News: More details on Schwinn 2007 electric bike range


Staff member
Aug 17, 2006
For those reading the thread regarding the similiarities between the Djavelo and the new Schwinn range, we've received some information directly from Pacific Cycle (Schwinn). I've added a new article on the main site, click on the link below to be taken directly to it.

News article

Question: Are people happy for me to post news items + link in the forum or would you prefer to find them yourselves ? I'm conscious of clogging up the forum.


Oct 26, 2006
I'm happy for you to post information, I wouldn't find it otherwise. The only thing I would say is when adding external links to provide enough information so that a search in the forum in the future will find the link (which you did).

I have to say the bikes look good (except for the dutch look). They sound light which is nice, and i like the fact the wheels can be removed easily, something that has been a pain for me. Let's hope someone here buys one and tells us all about it in the future.


Oct 25, 2006
I'm also very happy to receive news notices in the forum.

The physics of electric motors haven't changed appreciably, so with a complete electrical drive train including motor, detachable battery and controller of only 4.6 kilos, it's going to be either gutless or the range will be a small fraction of the claimed 40 miles. That's only just over the weight needed for the motor to satisfy anyone who's used a Torq. As for the garbage about "Protanium", spare me, it's about as valid as the L'Oreal skin treatment ads on the TV with their nonsense chemical terms. Although it would be nice if someone buys one to let us know the truth, in fact I'd feel for them and their disappointment.

In a quarter of a century of following electric bike progress from the beginning, I've lost count of the claimed breakthroughs, but I've yet to experience a real one. In truth it's just step by step steady progress, each step like that from lead acid to NiCad, then NiCad to NiMh, then NiMh to Lithium, just a bit gained each time.
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Staff member
Aug 17, 2006
We've been talking about the Schwinn and Diavelo in a few threads, here is a link to site I found a while back where they are selling normal cycles with shaft drive instead of a chain.

There is also a video on there showing the bikes on Fox news. It looks live Diavelo and Schwinn have adopted the shaft drive at the very least.


Staff member
Aug 17, 2006
Oops forgot to add, the Schwinn bikes destined for Europe are rated at 250W while the American counterparts are 400W.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
For those reading the thread regarding the similiarities between the Djavelo and the new Schwinn range, we've received some information directly from Pacific Cycle (Schwinn). I've added a new article on the main site, click on the link below to be taken directly to it.

News article

Question: Are people happy for me to post news items + link in the forum or would you prefer to find them yourselves ? I'm conscious of clogging up the forum.
im seriously contemplateing getting a traveler folder made by schwinn so would like all info anyone has...thanks


Oct 25, 2006
I've no information on the folder, but know the new electric bike is a disaster area at present which needs much more development before being ready for the market. Schwinn are a respected manufacturer/reseller of ordinary bikes though.

I don't know the Traveller model, but the Schwinn Run-a-bout folder is a Dahon clone under licence, like so many other makes.

Do you have a link to that model?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
I've no information on the folder, but know the new electric bike is a disaster area at present which needs much more development before being ready for the market. Schwinn are a respected manufacturer/reseller of ordinary bikes though.

I don't know the Traveller model, but the Schwinn Run-a-bout folder is a Dahon clone under licence, like so many other makes.

Do you have a link to that model?
no i was at hilderthorpe cycles in bridlington who sell the big schwinn range and he gave me a catalogue showing the traveler folder,he never mentioned any other folder


Oct 25, 2006
Thanks Keith, this is the Runabout, which as you can see is just another one of the cheaper Dahon models, here at Amazon, but sold through very many outlets.

Schwinn Runabout


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
I've no information on the folder, but know the new electric bike is a disaster area at present which needs much more development before being ready for the market. Schwinn are a respected manufacturer/reseller of ordinary bikes though.

I don't know the Traveller model, but the Schwinn Run-a-bout folder is a Dahon clone under licence, like so many other makes.

Do you have a link to that model?

i see what you mean about the folder, but the one i have a picture of is electric, 8 speed derailleur, with protanium lithium battery in the crossbar framework,20" wheels,looks good except when folded there doesnt look any support under the wheel/sprocket where peddles are fastened into centre of(can you tell im not knowledgeable on my synergie folder there is a metal bracket which when folded and you put bik down is the first thing to hit the ground rather then the chain wheel thingy....i think its going to be about £999...has a 27 volt battery which is i gather around the power of a 36 voly lead acid,and they are waiting eagerly to get them in, and yes he did tell me they where having terrible problems with the bigger bikes and some technical fault on them..but my synergie folder even though its brilliantly comfy, and folds great, and rides not bad, just has no punch when either up hill or in a wind, on the flat its as fast as my 36 volt powerbyke, be it not as instantly quick...i do a 2 mile run , on a train and then a 7 mile run and firstly the 6 speed gears are hopeless as you cant peddle fast enough to get past 11 mph so you just sit with the throttle wide, but in a wind or gradiant thats no good as drops you to 9-10mph so you still end up peddling at 10mph....i wish i could get a 36 volt battery that would fit it....


