What's flecc up to now?...


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
I didn't know you still had a Powabyke, well kept secret. I'm not too sure you'd like the Panasonic system on the Kalkhoff, since you'd have to pedal all the time with those.

I'm surprised that you're only getting 11 miles on the Quando,
sorry slightly misled you there, i get 11 miles at full throttle but then if tackle any gradients i will get the orange light, without gradients i will still get my 20 miles power only ,and as we know i dont peddle as much as you..in fact i dont peddle at all..:eek: ....just time and really nice day and will be trying to see how far i can go peddle assist..as i reckon at least 30 miles i will have to wait till i can spare 2 and half hours as speed will be down to 13.5 which is pedle speed....no complaints at all with bike...whatever we have we will want more....i never mentioned powabyke as can you imagine what its like lifting that on a train, when i first got it and brought it back from peterborough i came back on a hst train..thats about 14 inch lift to get it in..ouch !!!!...not like you have time to slowly do it when they pushing you to get on with it, then taking it up a flight of stairs when i went from thorne north railway station was ot fun:mad: ...and finally no putting in the boot of a car..oh and putting on normal trains either as if the 1 bike space has gone you stuffed....so its folder bike since..and as my Quando does all and a little more then the big one i definatly had no use...


Oct 25, 2006
Sound a bit like I found Keith. The Quando/Q bike just does all the routine stuff so well I didn't need anything else, so I sold the Twist and the T bike is laid up for the winter. I think there's a lot of people who'd be suited by a Quando, especially if they don't want to do much pedalling.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
I think there's a lot of people who'd be suited by a Quando, especially if they don't want to do much pedalling.

yer the Quando is a great fun bike, definatly have to put proper longer handle bars on it though as it was terrible handling with ones too sgort as original....i thought this morning what you said about me not liking the bigger bikes as i dont like to pedal and suddenly realised its not that i dont like to pedal its just that since i have had my last 2 bikes both folding ones with 20 inch wheels that unless you happy to plod at 12mph you are forced to use electric..i did try with the synergy and spent £100 with smaller rear chain cog and larger front one and firmer pumped up tyres but that only gave 1.5 mph improvement so back to power only, and the quando pedals at about 13mph unless you want to kill your legs and then its only about 14.5...so there again you use power..however if i was having a gentle pleaseure ride i would consider pedal assist,would be nice if it was auto and not have to twist the throttle also but there is reasons i guess....my biggest fault with the bike is i have gone in shops or places and still had power on, lift the bike or similar and teisted the left grip a bit and whooooosh...nearly windows through or things knocked over...lol...on your Q-bike..how fast do you go with pedaling at a gentle revolution ?..am i right in thinking that you cant pedal past the 15mph and stil get power assist to go faster ?..


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
Sorry, but no clues, as it's not my secret to keep. There's a very important reason why it cannot be revealed, but sometime later in the year I should be able to be forthcoming with luck.


Flecc would you care to give us a delivery date of your findings, that way we wont constantly be asking/ speculating and pestering you for clues..seeing as you sworn to secrecy and probably have signed a secrecy statement to the effect you dont let on...you will tel us on..............................?


Oct 25, 2006
how fast do you go with pedaling at a gentle revolution ?..am i right in thinking that you cant pedal past the 15mph and stil get power assist to go faster ?..
The Quando's power assist on Li-ion continues to about 18 mph, gradually reducing all the time, so there's some assistance which makes reaching those speeds easy if it's geared for it.

I can pedal the Q bike permanently at 18/19 mph, or for shorter periods at up to 27 mph but the cadence is very high at that. Nonetheless, I do that virtually every trip at one point of another.


Flecc would you care to give us a delivery date of your findings, that way we wont constantly be asking/ speculating and pestering you for clues..seeing as you sworn to secrecy and probably have signed a secrecy statement to the effect you dont let on...you will tel us on..............................?
I've already said that even that date is not under my control, so again it's a no. Before too long there will be an announcement which will show you how wrong all your guesses are, since I will still be carrying on with this trial for months to come, independent of that.

