People reveal themselves when stressed: I get the distinct impression Zlatan is a well brought up gentleman seeking truth.Now, now, the two of you can't abandon us like that.
It's too darn cold to go slow jogging... even while wearing merino wool thermal underwear. Arteries are narrower when starting out cold, in the cold. I'd only do it after thoroughly warming the core first. Weirdly, the weather is forecast to become warm again in about three days. It's a long growing season this year, which I wish I'd planned for...I was chatting with the wife the other day about the recent discovery that leprosy, which is hosted in the livers of armadillos, help the organism to regenerate new, healthy, functional liver. To of course consume, so not entirely altruistically. But from a scientific point of view it puts regenerating ones organs, eternal life, within reach. If we can unravel the mechanism (a big if). Then we realised we were also talking about relationships, the way they can be ambiguous, ambivalent. Just saying, one never know where things might take one..
Your analogy juxstaposing leprosy and marriage, positively wrapped within the context of regeneration, I have no idea what to make of, but's it's certainly true that parts of relationships do tend to rot and drop off unexpectedly. Which reminds me of a joke: What did the leper say to the prostitute?
Keep the tip.
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