Nasty pothole


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
On one of my normal routes yesterday of 12 miles, it seemed potholes are much more numerous than last year - it'd take a couple of hours of admin to document and report every one I encountered, plus the time taken stopping to note GPS position and take photos.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
" Affected areas will be cut out and patched, rather than the current method of filling and repairing the pothole itself.

The council has acknowledged that the new method is both more expensive and more time consuming, but has argued that roads will be left smoother and more hard-wearing, meaning a pothole is less likely to reoccur. "

" The cost of repairing the UK's pothole-ridden roads would exceed £14billion, according to a report. "

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2022
" The cost of repairing the UK's pothole-ridden roads would exceed £14billion, according to a report. "
Then they need to start fixing the potholes in the cycle lanes they've only recently built (obviously on the cheap given the nick they're now in), a lot of the lanes here are positively dangerous with potholes/bits missing...


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015



Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
The Russians are using those ATV type motorbikes. They park up and lie in a hidey hole waiting for the Ukraine tanks to come. When they do, they blast it with their RPG, jump on their motorbike and disappear into the forest, then reposition for the next one. It's an extremely effective low cost strategy. The poor Ukraineans are getting annihilated. Their "spring offensive" couldn't get through. You have to hand it to the Ruskies. They've always been masters of strategy, as indicated by their chess players.

That Wagner uprising is more 3D chess. It's not what it seems. Prigozhin and Putin are very close friends and their friendship goes way back. I'm going to guess that they're lining up for an attack on Kiev from Belarus, or even that's a misdirection to confuse their enemies.
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Oct 25, 2006
The Russians are using those ATV type motorbikes. They park up and lie in a hidey hole waiting for the Ukraine tanks to come. When they do, they blast it with their RPG, jump on their motorbike and disappear into the forest, then reposition for the next one. It's an extremely effective low cost strategy. The poor Ukraineans are getting annihilated. Their "spring offensive" couldn't get through. You have to hand it to the Ruskies. They've always been masters of strategy, as indicated by their chess players.

That Wagner uprising is more 3D chess. It's not what it seems. Prigozhin and Putin are very close friends and their friendship goes way back. I'm going to guess that they're lining up for an attack on Kiev from Belarus, or even that's a misdirection to confuse their enemies.
One thing is certain, the Russians are not going to let go of the territory they've gained, with its control of both the Azov and Black Seas and the direct land access to Crimea.

I can foresee a future cease fire with a UN blue beret force on the current boundaries acting as the peace keepers.

Much longer term Ukraine will come to its senses and realise being a bad neighbour is stupid, and wanting to be in NATO on Russia's border is being a very bad neighbour indeed. Georgia has finally realised that, hence the new accord between them and Russia and their former pro NATO membership president in prison. Zelensky should be more careful if he doesn't want to end up the same way.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
Much longer term Ukraine will come to its senses and realise being a bad neighbour is stupid, and wanting to be in NATO on Russia's border is being a very bad neighbour indeed. Georgia has finally realised that, hence the new accord between them and Russia and their former pro NATO membership president in prison. Zelensky should be more careful if he doesn't want to end up the same way.
If only it were that simple! This isn't a war about people nor territory. It's the New World Order against The Old World Order. The deep state NWO guys have been using Ukraine as a hub to do all their dirty deeds - money laundering, drugs trafficking, people trafficking and now organ harvesting. They also set up all their biolabs there, where they probably made the Covid 19 virus. That's why they're all sending billions of their taxpayers money there to try to keep the Russians away. They're running out of options, so it's going to start getting interesting. Get your popcorn ready. Nearly everything you read in the papers and see on the BBC is complete bunk - remember the Ghost of Kiev and the heroes of Snake Island? They've never stopped since they started with those fairytales. They all fell for the "uprising" against Putin and ran with headlines saying he was finished. It doesn't quite look like that now, does it?
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Oct 25, 2006
They all fell for the "uprising" against Putin and ran with headlines saying he was finished. It doesn't quite look like that now, does it?
I didn't fall for this for one moment as my posting record shows, insisting Russia will come out of this conflict on top in the end.

Even before the "special operation" started I posted that the true objective was to take control of the two seas by seizing Ukraine's south, Kiev only a option if it fell quickly. I even posted maps and a photo illustrating this, two days before the invasion.

NWO involvement I don't see, but accept it's possible. Not important though since it will never succeed. Ukraine, like Russia, is so utterly corrupt that their involvement in anything isn't reliable.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Prankster paints rude shapes on road to highlight poor state of town's potholes
Pranksters have drawn crude penis-shapes around potholes on a road in Stroud, Gloucester, which has been responsible for causing several flat tyres

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Oct 25, 2006
Route up to 50 garages at the top of this 14% hill. With each passing car the hollows in this council road get deeperP1180801.jpg:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
Prankster paints rude shapes on road to highlight poor state of town's potholes
Pranksters have drawn crude penis-shapes around potholes on a road in Stroud, Gloucester, which has been responsible for causing several flat tyres

Was that you, Soundwave?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Analysts at Leeds Uni have conducted that E- cars cause twice as much road damage then ICE cars due to their extra weight.
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Oct 25, 2006
Analysts at Leeds Uni have conducted that E- cars cause twice as much road damage then ICE cars due to their extra weight.
That report has already been rubbished.

The average increase in weight is far too low to double the road damage, or even increase it to any extent. A comparison across a large range of e-cars and their ic alternatives show from 11% weight increase in smaller cars up to a maximum of 30% increase in the largest, longest range ones. The report misses that e-cars have been deliberately designed with lighter materials to offset the battery weight and they have wider tyres with more rubber area onto the road to offset the weight carried.

It doesn't even begin to have much effect compared to that caused by loaded vans, pickups, trucks and buses.

A practical example, my 2018 Nissan Leaf weighs 1510 kilos. An identical size Ford Focus ic car weighes 1360 kilos. That is just 11% heavier, the equivalent of the Focus carrying two passengers or one very heavy one, hardly doubling road damage.

Please, don't fall for this sort of nonsense. From the outset the petrolheads have been conducting a sustained campaign of untruths against e-cars, all of it utterly dishonest. Like the false claim that e-cars are more environmentally damaging over their life. In truth it had been shown that they are 65% less damaging over their life.

Of course if you want the roads to continue to be full of noisy, smelly, polluting diesel and petrol cars, then carry on helping the petrolheads who are too selfish to give up their anti-social toys.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015




if they did not make the roads out of crap in the first place ie like a runway then we would have no pot holes but the local councils deals with this and there all fkn useless twats.

dont forget ten years ago they was saying ebikes would destroy the trails and banned them from bike parks.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
The great weight debate: why are cars becoming heavier?

"crossovers are the choice of many "

Call for car park designs to evolve due to heavier electric cars
Many multi-storey car parks designed for cars of 1960s and 1970s

" For example, the 1970 Mini 1000 ( :D ) - a popular saloon from the day - weighs 620kg whereas the Kia E-Niro, a contemporary electric car, weighs 2,230kg. "

The Mercedes EQV can weigh up to 2,921kg.

Domestic road freight statistics: Methodology note

Longer lorries to be allowed on Britain's roads

Patterns and trends in excess weight among adults in England

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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 9, 2021

Reported on fixmystreet on Wedensday, saw it was marked with yellow paint on Saturday.

And sometime between circa 15:00 Saturday and 10:00 Sunday (today) its been patched up !

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021