News: New Forest Electric Bike Rally

Papa Pro

Finding my (electric) wheels
Jul 23, 2007
Hi David,

Thanks my friend. Please put us down for at least two bikes for the race :) and we will definitely do a free demo for you! Also, we are thinking about a stand as we have bikes coming soon. Will be happy at some point to have another meet and chat about things.

One thing of interest is I attended the London CM (Critical Mass) and we MUST do some promoting for e-bikes! We will discuss this later but here is a short video I made of last Friday.

Anyway, thanks for thinking of us and would be honored to help spread the word on our all our wonderful machines.


Richard Papa

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
The O2

Great Richard, we have been to the O2 today and the site is amazing, we have also walked the course to be used on the rally, along the Thames, lets hope the rain holds off this time!

I have put you down for two bikes, if you want a stand please call me on 07802 197809.

best regards David