Electric Bike Security


May 22, 2008
Cheap but effective Alarm

I just bought the alarm picture below second-hand for £3 and given it a good test. When used in conjunction with locks etc.. is just another thief deterrent.

I am so pleased with it, I am going to purchase another 10 from China for the grandchildren, at £5.58 each alarm they are a bargain.

The quiescent current whether on standby or armed is 0.3Millamps, so the standard battery should give nearly three months use, when the alarm is triggered it uses 80mA, but only for 5 seconds and 20 seconds at a time.

Operating details can be found on Ebay search for Bicycle Alarm, they can be bought from UK Ebayers for around £8 plus postage.

Regards Terry


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Jul 1, 2008
I was told by a cycle shop assistant that go into a plumbing shop, buy a pipe freezer, spray it on a D-Lock and then just shatter it with a hammer?
I don't know if this is true or not, if it is I think it would make the lock picking relevant.

Has anyone taken out insurance on thier e-bike?


May 12, 2008
I was told by a cycle shop assistant that go into a plumbing shop, buy a pipe freezer, spray it on a D-Lock and then just shatter it with a hammer?
I don't know if this is true or not, if it is I think it would make the lock picking relevant.

Has anyone taken out insurance on thier e-bike?
Trelock Horseshoe And Cable Lock System Review | BikeRadar.com
Some years ago this was shown on TV as a method, My friend who is a plumber, asked me (chem eng) is it right...we tried it out, (as he has the equipment)
As with all experimental trials, we failed twice, but the third time with virtually no trouble we shattered a v expensive D LOCK ..unfortunately it was mine, so I bought a multi strand cable lock..
the thread above shows a quite nice lock...if you browse all the security videos you will see that it is difficult to stop dedicated bike thieves..the best you can do is deter...the above lock gives two protective elements...from what I read, 20% are oportunistic...(Lady J is one victem )50% are organised.


May 22, 2008
It's got a key

I did look at that one Burncycle, but it's got a key - I have to use three different keys for the locks I have at the moment, its a pity you can't buy three locks using the same key - perhaps someone knows if it's marketed.

By the time I have locked it all up - I've forgotten why I went to the shop !

Regards Terry
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Jul 1, 2008
LOL- I know what you mean Terry. I once spent quarter of hour trying to unlock my bike with my car steering lock key!!! Hey Burncycle I think I'm going to get me one of those, but how often do you get in the embarrasing situation of it going off and looking like a thief when you're unlocking it?


May 22, 2008
Another way

Some of these sold secure locks are so expensive £59 plus - I just wouldn't feel safe leaving them outside the shop - although most are small enough to take into the shop with you.

I am going to get in trouble for saying this - I know, but I feel a bit of a devil :eek: , one could use the Cuff type lock low down secured on frame and on the wheels, pretty pink fur entwined seductively around the Cuff locks, it would be a brave thief who would stoop down to unpick the lock :eek:

Regards Terry


May 24, 2008
Is there much evidence to suggest that alarms deter thieves more than having 2 sturdy and different locks?


May 22, 2008
Trying to thief proof

Mr Moon said "Is there much evidence to suggest that alarms deter thieves more than having 2 sturdy and different locks?" I say - only if fitted to a large concrete block :D

Hi Moon,

It's like trying to concentrate on something when the wife won't stop talking :D , and it's just another layer of trying to thief proof your bike, I use three locks plus the alarm. Someone posted a video link about thief proofing bikes in NY USA, I found that and other videos from You Tube very helpful and thought giving.

I have come to the conclusion the more locks you have, the more likely the thief will move onto a bike with less number of deterrents fitted, a must is one lock should be secured through an immoveable object. Which could be the labour party - I don't suppose I shouldn't bring politics into it. :eek:

Regards Terry
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Oct 25, 2006
Is there much evidence to suggest that alarms deter thieves more than having 2 sturdy and different locks?
I've had one for ages, and when I've set it off accidentally right outside Sainsbury's front door, everyone just walks past ignoring it and me as they do with car alarms.

Does that make it useless?

No, because I think it has considerable surprise value. My one isn't noticeable and if it went off a thief would probably be startled enough at the unexpected noise to operate on first instinct and run.

