Sneak preview DaaHub

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
I'm not against Whisper bikes. They are probably good quality, if expensive. But can the moderators here please tell me why NO other supplier or manufacturer, according to your terms of use, would possibly be allowed to post what, with the best will in the world, is pure advertising.

Is this forum an independent one that invites opinions, or does it have "favourite" suppliers who are somehow allowed to circumvent the rules?

Please let me emphasise, I have nothing against Whisper bikes and they appear to run their business honestly and well.

But this constant plugging while masquerading as posting "interesting" topics is surely getting out of hand.

Thank you.
Hi Leonard,

I absolutely understand your point and it is well made, please allow me to explain.

Of course I am interested in selling bikes but that is not my prime reason for posting here. I do talk about new Wisper products however I try to do this within an existing post that has already mentioned Wisper. I try not to get involved with non-Wisper posts. I would never hi-jack a thread regarding the qualities and advantages of other brands by saying "have you considered a Wisper?" or similar.

I do realise this particular thread was a bit cheeky and I apologised for that on the first post. There was a lot of interest in DaaHub* especially as before the design process was begun nearly three years ago I asked advice from Pedelecs contributors as to what they would like to see in a kit. There were already a few threads talking about the product so to avoid multipal posting I started a DaaHub thread. *(Yes Flecc you are correct about the name, I was against it at first preferring Husky, but in the age of the Google search it is best to have a name that is not used by anyone else!)

The main reason I use Pedelecs is because I really enjoy it! There is a lot af intelligent comment and I have learnt more from these pages than anywhere else. I read about the wishes and needs of the electric bike buying community, and use this information to evolve our brand.

I also find Pedelecs useful tool in discovering if anyone has a problem with their Wisper so I can make certain they are being looked after properly.

Thanks for your support guys!

All the best

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Staff member
Aug 17, 2006
I'm not against Whisper bikes. They are probably good quality, if expensive. But can the moderators here please tell me why NO other supplier or manufacturer, according to your terms of use, would possibly be allowed to post what, with the best will in the world, is pure advertising.

Is this forum an independent one that invites opinions, or does it have "favourite" suppliers who are somehow allowed to circumvent the rules?

Please let me emphasise, I have nothing against Whisper bikes and they appear to run their business honestly and well.

But this constant plugging while masquerading as posting "interesting" topics is surely getting out of hand.

Thank you.
Hi Leonard,

Pedelecs is independent in such that members are free to post what they like in the forum. There are exceptions to this, for example if we feel that a post is potentially libellous. Sometimes we get asked to remove posts by advertisers but we very rarely do this. After all, if you are happy to receive praise, then you've got to be prepared to take the knocks too.

There are no "favourite" suppliers but there are advertisers who pay to advertise and use the site. Wisper is one of them and in return for a monthly fee they get their banners shown, a dealer directory entry, a sub-forum and the ability to post commercially in the forum.

The new site will help separate commercial posts from the forum as we will be allowing advertisers to post articles on the main site and run their own blog which is where information like the subject of this thread would go. We may then have a 'commercial' forum where members/advertisers can then go to continue the discussion if they want to.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Mar 17, 2011
It is nice to see that David takes the time to look after his Wisper customers by reading these threads on this forum, a pity more Companies don't do the same!


Jul 23, 2009
More to the point ---
a lot of menbers interested in conversion kits have repeatedly enquired of Wisper for updates / release dates etc .As ever David has responded .
What I like about this kit is the fact that Wisper have have taken on board forum members requirements as well as using a dedicated design team. This is reflected in the very clean plug/n/play components and the nature of the small powerful hub motor.
Very tidy.


Oct 22, 2010
wisper advertising

As an occasional forum user I would like to state that I have no issue with David's "promotion" of Daahub here. Usung the forum for market research and info dissemintion is fair/reasonable - it was very clear there is a comercial interest in his post. Good luck - I may well buy one.

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Looks interesting - have you decided on a price point yet, or is that being kept under wraps until the launch?


PS does the name Daahub mean anything?
Hi Steve, we will be retailing at about £1,050.00.