I'm not saying who is going to make the announcement, exactly when it's going to be made, who it's intended for, or what it's about, and it's no use guessing since I won't comment other than say it isn't the second coming so there's no need to start praying just yet. :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2007
I'm not saying who is going to make the announcement, exactly when it's going to be made, who it's intended for, or what it's about, and it's no use guessing since I won't comment other than say it isn't the second coming so there's no need to start praying just yet. :)
Don't tell me Flecc, you're Mr Bean's preferred choice for Alistair Darling's job!
...start next week?:D


Oct 25, 2006
Come to think of it, this must be the forums most empty thread, five web pages of no information. :eek:

As Churchill might have said, Never in the field of human communication have so many words been written in pursuit of so little information about a completely unknown matter. :D


I think there's a lot of people who'd be suited by a Quando, especially if they don't want to do much pedalling.
its not that i dont like to pedal its just that since i have had my last 2 bikes both folding ones with 20 inch wheels that unless you happy to plod at 12mph you are forced to use electric.
The Schlumpf Speed drive schlumpf innovations could be an option(albeit an expensive one) to increase the gearing on smaller wheeled bikes.
What do you think?


Oct 25, 2006
I briefly considered the Schlumpf when I intended the Quando conversion to the Q bike, but went for a much more efficient large chainwheel. The Schlumpf is a well made product and good idea, but it's problem is that it's quite inefficient, absorbing lots of cycling energy in it's epicyclic. I think that's why there's never been any competitive product, unusual in the cycling field.

Also on small wheelers, low gears aren't a problem, so no change down is needed, just permanently higher gearing through the range.

A Schlumpf could be used on the Quando in isolation as a simple two speed, high normal and low for steepest climbs, but only the one that gears up about 2.25 would be suitable, so the inefficiency would be quite high.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
A Schlumpf could be used on the Quando in isolation as a simple two speed, high normal and low for steepest climbs, but only the one that gears up about 2.25 would be suitable, so the inefficiency would be quite high.


well that sorts that out for me...in actual fact although 18mph sound s alot more then 15mph i dont think on a 11 mile journey i would gain a huge amount of time......"mathmaticians are welcome at this point to tell me how much/little i would save"..................i do actually like pedalling too but cant get a full bike on train/car/bus.......and dont want to have to be the only power source in bad weather.....me thinks the best solution will be to set off earlier and enjoy the ride and pedal some too.....


Oct 25, 2006
I agree that's best Keith. The derailleur rear mechanism on a small wheel bike is always vulnerable to damage from a knock if you're getting one on and off trains etc. Single speed and taking your time has a lot going for it, especially as the weather gets nicer.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
Single speed and taking your time has a lot going for it, especially as the weather gets nicer.


im also getting a friend who works in leather.CALM DOWN !!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: not that way, to make me a bag so i can fold up the Quando and it will look no bigger than a large suitcase so can pop on the bus without any grief from driver....then i have the full available transportation options at my fingertips....:)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
The Quando's power assist on Li-ion continues to about 18 mph, gradually reducing all the time, so there's some assistance which makes reaching those speeds easy if it's geared for it.

I can pedal the Q bike permanently at 18/19 mph,

i would save about 8 minutes on my journey if i was peddeling at your speed, and as you say there is a chance of derailer damage when folding, especially when in my bike bag....so just set off 9 minutes earler then i get there befor you...:rolleyes:


A Schlumpf could be used on the Quando in isolation as a simple two speed, high normal and low for steepest climbs, but only the one that gears up about 2.25 would be suitable, so the inefficiency would be quite high.
Yes I thought the 2 speed set up might be a way of getting another gear on the Quando without going to the extremes you did with the Q bike.:)
I agree there would be a loss in efficiency. I have even heard of people using the Schlumpf in conjunction with the Rohloff hub!. As a former owner of a Rohloff which I found hard work even on its own, with the Schlumpf as well it would feel like riding through treacle!:eek:



Oct 25, 2006
Yes, I think that would be an awful combination Martin. I'm also not a fan of the Rohloff, for the noise and iffy 7th to 8th change as much as anything. The amazing thing is they still claim to have an exceptionally high efficiency for a hub gear. Optimists if nothing else. :rolleyes:


You do get used to the dodgy gear change after a while! I never got used to the noise though.
Fortunately they hold their value, I paid £500 for mine when it first came out and sold it 3 years later for £450:D .



Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
Fortunately they hold their value, I paid £500 for mine when it first came out and sold it 3 years later for £450:D .


excellant buy and sell....:)


Oct 25, 2006
Fortunately they hold their value, I paid £500 for mine when it first came out and sold it 3 years later for £450:D .

Brilliant! I suppose the fact they went up to about £560 helped that, but it was still a great sale.


They are over £600 now, this makes e bike batteries look cheap;)

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