People don't expect bikes to have alarms.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
I was told by a cycle shop assistant that go into a plumbing shop, buy a pipe freezer, spray it on a D-Lock and then just shatter it with a hammer?
I don't know if this is true or not, if it is I think it would make the lock picking relevant.

Has anyone taken out insurance on thier e-bike?
yes i have taken insurance with evans...think burncycle did do befor me too


Jun 14, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
I have come to the conclusion the more locks you have, the more likely the thief will move onto a bike with less number of deterrents fitted
Even a deception helps!

I used regular solder (pliable, easily cut) to make it look like the bolt holding on my seat was covered in thick wire, and that it would be a lot of trouble to cut it and untwist. In fact, it was simple to remove by hand in a minute.

Unfortunately, after a couple months, I had done some maintenance and had not bothered to put it back on. Within about 3 days someone made off with my seat.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
I attach my alarm onto the lock, so it goes off when someone may start to move the lock around to attack it.
Hi There
After reading the above, where can I get a good alarm?
I must admit I am shocked that people will stoop so low as to steal the seats :D
I bought a really nice memory foam (not gel) seat for my Wisper and it was not cheap so don't want to be losing that.
I store my strada computer in my pocket but don't want to be carring around my saddle :D


Jul 1, 2008
Hi Mandy,
I live in Southampton so such things don't suprise me at all. Even before I ordered my wisper I asked for the quick release lever to be got rid of and a nut and bolt put in it's place, else I might as well save the bike a kicking and hand the saddle over to the nearest passing hoody. :) Why does anyone need a saddle that releases quickly anyway? At least the wiper's wheels aren't quick release. :)
The alarm Burncycle has got looks like a good one. see the posts in this thread.


May 12, 2008
Hi Mandy,
I live in Southampton so such things don't suprise me at all. Even before I ordered my wisper I asked for the quick release lever to be got rid of and a nut and bolt put in it's place, else I might as well save the bike a kicking and hand the saddle over to the nearest passing hoody. :) Why does anyone need a saddle that releases quickly anyway? At least the wiper's wheels aren't quick release. :)
The alarm Burncycle has got looks like a good one. see the posts in this thread.

A few bike makes need to remove saddle to take out and charge the battery...Also about 8 years ago in Montpellier Bristol (not alone) nothing kept the 'Boyz' from 'lifting one of those new sprung saddles..sod the bike, clip the saddle straight to the W******* sell the saddle...

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
Thread notification.

Miles off thread, but................

Does anyone know how to use this feature properly?

I have tried several times but to no avail, as you can imagine this is a real pain as the only way I can check on what's happening is if people include the word Wisper in the post, then I can do a search.

Any ideas?

All the best David


Mar 17, 2008
Herefordshire, HR2
Miles off thread, but................

Does anyone know how to use this feature properly?

I have tried several times but to no avail, as you can imagine this is a real pain as the only way I can check on what's happening is if people include the word Wisper in the post, then I can do a search.

Any ideas?

All the best David

I think what happens is that you get instant email notification the first time someone replies to a thread you've subscribed to (I think the default option is to automatically set up a subscription when you add a posting or create a thread).

After that you don't get any further notifications until you sign in to the forum again.




Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
Hi Mandy,
I live in Southampton so such things don't suprise me at all. Even before I ordered my wisper I asked for the quick release lever to be got rid of and a nut and bolt put in it's place, else I might as well save the bike a kicking and hand the saddle over to the nearest passing hoody. :) Why does anyone need a saddle that releases quickly anyway? At least the wiper's wheels aren't quick release. :)
The alarm Burncycle has got looks like a good one. see the posts in this thread.

Hi Seeker
OMG I honestly did not realise people would stoop so low with a bike seat!!
I worked in Southhampton for 6 months on secondment in my old job following the sale of our company and that was based just a stone's throw from the Marina. I used to think how lovely it was around there (pub lunches etc, lol)
I guess I haven't got into the bad parts of Southhampton but guess they are everywhere, including where I live in Farnborough in Hampshire.

We have the Air Show here next week, one of the biggest in Europe I think. I live not far from the air field and have a birds eye veiw from my garden.
Has anyone ever been? I love it!!

I like that set up of burncycle's and may invest in one for peace of mind.