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
thanks i just found that too, they did do electric but dont anymore, shame as some good write ups, apart from lack of battery power same as mine...


Oct 25, 2006
In that case beware Keith.

Those electrics are nothing but hype. Protanium has no meaning whatsoever, it's just a made up advertising word, the sort of thing one hears in TV adverts from L'oreal and and other makeup producers. In the real world only sound technical facts count.

The components specified in the larger model are wrong in many ways, under voltage controllers of the wrong type which fail within half an hour under load for example. There are many other issues too, including lack of power which is what you want, and if they can't get a bike right that's been in development for one and a half years, I see no reason why they'd get the folder version right when it's just been announced.

They just use the Tongxin Nano motor, and properly developed in folders like the Brompton, that's a good moderate speed hill climber and with a 20" wheel will drive to about 15/16 mph. Trouble is that Schwinn hasn't properly developed their controller and other items, and the Nano isn't a proven product yet, having some record of troubles.

I don't know if you need it to go on trains etc, but if not, the eZee Quando will slaughter any other folder, and most others for hill climbing despite it's single gear and run to 16/17 mph as well. Headwinds it doesn't even notice.

On your Synergie, it's not just the 36 volt battery, you'd need a 36 volt controller as well, and with the larger battery it's weight would jump as well.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
thanks for info,the chap in shop was very open and said there was a lot of problems with big one, and think he said the things roughly what you have said, although it went over my head with technical stuff and he could have been talking about rice pudding for all i took in, the folder is shown in brochure i have and he was saying "any time now" was delivery comeing, this was a 2007 brochure too,although it sounds the perfect bike for me i am so wary as there is no one to ask about performance ect,there may be a years warrenty ect but i dont want to be getting stranded all the time even if i could take it back for refund,yes i did want it to take on train though as thats what part of my present journey entails now,my synergie is superb in comfort, as rear supension is "fun" only description for it as you bounce along in rythem if your peddling away, although i now are having serious worries about battery, done only 240 miles and now this week find that although the first leg of journey is 2 miles and second is 6 and a half, yesterday and today i had to ride pedal assist after 5 and a half miles as first light of power dipped, and the rest i know soon go....the 3 months i have had it have been just about ok as summer and no wind, but now with a breeze in face i have to peddal assist as the speed drops to 10mph,only 12 with pedal assist as 20" wheels and poor 6 speed gearing mean you cant go faster unless you want to look a fool and kill yourself at the same time,a gradient has the same effect, these affects where from the start with the bike, now the lasting power is gone within 6 miles its worse, i have e-mailed the firm in scotland to explain and the reply was "call in and talk to our engineer" either she didnt realise that Hull wasnt round the corner from scotlant or i face a difficult job ahead getting this folds in 2 lever turns,its only 20kg so easy to lift in cars, fold up in spaces on trains and once i get a non see through bag i can pop on a bus with it as though its a suitcase,in fact its perfect EXCEPT for battery and if i get a new replacement battery im in same boat, think i will sell it as i only paid £349 for it and next week they where selling it for £399, which is the price www.sustaincycles sell it for anyway, its called an "edison" by them,really odd as on their website they talk about their designer ect ect, yet they are supplied by the firm in scotland i got mine from...hard to now who to believe isnt it, i see powerbyke advertise a 36 volt lithium, but they cost £350 which although they are a third of the weight hardly seem a fair price, after all thats as much as i paid in total for my folder, which these batteries dont fit i should say,i can see the only serious solution would be my g/f asking me to move in with her, would save me loads of problems with


Oct 25, 2006
The girl friend certainly sounds the best option!

Gearing on small wheel bikes is a big problem, since it's difficult to get a high enough gear for speed with the small wheels. Very small rear sprockets are undesirable as they wear very fast, so the chainwheel needs to be bigger. On my Q bike conversion I fitted a huge 60 tooth chainwheel to solve the problem, but that sort of thing can make the fold more difficult and leave an oily chainwheel sticking out when folded. It also puts the chain very close to the ground which needs watching.

Likewise, there have been no entirely satisfactory electric folders to date. The beautifully made Honda Step Combo and the Panasonic Will were superb, but both very slow and horribly expensive, and still not really light enough.

The Dahon Roo was the best one for a long time, but very far from perfect and still quite heavy, with the Dahon fold being a touch bulky too.

The new champ appears to be the Brompton Nano, but not cheap and not very fast on motor, about 13 mph most of the time, though it's powerful enough to fight most headwinds at about 10 mph.

I think we are still a very long way from a really satisfactory electric folder.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
the perfect folder as far as i am concerned would be to give me a 36 volt battery , i can cope with not peddling and let the motor get me along at 14mph,if i was dead clever, well would have to find a friend for that, im sure if i did the naughty and unrestricted the bike then i would wizz along at 25-35, its not so much the perfect bike im looking for, more the perfect battery...