I then ventured into another of my local riding haunts and found this little fella running around lost. Luckily he had a collar and tag, so I was able to eventually reunite him with his owner. I usually carry a slip lead with me for such occasions but changed to a different pack yesterday, but luckily still had a para cord wrist band attached to it.

View attachment 26154

View attachment 26155

@Rutland Cycling
How many Wh did you save with him towing you? :rolleyes:
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Dom T

Esteemed Pedelecer
May 17, 2017
:):):). Or up the nearest tree.....
Eddie is the Scott a new steed or just trying it ?
What motor is it ?
Went out for a 35 mile ride but just on the Haibike.
Used more for everyday now as the Canyon is for MTB ing. Was going to change tyres but thought I'd run these down first as they won't fit the Canyon. Although they aren't too bad when pumped up harder.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 7, 2013
Crowborough, East Sussex
Eddie is the Scott a new steed or just trying it ?
What motor is it ?
Hi Dom T, it is a long term review bike that Rutland Cycling have been kind enough to lend me. The first part of the review should be published any day soon, but what I will say, is that it has been the most comfortable bike in respect of fit that I have ever ridden. I have owned, ridden and tried a seemingly endless amount of bikes over the years, but each of them has given me discomfort to the shoulder and neck after a couple of hours of use. I've adjusted and changed more items that I could remember on many of the bikes, and all to no avail.
I jump on this one and can ride and ride, with absolute no pain or discomfort. It has also been brilliant fun to ride.
I'd not own one though, as I'm not overly keen on integrated batteries, although I am kind of coming round to them, but in the case of Shimano, I have to wonder what they were thinking of when they designed a system that puts the power switch, charging port and battery lock, all in a position that faces the front tyre and catches every bit of available mud and crud. How could that ever be considered a sensible option. Obviously that is just my opinion, and perhaps it isn't an issue or concern to other owners of the system.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
can the batt be recelled tho ie how easy is it to take apart or is it made in such a way it is impossible?


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
  • :D
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Deere John

Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 13, 2015
...best way to deal with a Mac I think :)


Today it was summer again so I went deep into the forrest where the bears roam and had a swim on the way home.

I have also some new equipment that I try out, dropper post, riser bar, new display. So far very satisfied with all.

Just that I had some noise, after about 500km now, it was the motor that had come loose a little so it was a sqeaking noise when pedalling hard, very frustrating :)




Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 7, 2013
Crowborough, East Sussex
Double the fun on Friday evening.

Things didn't bode well to start with in respect of the weather, but the sun did eventually come through for few brief moments. It was still good be back riding in wet weather conditions, and back to enjoying slippery rocks and roots.

The Scott threw a sensor related error code a couple of times, and also dropped the chain a couple times, which probably lead to the sensor code being thrown up.

Pretty blurred photos. :(

t5a.jpg t2a.jpg t1a.jpg t3a.jpg


Deere John

Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 13, 2015
nice trails Eddie!


Today I finished something... look here, double the fun!! :)

My girlfriend borrowed my bike a few weeks ago. She thought it was so good so wanted an exactly the same. So we went and bought another cheap new bike and ordered some stuff from all over the internet. And now it is finished! Cheaper components on her bike but she don't do any enduro with it anyway so it doesn't matter :) great! At first she wanted an electric Brompton but after thinking about a year she suddenly changed her mind after trying mine. Well, that is much better, more alround this one, can both commute and explore the forrest on the same bike. I will mount some fenders and commute-friendly stuff later.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2015
I had my first ride to work after my main family summer holiday and 17 days since my last ride.Although the weather forecast was a bit off putting I was determined to ride my bike.

In the end I was really lucky with no rain in both directions. On my way home on the road I could tell that there had been a real down pore and was convinced I was heading towards it but although the roads and overhanging trees were soaked I never encountered rain.

Even though I gave the bike and various bolts a check over I got an annoying rattle which I am sure is the battery holder just starting to work slightly loose and I will adjust it tomorrow. Great to be riding again and getting a bit of exercise after the indulgences of a hotel holiday!

Ride to work after summer holiday 18 001.JPG


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2015
Although I have not test ridden the bike when I took the battery clamp/locking mechanism apart a retaining screw had started to work loose and I re adjusted the clamp and tightened everything up and the battery is now held nice and securely so I am hoping this particular rattle is now history.

Roll on the next rattle that will surely at some point appear.

Perhaps that is a little unfair as to be honest I don't get that many and now I know what most of them are coursed by I can quickly attend to them and by and large enjoy a rattle free ride.

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