Am I nuts or is it possible?


Finding my (electric) wheels
Apr 13, 2020
Hi guys,

I usually commute by motorbike but I’m toying with the idea of an e-bike. I live in sw London and commute into nw London. It’s 14 each way. So would need something with 40 mile range minimum.

I would say I’m of average fitness, not really a cyclist but I jog often, if that helps people’s advice.

few questions:

1) Am I going to get fed up with the commute? Ie. Does it sound like a bit of a headache to those who’re experienced.

2) google maps says 1hr20 mins to cycle, What would an e bike realistically do this in?

3) My budget could stretch to 3grand if need be but would rather it was a lot less, perhaps 2grand, what sort of options are there?

4) What sort of maintenance should I budget for per year?

Many thanks,



Dec 30, 2018
Personally I would wait until you can get to an Halfords store and take up their offer of a 48 hours test ride. Use this time to try your commute without laying out any money. Remember however that , just like motorbikes, different styles of eBikes perform better for the specific task.
Please keep us all updated. Cheers


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 8, 2018
Suggestion of a 40 hour test ride is a very good one.

A big question is whether you'll be able to do it on quiet routes (not just routes that are quiet at the moment!). I think it would quickly tire doing that on busy roads, but if you could find back ways it could be really enjoyable.

You probably won't do it much quicker on a (legal) ebike than a regular rider on a regular bike; but you'll be much less tired. I assume it is relatively flat?

There are just so many bikes to choose from out there. You could get away with something like Woosh Faro for £1100 (you would need the bigger battery). Cube is an obvious brand for the £1500 (in sales) to £2500 and above price range; lots of choices depending what sort of bike you feel comfortable with. People say good things of Whisper too.

It'll add up to around 5000 miles a year. You'll be getting through brake pads etc but they are relatively cheap. If you have a crank drive bike you may well get through a couple of chains and a rear sprocket a year. Much less on a hub drive bike. Maybe new tyres every couple of years or even every year depending on the tyre and how you ride. A battery every 3 or 4 years. VERY ROUGH guestimate is £250 a year, and probably a new bike after 5 years; I'm sure others will have more accurate ideas.

If you go for something like a Cube and anything does happen to the Bosch drive then any repair will be very expensive, and so will a replacement battery. Repair/replacement bits for a hub drive probably much less.
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Finding my (electric) wheels
Apr 13, 2020
I’m quite lucky in that my commute is very early morning and mid afternoon so traffic is never really a massive problem, lock down or not!
I like the idea of a test ride, I’ll see if it’s possible to do so still.
Thanks for everybody’s advice and suggestions so far, a final question. Are e bikes able to commute year round? - are they okay in heavy rain?

and no thanks on the cub! Just sold my gsxr as I’m finished with motorcycles for the time being, too much stress of it being stolen. My e bike can sit indoors and at work as there’s indoor storage too.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
you shouldn't mention riding over the legal assist speed (15mph) in the commuting section of the forum!

The place for anything derestricted is here:
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
id wait b4 buying anything at the moment esp high price items as the shite is going to hit the fan big time in the next month or 2 as might get a bargain esp 2nd hand.

you can buy a bike with a dongle but the max range is around 25 miles with a 500w batt so will need charging or get 2 but expensive bosch or Yamaha.

they will fit the dongle and honor the motors warranty for 2 years.

bit over budget but worth the watch :p


Finding my (electric) wheels
Dec 14, 2019
I mean a whoosh faroo could do it at around 17 to 18 mph not that anybody would change the settings because that would be illegal you'd want to upgrade the tires and the handlebar grips.
definitely borrow one of the Halford bikes see if its practical I mean when your feeling fit and if its reasonably flat speeds around 20mph are doable something like that beast would easily do that and more but its twice the price of a Faro worth looking at the cycle to work scheme.


Aug 9, 2020
Our Wisper Wayfarer with a big 700Wh battery comes in under £2k, and will easily do over 70 miles on a charge, we're looking at about 70-100miles on a full charge riding in eco and tour mode. Very comfortable to ride.

I know what you mean about motorbikes, I got 2 and they're gonna be my last.
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Sep 9, 2017
I used to do a nine-mile ride each way in and out of London, on a non-electrified bike. Used to take 40 mins. An ebike would probably take 30 minutes.

However, the one thing that really slows down journey times, no matter what you ride, is the traffic light.....


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
I do 30 mile round trip every day,ive lost nearly a stone and a half in month.Yes its easily possible.
In summer I can lose 3 lbs on a ride but most is fluid loss/hydration.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
I rode to Tesco three times last week and lost 20 pounds.
I find much the same going to Sainsbury's Dave but if i do the same riding to Lidl, I lose far less.
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Michael Price

Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2018
That sort of range is no problem for a decent ebike

Don't take too much notice of people saying stuff wears out with crank drives - I have gone over 3000 miles on mine and the LBS has just had it in to give a good check over before it reaches 1 year and bit of warranty go away - chain etc etc all fine - only problem was things needing tightening up properly with a torque wrench.

There have been a few punctures and stuff - new tyre because I go too fast round corners at times - but that has pretty much stopped with better tyres and sealant in the inner tubes

as far a weather goes - I have had 4 ebikes and all have worked fine in all weathers - the rider gets wet and moans but the bike is fine!!
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Finding my (electric) wheels
Dec 9, 2020
only other thing id suggest is to make sure you have good quality cycling clothing, nothing worse than being wet and cold with a long cycle ahead! make sure you budget for this as well.

I do 10 miles each way without an Ebike at the moment - Currently deciding what to get - and that is from one side of a northern city to the other, It may take time to find your ideal route to and from work - using quiet roads and bike lanes etc. I would keep experimenting as the nicest route may not be the most direct and only add on 1 or 2 mins.
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