DaaHub is just a fun name, nothing more. Of course we can use the name in many derivations, DaaBag, DaaRack etc. It was also "clean" as far as the Google search engine was concerned. Thanks for asking. :)

All the best

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banbury frank

Jan 13, 2011
Hi Everybody

I think that David Support on this site Is second to none

Do you like the new logo on my postings Lets everybody no who they are dealing with

I also hope my postings have been helpful

I do it for a living and have 5 years Knowledge

When you no how its easy



Oct 22, 2010

Hi Everybody

I think that David Support on this site Is second to none

Do you like the new logo on my postings Lets everybody no who they are dealing with

I also hope my postings have been helpful

I do it for a living and have 5 years Knowledge

When you no how its easy

agree, Yes, Yes, Congratulations and Not Always.


Aug 10, 2010
Hi David. The price has gone up from £850 for Daahub as quoted on the Wisper Web site does this mean the Daahub extreem will be another couple of hundred on top of that price?

Another couple of questions can you charge Daahub on the bike and if you want to can it be set up to use pedal assist only with no pressing of the red buttons to activate "cruise" control.

Thanks. Schoe.

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Hi Shoe I am afraid the £850.00 was plus VAT good ol' Customs and Excise get £170.00, and we have already paid 6% duty! :eek: Making the retail price at least £1,020.00 (I wish we made such a good profit!)

All the best



Jan 19, 2011
La roche Posay, Vienne, France
I'm also very interested in this kit, partly because I like the way the battery has been put where its out of the way and contributing, I would think, to a better centre of gravity. My two questions at the moment are

1) Is the drag as low as possible in comparison to other hubs

2) Ditto the noise issue



Jan 17, 2011
OK, Thanks for informing me about this forum's policies. Let me again say I have nothing whatever against Whisper, and I recognise that posts here have been helpful and enthusiastic.

It can be a slippery slope though, when what I assumed to be an independent, skeptical (in the true meaning of that word) and opinion based website, appears at first sight to allow posts which I had guessed are possibly in breach of that independence.

I think if I had seen similar posts from other manufacturers more regularly it would have been different. There was a poster here from a new supplier (I think it was anyway), and that poster was roundly criticised by quite a few members for blatant marketing. If you like I can try and search, but it was a few weeks ago.

It just occured to me that there seems to be an inconsistency here. Either suppliers are, or are not, encouraged to post.

I personally run a software company, and the "niche" website I frequent relating to it has strict rules: I can reply to a post asking for support or clarity, and I can even say "thanks" when someone praises, or defend when someone criticises, or just offer support. What I cannot do is announce, advertise or discuss my own products unless someone unconnected with me had first posted a query or question.


Oct 25, 2006
There was a poster here from a new supplier (I think it was anyway), and that poster was roundly criticised by quite a few members for blatant marketing.

What I cannot do is announce
The first usually results from promotion accompanied by hype rather than information, this always found objectionable by members. I think I know which example that was and the hype was really blatant.

Basically we welcome all new product announcements, either in isolation or accompanied by useful information, and follow-ups with further useful information are also welcome.

On the other hand, sales propaganda, pseudo-technical nonsense and hype should stay within adverts or preferable not appear at all.

There remains a grey area where suppliers recommend one of their products to an inquirer about e-bikes or accessories. As long as these remain simple mentions and are not accompanied by criticism of rival products, members don't appear to object. These are of course balanced by member's impartial recommendations and members are free to criticise any supplier originated recommendation that they feel unsuitable, which they often do.

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
I personally run a software company, and the "niche" website I frequent relating to it has strict rules: I can reply to a post asking for support or clarity, and I can even say "thanks" when someone praises, or defend when someone criticises, or just offer support. What I cannot do is announce, advertise or discuss my own products unless someone unconnected with me had first posted a query or question.
Thanks for the clarification Leonard. Although we are not subject to such rules on Pedelec, the majority of contributors with a comercial interest conform to the ethos you advocate. This particular thread was unusual as can be seen by my comments on the opening post. There were already two threads discussing DaaHub, I simply wanted to bring the two together to avoid duplication.

Almost without exception comercial contributors make it known who they are and limit their enthusiasm by not running down competitors products or hi-jacking threads. None of us would want to lose this invaluable opportunity of talking directly with customers, prospective customers or the huge band of electric bike experts that gather here.

