Some lorry drivers are full of rubbish


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 20, 2012
the Cornish Alps
Thanks flecc.

Cycling into Newquay recently, I couldn't tell whether, or where, the pavement ceased to be a cycle track: They seem to just fade away in several locations around here!

At least I can quote this if I get stopped in future.


Oct 25, 2006
Same here, many shared provisions having signage that just peters out after a while. Carrying a copy or two of this statement is a good safeguard, but I have to say that police and PCSOs in my London borough area seem to be very tolerant of pavement cycling anyway.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 20, 2012
the Cornish Alps
Must admit, I've never, well not since I was a pain in the bum teenager, had any problem with the local bobbies or PCSOs:

It's the occasional jobsworth "I know my rights" type - The same ones who spread their group right accross the shared access trails and "don't hear " your polite 'Coming through!' until you've come to a dead stop behind them.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 23, 2008
"The introduction of the fixed penalty is not aimed at responsible cyclists who sometimes feel obliged to use the pavement out of fear of traffic and who show consideration to other pavement users when doing so.
...well I'll be damned...that's if I'm not squashed under the wheels of a juggernaut first.

I've 'oft thought that one of the most stupid pieces of legislation came from the bodies that thought that 100 ton juggernauts belonged on the same path as cyclists and why could not those same brains, in a rare display of common sense, have decided that cyclists should/could share the same path as pedestrians.
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